6. On the road

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In 1560 Yi started mimicking my resting face and Eli started mimicking Christine's singing it was squeaky.

In 1561 Eli started talking to a imaginary friend luckily it actually was just his imagination and not Stein. during the same time Yi was starting to makes sounds similar to letters.

In 1562 Eli's imaginary friend went away and he started being afraid of the voice a mysteres voice that Eil hears what trying to sleep. I told him it is nothing but know it is mostly Stein. Yi now can string two to three sentences together.

In 1563 Yi and Eli started chasing each other around while mimicking farm animals.

In 1564 Eli asked me why I could become a Crocodile man while mom could not. I taled him I was special and so was he.

In 1565 I started teaching Eli and Yi how to run the shop from acquiring merchandise, processing, preserving and selling.

In 1566 Eli stole a wild barry Pie from the bakers. When I found out I payed for it and scolded him.

In 1567 Eli asked why I did not sean to age. I taled him that Dad had something done to him that stoped my ageing and allows me to turn in to what he liked to call snowball to my grate annoyance.

In 1568 Gor, Andrea and Inglof come to meet Eli. He asked who they are. I then spent the next 6 hours explaining who they where and what they are with there permission. They then asked if he had inherited abilities. At the time he had not manifested any abilities.

In 1569 I was called to a town meeting. "Thank You Frank for joining us." said Mayor Oliver Cobbler. "Umm no problem." I said while where was a circle around me where no one would come. "So Frank we have two concerns first that you have not aged in the last 14 years and second at the same time a furry two-legged monster showed up in the woods care to explain ether of these." said Mayor Cobbler. "What do you mean I have not aged look at me." I said standing there covered in dried up tan mud with dark bags under my eyes from raising kids hoping that it made me look older. "Frank do you think us fools. We all can see that you are covered in mud as will as sleep deprived but you do not look a day older!" said Mr. Smith angrily. "Have you thought that maybe because you have all see me every day that it is harder for you to tell I have aged and why would you think I am this supposed monster." I said. "Why do we think you are the monster will all those people died to lightning that you seemed to survive then a hairy monster shows up near town and according to Murray Med you can run fast. Absurdly fast while carrying a fully grown women." said Mrs.Tanner. "I got luckily surviving the lightning, the monster near town is just a coincidence and for Mrs. Med's concerns I work out daily." I said. "It seems we have good arguments on both sides so the only way to solve this problem is to use holy objects.

Please come in Father Alexander." said Mayor Cobbler as Alexander entered the room caring several holy items. "Hello Frank just give me a second and we can get this silliness done. First holy water" said Alexander as he was putting my hand in water. Obviously nothing happened my hand was fine. Next he tried a crucifix forgetting they are everywhere again nothing except some anger from the crowd. "Will that should be all since you got married inside a church so Hallowed Ground has already be checked off. Wait Frank I just remembered what you said about silver lets get it done so we can get this all over with." said Alexander right before he dropped a pure silver coin in my hand and it melted right through it with a lot of smoke and screaming. "What the fuck Father Alexander what did you do to that coin?" asked Mess Cobbler the mayor's mom. "Wait look at that." said Mrs.Tanner as she saw all the blood, flesh and other bits of my hand flated back together healing my hand. "OW, O no, I I can explain it is not what it looks like I I hiss hisss hhiissss ( I O FUCK)." I said as I accidentally transformed in front of every one then I ran from the meeting. "Get the monster!" screamed Mrs.Tanner as she ran after me. 10 minutes later. "Christine! I I I aa accidentally changed in front of the town meeting. I we I we I we nnneed to leave town right?" I asked while panicking. " yahaan what are you screaming about?" asked Dad. "Frank was called to the town meeting he showed up accidentally transformed in front of every one and he is now freaking out about if we should run away or not." said Christine. "O yay you and Yi should probably leave. Go to Preston, contact Gor see his home for a few days let all of this blow over." said Dad piecing together the plan as he talked. I nodded and ran up stairs to pack. "Dad why are you packing so rapidly?" asked Eli. "I made a mistake kiddo so I am going to go to fix it with the help of Yi." I said as I put a warm coat in the trunk. " Can I come too?" asked Eli. " I'm sorry no E you can not come you must stay to help mom and Grandpa run the store." I said as I hugged Eli and we both began to cry. After 5 minutes of crying and goodbyes "Why are we leaving them?" Asked Yi as we started off for Preston. "We are leaving them to keep them safe." I said. "What Do you mean keep them safe?" asked Yi. "Well you and I are considered monsters by most other people because of our gifts. Since mom, Grandpa and Eli have no gifts it is safer for them to stay in Fare Tawer." I said. We then walked for 2 hours and 26 minutes to get to Preston. When we got there I made the same call I heard Andrea make when we first meet. 5 minutes later a bird landed I grabbed out the shet of paper I grabbed from the shop and explain everything that happened including asking if we could hide out with them for a bet. I then tied it to the bird and sent him on his way. It took 1 day 8 hours 53 minutes for the bird to fly to Gor have him write a response and fly back. It read "Hi Frank. I need you to Go to Bristol there they have a port big enough for my ship. I will meet you there in rough 4 and a half days." " ok we need to find a carriage going to Bristol."I said. We looked for 15 minutes until we found a merchant he said we could go with him to Bristol if we helped him load and unload cargo. We agreed to help, it took us 3 days to reach Bristol once we did we where immediately kicked off the carriage. We then began to search for Gor sadly I could not smell him, Andrea or Ingolf any where in the city. "HAY you Frank Boucher!" asked a tall bold man in a thick accent who was hanging out a doorway. "Yes, who are you" I asked. "I am Diamitri Nikolaev a friend of Gor's he said you both may need a room for the night." said Diamitri. "Yes we do need a room for the night." I said. "Ok follow me." said Diamitri as he walked inside and brought us up stairs. He then opened a door reviling a small room with a view of the port . "Thank you Damere." I said awkwardly. "Your welcome but it is pronounced Duh-emm-tree like your saying duh me tree." said Diamitri as he hit himself on the head then punted at himself then a tree out side the window. "Oh my bad Diamitri I will try my hardest to pronounced your name correctly in the future." I said. "Yes please do... well good night."said Diamitri before he walked out and down the holl to his room. The next day we woke up had breakfast and helped around the hotel until Gor got there at noon. "Hay Diamitri did Frank and his kid Yi show up today or in the past 3 days?" screamed Gor as he walked in the front door damp from the sea and smelling of fish. "AW Yes, we got here yesterday aw. Why did you not tell us about Diamitri?" I asked as I come out of a closet near the door Gor just walked in. "Oh did not realised you where so close guess I need to work on identifying things through my sense of smell." I did and do agree that he needs to work on that. " as for why I did not till you he was here it is because I forgot he was here in this town. There are so many associates all over the world its hard to remember where everyone is." said Gor jokingly. "Grab the bags." I said telepathically to Yi. "Yes yes so many Friends shall we go to the boat." I said. "Dad help I can't move the bag!" screamed Yi from our room. With out saying anything Gor and I both sprinted up the stairs braking them as we went. As we entered the room we saw Yi trying his hardest to movie the bag but going no where. "O huhu my bad Yi, I got the bags." I said before grabbing the bags. The second I did Yi fell to the ground exhausted. Gor had to pick him up and cary him to the boat. Gor's boat was a massive ship dwarfing all others with 8 finn like sails, boxy sides, 4 top side decks 1 in the front 1 in the middle and 2 in the back. "Gor where did you get a ship this big?" I asked while craning my neck back to see all of the ship. "I got it from a man named Xuande as payment for a job. Lets show you around." said Gor as he walked up a 2 carriage wide gangplank. "Wait before I show you around. Captain Ling Quon, home please." said Gor while looking at a man who had squinted eyes. Captain Ling nodded then started giving orders to the crew in what I at the time thought was a strange language but I now know to be Nanjing Mandarin. "So what part of the ship do you want to see?" "How about those." I said while putting at the 2 back decks. "Ok but those are just the crew quarters. I guess I could show you mine." said Gor as we began to walk to the back of the ship with Yi still in his arms exhausted. "While here it is." he said as he opened a set of double doors reviling a hug mahogany bed, a desk covered in papers and a wardrobe bursting with all sorts of strange clothes. "Wow cool bed looks comfy." I said. "What is the matter?" asked Gor. "Will on the way here I saw into some of the other room. They had personality like letters from home or paintings of laved ones. Yet all you have in your room is the basics and work why?" I asked. "Will it is for 2 reasons 1 I am not supposed to be on this ship it is to flashy I am supposed to take small ships, 2 I was born before the written word and it is really hard to describe someone you have not really seen in millenia to a artist." said Gor. "Millenia? Wait you are the oldest vampire excluding the ancient one?" I asked as we walked. "Yes I am the oldest remaining human born vampire. Moving past that depressing note what do you want to see next?" asked Gor. "How about whats bellow deck." I said. "Sure I can show you that." said Gor. On the way back to the maile deck I saw england was fading away in the distance. Then I went down a set of wide steps reviling most of the ship to be hallow. There was all sorts of treasures down there chests over flowing with gold, jewels of all sizes, 2 big cats 1 with a lot of fur around the head, mountains of furs, an absolute crap load of birds more specifically the birds they use for delivering messages that are flying in and out of the ship and a hundred things I could not describe. "So what do you think?" asked Gor. "It looks cool it would look even cooler if I could actually see it, please put me down." said Yi. "O sorry." said Gor as he set Yi down. "I have no words this is absolutely amazing, how did you all get this all?" I asked as we walked among it. "Will this ship is only really used for gathering the payment we are owed for the jobs we do. That is one of the other reasons why i'm not supposed to be on here. But you needed help so I come lucky I was in Germany and the ship was in Sweden getting all this from some happy witches." said Gor. "So you don't just work for the upper crust?" I asked while looking at the lions which I had never seen one before that moment. "Yes I do occasionally work for the upper crust but not who you would think. I do not work for aristocrats, I do not work for anyone I work with Alphas, Witch elders and vampires of all ages " said Gor. "Hum so nobles don't know you exist?" I asked. "Some do and some don't it depends on the person. Ok Frank lets get out of the workers way and I guess I need to show you the last bit of the ship the helm." said Gor then we went back on to the deck once we where up there I saw what I thought to be the island of Ireland fading in to the distance then I was over taking by a weird feeling I could barley stand then I throw up everything I eat that morning all over the place and had to hold on to the side of the ship. " first time with sea sickness?" asked Captain Ling Quon as the ship rocked under him. "What hhhhh is uuuuuuhhh seasickness hhhhhhhuuuu." I said through periodic vomit. "Basically it is that you are not us to the ground felling like its moving so you get violently sick sadly we don't have a remedy for it." said Captain Ling Quon. "The only thing you can do is lie down until we get there so I will have to wait on showing you the helm." said Gor. "ok where hhhhhuuuu am I sleeping?" I asked while hanging on to the side of the ship. "Umar help me get him to bed." said Gor as a big samoan dude walked up and started carrying me while Gor just lead the way to the room with Yi right behind Umar. The room was just like all the others a bed near one wall and a wardrobe near the other I was then gently set down on the bed. "Sleep Frank I will keep an eye on Yi." said Gor. "ok I will try to rest uuuuuu." I said while trying not to vomit. Over the next 13 days and 5 hours while I tried to sleep Yi pet lions, He learned how to drive the ship, he learn how to fish, he learned how to swim, he ate a shark for a bet he had with one of the sailers and he began relearning how to deliberately morph his form Gor told me all this once we reached their home.

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