3. Baby from above

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In 1556 Gor, Ingolf and Andrea had to go home to a land few had stepped upon because of a letter. "Wait that Ancient bastard got out" stated Gor after reading the letter. Then he sent a reply and they left.

In 1557 when I was 22, while in church it was announced that I would get married to Christine Tailor. I bet you know what her father does. She was a nice and kind lady with the most beautiful smile. She is also my childhood friend.

Over the next year I was getting to know Christine. We could of course only see each other while being supervised by one of our fathers or her mother. One day after one of those such outings I went to train in the woods near The Witches Circle. I was practising hunting with my nose. I had to because animals are scared of me so they go nowhere near town. I breathed in and I found a smell that felt like a big red deer stag. I went towards it at lightning speed leaving holes as I went. I found it near River Ribble as soon as I saw the deer the deer smelled me and ran. "Fuck, You got to be kidding me!" I screamed in rage as I removed my clothes stuffed them in a small chest. Then I shifted in to my ware like form and began to continue the chase while holding the chest. We ran through valleys and hills for about 10 minutes he was breathing heavily and slowing over time when I found him on the ground with his hart exploded out of his chest. "Thank you for your sacrifice. You where a noble opponent" I whispered in his ear as I snapped his neck with my hands to end his suffering. I then cared Him back to The Witches Circle where I shift back open the chest and put on my clothes. I drag the deer in to town making it look like it is heavy. Bringing it to the shop to be processed before dad sees it has no heart. On my way there. "How did that happen young Frank." said a old man in a black gown with white collar. While ponting at the deer. "Not really sure Father Alexander, I found it like this while hunting. I am just going to process this prize" I said slightly scared because if Father Alexander know the truth he would have me crucified. "Ok my child have a good day. God be with you." Father Alexander said smiling as I continued my way through town towards the shop. "That scrap is not worth 5 silver coins" screamed an angry customer while pointing at a glorious peace of duck. While they were fighting I snuck in through the back door and began to process the deer after I was done I snuck back out and come in thru the front to find dad was arguing with Mark Tanner. "You will pay full price or get out of my store. O hi frank how was your date with Christine?" said dad while Mark left angry. "It was good, really starting to get to know her" I answered awkwardly. "Don't you worry it takes time to get to know someone in that way, hey it took me and your mom several weeks to get to know each other and you have know her as a friend for ever." said Dad with hope. "Dad, you and mom where 23 and 19 when you met not 5 and 8" I replied. Later that night as we are about to close up the store I heard a roaring sound overhead and I begin to smell fire. When I went outside stars where falling from the sky and checking the woods on fire. So me and a lot of other young men from town ran to make sure the town did not burn to the ground. I ran straight for The Witches Circle when I got there it was a blaze I began putting it out. When I was nearly done I head a weird sound behind me. It was a deer but it had too many teeth and purple forward facing predatory eyes like a human then it charged at me with it's mouth. I shifted my hands. It then bite my shoulder and ripped it out. I slashed at it trying to end this quickly but my hand started getting pulled in to it. As it goes for a second bite to my shoulder, the first bite rushes out of it's stomach then once it reaches me. I see that deer like thing is missing a tooth. Next thing I know I hear thousands of voices and it is inhumanly screaming while melting. My hand quickly starts to heal and when I look over where the thing should be I see a human baby. When I carefully pick up the baby I see that the eyes are the same purple as the things eye were. "Wwhho are you and who am I" it was kinda saiding in side my head with a feminine voice. "I am Frank, I am will I am not human as for you I don't know what you are." I stated. "I am a Clintar but more importantly I am alone. We have stop talking only you I hear" it said in my head while the "baby" started cry. "Hay Frank is that you crying?" Asked Henry, Father Alexander's apprentice. " No, Henry it is a baby I found." I said while raping the thang in my under shirt. "Oh look the ungrateful bastard has his own ungrateful bastard." said Stein with anger but also some mischievous glee in his voice. "What said that?" asked the thing in my head while the baby made bubbles. "That was Stein don't worry about him also are you trying to learn to talk?" I ask in my head. "Yes but speaking with flesh is hard." it stated. "We should bring the baby to Father Alexander he will know what to do." Henry stated way to happily for someone who had to fight a fire at night in a long robe. "Ok" I said while caring the "baby" in to town. "Don't eat people" I told the baby thing telepathically. "I can't me no longer a we. So without you I alone." It said while the baby began to cry. "Will if you are going to stay what should I call you?" I asked telepathically. "I do not have a name occasionally I am called 42." It stated but I know I could not call them that. "Humm how about I call you Yi considering that the only part of you that does not change are your distinctive eyes." I replied telepathically while pressing the baby's nose. "Yes that name sounds great" Yi stated while grabbing my finger and laughing. "That baby really likes you." said Henry. "Thanks I think I will call them Yi." I said as I tried to get my finger back. "Wait you have not checked the child's gender?" asked Henry. "They are not my child, it seamed a little weird to do but if you really need me to I can check?" I asked. "Yes please it seems more respectful to identify them correctly" Henry replied. "Ok I will look" I said out loud. "What is your pronouns." I asked telepathically while checking what the body had. "What are pronouns?" asked Yi. "Pronouns are like he/him, she/her " As I said this I thought of me, thus show a mental image of myself and as I say her I thought of Christine, thus show a mental image of her. "Or they/them but that can only be used if you don't know there pronouns. Your body seems to have the parts for a male or he/him but your vice in my head sounds like female she/her." I said telepathically. "He? Her? they/them? What do these words mean?" asked Yi telepathically. "Hummm will which sounds better to you I guess." I said. " if this forum is male. He/Him then I guess that is what I am." said Yi and weirdly this whole discussion took 5 seconds. "Yi is a boy are you happy you creep." I said jokingly as I actively continued walking to town. As we walked I look back with the light amount of moon light and saw ten plumes of smoke coming up from the forest. Upon reaching town we saw Father Alexander. "Father Alexander we found something in the woods you may what to look at." Henry said as we walked over to Alexander. "Wow, They look so cute. Where did you find them?" asked Alexander while looking at Yi. " We found him near The Witches Circle while dealing with the fires. We where calling him Yi. Do you happen to know who's he is?" I stated as I held Yi. "You know I do not belong to anyone and that I will be going with you" Yi told me in my head while the baby gave me a serious look. "I know but we must make it seem like I do not know you" I replied . "Ok let see the baby, hand him over." Alexander told me. "Ok? Here you go." I said as Yi tried to hold on with his baby hands. "Ahh he seems to like you. Now lets see take this" said Alexander as he handed me my under shirt then Yi was lifted up in to the air butt naked and slowly turned so he could see Yi from all angles. "He weirdly looks like you Frank when you where this young he even has a little tuft of hair." Alexander stated with a questioning look. "Yay that is weird isn't it." I replied. "Yi why do you look like me when I was a baby?" I said in my head. "That is because I copy whatever I eat. Do you not do that?" Yi telepathically replied while the body was still being examined. "No I do not copy what I eat." I replied in my head. "Frank could you come over here I need you to answer a question." I followed Alexander away from everyone else "Is Yi your son and if so who is his mother?" Asked Alexander in a whisper to my ear. " No he is not my son I found him in the woods during the fire. Why do you ask does he resemble me as a baby so much that you think he my be mine and some mystery girl" I replied back with a whisper. "Well yes he does weirdly look like you for someone who is not related to you and you have been going to The Witches Circle as will as deep into the woods a lot lately. Which is where Henry said you found him that it makes me wonder" replied Alexander. "Well as I stated before I just want to find his parents as will as make sure he is taken care of." I said a little angrily. "I know that but all the evidence points to him being related to you. I under stand he is not yours" as I got ready to argue with him. "And that he could not be your father's since you're Mom is no longer with us" Alexander stated. "Not to mention he is a family man" butted in Henry. Alexander and I turned staring at him. "Sorry not part of this, I will just go back over there" He said while pointing at where he used to be standing. "Wait, Henry since you have already heard what is going on. Maybe you can help us figure out a solution as to what we should do with Yi. Since I cannot figure out who he belongs to." Alexander stated. "Will Frank could keep an eye on Yi until Sunday and then you could have Frank come up to the front the church with Yi to see if he is belong to anyone. Since we know that Yi likes Frank" said Henry while Yi tries to nod his head. "Sounds good to me here you go Frank" Alexander said while handing me Yi who I wrapped back in my under shirt "Now give me a few minutes to talk to Mayor Oliver Cobbler then I will accompany you home to explain to your father what has been decided." Stated Alexander. " Oliver how is the Fire fighting going?" asked Alexander. "O hello Father Alexander umm the fire fighting is going pretty well" He said while pointing at the multiplying smoke plumes. "But there are multiple people who say there was some weird noises near The Witches Circle about five minutes ago." Answered Oliver. "That is weird because Frank just found a baby boy there" said Alexander. "I wounder if they are connected?" asked Oliver. "Hay maybe that poor baby lost his parents to a horrifying monster in those woods." Alexander stated. "You think it could be the same thing that happened to Stein?" Oliver asked. "Probably not as fair as we know Stein just left town. On a different note is there any way I can help you deal with the fires?" Asked Alexander. "No Father Alexander, I think we have everything under control here but thank you" Mayor Oliver replied. "Ok bye, come on Frank let's go" said Alexander happily while walking over to me. So we walked through town towards home with the occasional people stopping and stating "O he is so cute. What when did you get a kid Frank?" then Father Alexander would have to explain the situation and we would continue on our way until inevitably it would repeat itself. That happened five times in 25 minutes. "Hay Dad are you still up? Alexander and I have something we need to tell you, as will as show to you." I said while walking in to the house. "Yes, I am back here what do you need to sa, Frank what is that, is that a baby." said Dad as he walked out from the back. "Jack let me explain what is going on" Dad nodes letting Alexander explain " Ok so Frank was out stopping the fires when he found a baby." Alexander stated pointing at Yi. "We call him Yi and we have come up with the plan. Frank will watch Yi until Sunday where he will come up to the front of the church and show Yi to everyone to see if he is someone's." Alexander Stated. "Alexander are you trying to ruin my son's engagement? Why can't you or Henry take care of Yyi?" Dad asked angrily with a hint of fear in his voice. That scared me more then any witch. "Will he really likes your son but if you fill this is a bad idea then I will take him." Alexander said as he reaches out to grab Yi. "Yaww, YYYi why is there a excruciating pain my chest were we are touching?" I asked telepathically. "I produce Mancoon spines. They are the strongest thing known to space." replied Yi. "Why, how, and can you remove them they hurt" I replied back. " Why, because as I communicated before I only have you and I will not lose you. As for how, I have eaten Mancoon several times in the past and can I remove them. Yes but I do not know if you would survive." said Yi monotony at first, then considered at the end. "Don't worry I can survive a lot. You will need to remove it slowly." I said. "Why?" asked Yi as he removed them slowly. Sadly at the same second as the spines started to slowly come out Alexander rapidly pulled Yi away. "Aaaaww Yi do not attack them just reach out with your human hands." I said telepathically with fear in my tone as I try to hide the blood from them. "Wow he really does like you Frank" said Dad while Yi thrashes, screams and over all does everything a normal human baby could to get back to Me. "Jack I told you that Yi does not like being aport from Frank" yelled Alexander knowingly as Yi gets louder and more violent in his arms "Ok, Frank can watch Yi for a few days if he goes and tills Christine about all of this." replied Dad. "Oh ok I will do that first light tomorrow, come here Yi" I said as I walked in with Yi to go sleep. "O my son I hope your marriage does not end because of a infant not yours before you could even try to get a spark of love." Whispered my dad as I vanished up the stairs. " Frank who is Christine?" asked Yi telepathically. "Christine is my future wife." I replied as a image of her was shared thru our connection. "What is a wife?" asked Yi. "Well a wife is a female, she/her that you want to spend forever with and have offspring with." I informed him. Turns out his race repredoses via a process similar to Mitosis where one organism divides seemingly in to two organism. The next day after we finished opening the shop I took Yi and we went to till Christine why I now have a baby. "Why must we till her what Aalexandder thinks happened?" asked Yi telepathically. "Because how else am I supposed to explain you to her. Do you want me to tell her that this baby was once a deer that tried to eat me but don't worry my shoulder ripped itself out of his throat." I said sarcastically. "Ok I understand why tilling her the truth in this scenario would be bad but do you want to lie to your your um, your WWife?" said Yi. "No I do not want to lie to her so I will till her what Alexander knows for now. Then in the future once we are married I will show her the truth of every thing." I said fearing her reaction of the true me, as we walked down the hill to Christine house. Once we got there I knocked on the door. "I am coming just one moment" said Christine while we hear thumping coming from in side. Her family's house is on top of there shop just like my family's. "Hello we have no deliveries scheduled for to day, O hi Frank how are you honey, come in. Dad, Frank is here we will be in the show room!" said Christine smiling ear to ear when she released it was me at the door then turning a bright shade red after calling me honey accidently and covering her face as we walk I into the shop part. Then we hear ok I will be down soon coming from upstairs " Hi Christine I have something I need to tell you and someone for you to meet." I said as I followed her in to the shop which was closed at the time. "Frank what do you need to tell me?" asked Christine as she seat in a purple fluffy single piece wraparound back chair. "So Christine this is Yi, I found him in The Witches Circle while fighting the fires last night. Father Alexander and I have decided that I will be watching him till Sunday where I will come to the front of the church and see if he is anyones." I said handing Yi to Christine. "Frank he is vary cute and I do want to squeeze his checks but what if no one claims this ccuuttiiee on sunday?" asked Christine while playing with Yi. "Alexander and I have not discussed what would happen if no one come forth to claim him but I would not be opposed to keeping him. So after learning what has happen and what may happen how do you feel about this union?" I said. "I see no problem with what has happen or what may happen" said Christine. "And you Mr. Tailor?" I asked knowing he was there for most of the time I was talking to Christine. " How in the world did you know I was there?" asked Marcas Tailor aka Mr.Tailor after coming around the curtain that divides the front and back of the shop."I have vary good hearing Mr. Tailor plus I know you don't want rumors so you would most definitely be near. So I ask again how do you feel about what has been decided?" I said looking at Mr. Tailor as he sat on the raised plat form in between the chairs. "Will Frank most of it sounds good but why is the baby being called Yi?" asked Mr Tailor while looking over to Christine holding Yi. " O that is quite simple his eyes are purple so I chose to call him something that alluded to it and I think Yi sounds nice. "O so they are purple cool will then there is just one more concern. That you two have some kids of your own not just this little guy." said Mr Tailor while playing with Yi. "Dad we are not even married yet. Sorry that you have to hear that." said Christine as she begins to blush and hit her dad with the side of some fabric scissors. Then we heard someone taping on the window it was Mrs. Baker. "Seems it is time for me to go come here Yi. Christine, Mr. Tailor, goodbye and have a good day." I said then I walked out the front door. "Good morning Mrs. Baker how are you?" I said. "I am doing well. Frank why where you at the Tailor's?" asked Mrs. Baker as I continued down the road. "Just figuring out the last little details." I replied while hiding Yi so I would not be stopped with questions on my way back home. " Dad, do we still have some of the stuff I used as a baby?" I asked as I walked in the door. " We may still have it if we do then it will be in the crawl space trunk." Dad replied while preparing chicken. I nodded and walked over to the stairs.Then I sit Yi down next to me and I carefully lifted up the fifth step revealing a small trunk covered in dust, dirt and a unreasonable amount of spiderwebs. After removing it from the hidey-hole in the stairs I opened it in side there was a baby rattle made of stick with a circle pouch sealed with beans inside, some white unisex baby clothes that resembled a night gown and a padded basket. "What are those?" asked Yi telepathically while looking in the trunk. " those are some old clothes" pulling them out as I informed him "a old toy and a basket to carry you around town easier." the telepathic communication gave me time to explain why he would need clothes and what a toy is as will as how it is used. " Dad I found the trunk what do you think?" I asked while caring Yi over in the basket as he was wearing actual clothes instead of my under shirt. "Frank I think that Yi is vary cutie in your old clothes. I also think that either you or I need to find a goat so he can eat something." "Yaaay I get to eat a whole goat!" Yi telepathically screamed. "No Yi you don't get a whole goat to eat but you do get to drink it's milk." I said. "Why would I want to drink the lactations of another when I could have meat." replied Yi angrily. "is meat the only thing you eat?" I asked. "Yes!" replied Yi. "So how do you know you won't like milk. Plus it will help you hide and stay with me." I said. "Ok I will try milk." replied Yi annoyed that he has to try the weird white secretions of a goat. "Ok Dad I will go to the Pond farm and see if they have a reasonably priced goat." I said then I walked out the door and down the hill while carrying Yi in the padded basket. Ten minutes later I was approaching the Pond farm. "Hello Mrs. Pond I was wondering if you have a goat for sell?" I asked. "O hi Frank. You need a goat?" as she says that I nodded my head "Why do you need a goat?" asked Mrs. Pond. I then show her Yi "Mrs. Pond you will learn ware this cutie come from tomorrow at church. Right now I need a goat so he can eat something." I said. "Ok Frank that will be 20 silver coins for a milk goat and one bronze for goat food." said Mrs. Pond. "Here you go Mis Pond." "thank you follow me Frank to the back." She then showed me a pen with four goats in it. "Pick one." said Mrs. Pond. "I will take that one." I said while pointing at a brown goat with a white stomach and horns that go up to the sky then back towards its butt. "You have chosen J and you get her kid George. Here is the lead for J and the food." said Mrs. Pond. "Thank you Mrs. Pond, I will take good care of them. Come on J." I said as I walked up the hill with J on her lead, George following her. Yi in his basket being carried in the some hand that was holding the lead and the food was in my other hand. "Dad I have the goat and it came with a kid." I said while entering the shop. "How much did they cost?" asked Dad. "She cost 20 silver the kid was free and I payed one bronze for food." I replied. "Ok lets get them situated then we need to see if Yi wants to eat." said dad as he brought J and George to the very small yard behind the shop. Then he tied J to a post while George wandered around nearby. "Ok Yi it is now time for you to at least try the milk and not eat the goat" I said telepathically. " I promise to try the milk." I look at him, he sigh "and I promise to not eat either of the goats." replied Yi. "Ok Dad lets see if Yi is hungry" I said as I walked out into the back yard with Yi. "What are you doing Frank? " asked Yi telepathically as I lowered him to a nipple. " what you said you would try the milk." I said. " yes I said I would try the milk but what does that have to do with this?" said Yi while sharing a mental visualization of the nipple. "Yi that is where the milk comes from. You must suck on the end." I said. " but it is filthy." said Yi. " I was going to wipe it off with this rage." I said while holding up a pristine white rage. "O then whip it off so I can get this over."said Yi. "here you go now try."I said after pulling away a very brown, very wet rage. Then Yi mimicked what he saw George do earlier and he latched on to J. "why is this so good." said Yi telepathically while J looked a little surprised. "Dad he is eating Yi is eating" I said actually excited. " Wow Yi must be very hungry" said dad a little scared because Yi was latched on to J so tight he was free handing. After 20 minutes I tried to remove Yi but my dad said to just let him finish eating it should only take another 10 minutes. 4 hours later " You shit eating bastard how dare you interrupt my meal, hey look at me when I am talking to you lower life form" was telepathically streamed by Yi while the baby body cried because George headbutted him off of J. "O you are finally done." I said. " wait how long has it been?" asked Yi scared. " It has been 4 hours and i think we need to cut back on how much milk you have." I said. " did he finish yet Frank." "Yes Dad he finished eating." I said while putting Yi in his basket then putting it just behind the counter so that we can run the store while keeping a eye on him. The rest of that day we just sat at the shop, we souled four boars, six dears, and 20 assorted birds. The next day we got up, ate some porridge and got all gussied up for church. Dad wore a blue over shirt that was bought by my great great granddad it had lots of patches and nice heeled black shoes. I wore a faded green over shirt and nice black shoes. Yi wore the some thing he always did a white gown and a cloth diaper. " Are you ready Frank?" asked Dad. " yes I am" I said as I walked down the stars. We then walked down the road to the church. "Welcome, hello, welcome how are you" said Father Alexander repeatedly as we approached most of the people said hi back as they walked past him into the church "Hi Frank are you ready?" asked Alexander. "I think so even if I am not I still have to." I replied then we walked into the church. We sat in the fifth row of pews at the very end of the male section near Mr. Tailor sadly Christine and Mrs. Tailor had to be in the female/children's section on the other side of the divider that split the church in half. At the time it was more important to hear the word of "God" then see the priest giving the word. "Hi Mr. Tailor how are you today?" I whispered. " I am doing will Frank I am also a little excited to see if this little guy will be my grandson." whispered back Mr. Tailor while quietly playing with Yi. "Welcome welcome please everyone set down I will be starting the sermon soon." said Alexander as he closed the doors, ushered every one to set and made his way to the front. Once he got to the front "I know that all of you have heard the monstrous sounds coming from the woods don't worry though we shall drive it out like Moses separated the red sea. We shall do this by releasing Mr and Mrs. pond's largest cow to draw the monster out into the light then we will kill it." Said Alexander and for the next hour he read several bible verses that told stories of men beating evil monsters. Once he finished the sermon he called me up. "Hi everyone two days ago during the fire I found this little guy. Do you know who he belongs to? " I asked knowing no one would while holding out Yi. After 10 minutes of bewildered silence "Well if no one knows who's he is then I guess if you ok with it he is now yours Frank." Said Alexander. I nodded in reply and Yi tried to hug me. Then everyone left the church. We went home to set up permanent accommodations for Yi. We pulled my old crib out of storage it looked like a long wooden milk crate with two rocking chair legs. We seat it up in my room while technical my dad put up a curtain to divide the up stares into two rooms. 

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