12. New discoveries

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In 1570 Eli started his friendship with Simon Smith. In 1571 we started teaching Eli how to be a butcher and Mr. Tailor taught Yi how to be a Tailor. One family two important jobs. In 1572 Eli and Yi started to growing facial hair we also taught them to shave with a straight razor I know but that's all we had reader. In 1573 Eli started to be interested in women. Yi was not I told them to only get married for love. In 1574 Eli was in the thigh of puberty and because of us being open with him he was not scared when certain reactions to stimuli started to happened. In 1575 at the age of 17 Eli and Simon started staying out late and hanging out at The Witches Circle. I scared Simon once in my crocodile form there. In 1576 Eli started asking me if he will be like me and what that means for his future. I told him I don't know. In 1577 Eli realised him and Yi soon will need there own beds if they want to start families of there own. In 1578 Eli started flirting with Olivia Baker ever time there we in each others shops. Yi did not seam interested in any one he just liked writing to Ingolf. In 1579 Eli asked me to approach Mr. Baker with an offer for Olivia's hand in marriage. As a bride-dowry I offered some of my Mather's jewellery. Mr. Baker told me to keep it they don't need it what they wanted was to have me when the time comes make sure Olivia lived. I agreed telling them I don't think Eli would let me not. In 1580 We started planning Eli and Olivia's wedding they decided to have it at the church, Christine along with her parents made Olivia's dress and obviously Olivia's parents made cakes and pies for the wedding. At the same time I got a letter from Ingolf the letter said; " Hi Frank as you may know I have been corresponding with Yi. The reason we have been talking is Yi has discovered that he is actually she and she did not know how to tell you because she did not know how you would react. Thus they told me since I am old, and wise so before you freak out Frank you must remember gender is a new thing for her." after reading that I cried at the thought that Yi would ever think I would hate them. After I composed myself I went to fined Yi. I found her butchering a pig under the watch full eye of my father even though she has done this hundreds of times. "Yes put your knife right there." said Dad. " I know Grand Father I know." Said Yi as she expertly processed the pig. "Hay Yi when your done I need to speak with you privately in the backyard." I said as Dad got half way out of his chair before sitting back down at my words. 30 minutes later. "So what did you want to talk about Dad?" asked Yi. "Well I got this letter from Ingolf in it he says you are to afraid to tell me you have fingered out you are not who you thought you were and I couldn't be prouder that my sweet daughter is finding themself." I finished saying with tears in my eyes. "So you don't think I'm a viol monster that needs to be burned in hell fire because I'm not normal?" asked Yi. " Yi, your a beautiful being from outside of this world, I love you why would you realising your a girl instead of a guy make me not love you my daughter." I said before Yi tackled me to the ground. "Yes Yi, I am happy too but now how do we tell your mom or Eli and I have no idea how we are going to tell Dad about this." I stated. "Lets tell mom right now while grandpa is distracted with the counter and Eli is out working on his wedding." said Yi. "Ok as long as you are comfortable with telling her today." I said as Yi nodded. We then went upstairs to tell Christine. "Mom I have something I need to tell you." Yi stated. "Wait why is your Dad here with you? did you kill some one?" Christine asked. "What no, i did not kill any one" Yi then walked closer to Christine. "Mom I have realised that I am not your son." Yi stated. "Yi you will always be" She replied. "No mom let me finish so I realised I'm not your son I'm actually your daughter. What do you think?" asked Yi right before Christine squeezed the air out of Yi. "Son or daughter it does not matter to me just know you will always be my child even once you have outlived me." said Christine as she continued hugging our daughter. "So you don't hate me or think i should burn in hell?" asked Yi. "No I don't hate you and in fact I will love you till the end of my days. I'm guessing Dad told you the same thing." said Christine as she looked at me. "I did tell her the same." I stated. "So have you told Eli and what is your plan for telling Grandpa?" asked Christine. "I have not yet told Eli as for Grand Father we have no clue how to tell him." said Yi. "ok ok me and Dad will figure out how to tell grandpa. Do you fill comfortable telling Eli soon?" asked Christine. "Yes I would be fine with telling Eli when he gets back." Yi stated as we tidied up until Eli got home. "Hay Eli can I talk with you up stairs?" asked Yi. "Sure." said Eli concerned. "So has Stein said any thang about this?" asked Christine. "No, Stein has not made a fuss or a sly comment about this. Are you there Stein?" I asked "Yes, I am you waste of power. Why do you want to know?" asked Stein. "So your here but have found nothing to complain about?" I asked. "No why would I." said Stein. "Ok never mined." I said. Then they come back down and Yi told me what happened.. Eli asked "Who Did you kill?". I replied " Why does every one think I killed someone, any way I wanted to till you that over the years I have realised I am not normal. I realised I am not a man I am a women I am your sister. So what do you think?". Eli said "Ok while this will be a adjustment but I guess gender does not work the same for some one who can change there form but I will get used to you being my sister." after that they hugged and comeback down. "There is sill one question. Since you are now my sister do I still call you Yi or do you have a new name?" asked Eli. "That is a good question. What do you want to be called?" asked Christine. "Mmm no. No new name just keep calling me Yi." Yi stated firmly, "Ok we will keep calling you Yi." I said. "Now we have been thinking on how to tell Grandpa." said Christine. "Our idea is to tell him with all of us beside you." I said with a awkward smile hopping that I am giving my daughter enough support without going overboard. "Yay that sounds good." said Yi. We then waited till Dad was free from customers. "Dad Yi has something to tell you." I said. "O ok what do you need to tell me?" asked Dad. "So um grandfather I um I have recently realised that I am a girl not a boy." said Yi then Dad with a stern look on his face raised his hand. Yi ducked with her arms over her head and her arms in a instant got covered in plates harder then steel. "Why are you ducking?" asked Dad as he awkwardly held his arms out for a hug. "Wait you aren't mad, you don't want to hit me or think I should burn in hell for going against gods plan?" asked Yi as she stood back up and there arm went back to human skin. "No why would I want my Granddaughter hurt. Man or women it does not matter. I love you and if this is against gods plan then I guess we are fighting god." said Dad before Yi tackle hugged him.

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