10. Coming out

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The vary next day after hearing about Andrea losing her baby I left the house at the crack of dawn sneaking my way to the church on the roof tops. Once I got there I knocked on the door. "Be there shortly?" was said from the other side of the door. Three and half minutes later. "O hay Frank come in. why did you stop by so late?" asked Alexander with messy hair and night black bags under his eyes. "Father Alexander its morning the sun is rising" I said while pointing at the sun. "As for why I'm here I feel I need to explain to you why the silver coin went through my hand and I need to make sure you know that me being what I am now does not make me evil." "O the sun is up well i feel a little foolish now." said Alexander as he lead me in to his office there he sat at his desk with a mountain of old church documents on it. "Ok Frank explain what's going on because none of these have any answers." Stated Alexander as he hit the paper pile. "Umm so first magic is real." I answered. "I have told you it was every Sunday." He stated. "Yes you did Father Alexander. I never believed you anyway and Stein is a witch. He killed me with lightning." I Stated. "Wait Stein was controlling the lightning?" asked Alexander "Yes." I stated. "So he killed all those people?" He asked. "Yes he did to them what he eventually did to me. I was the only one the revival spell worked on, that spell now makes me really hared to kill and makes me immensely strong." I stated. "That does explain some of it but not the furry monster seen in the woods." He replied. "That is also me but that was not fully caused by Stein it was just awoken by him it is from my ancient ancestors apparently werewolves are a thing and I am one. Well I'm a crocodile with hair." I said. "Wait you can turn into a crocodile man?" said Alexander baffled. "Yes" I answered. "Does it hurt?" He asked. "No, it does not hurt it actually feels exhilarating everything is heightened." I replied. "Can I see it?" asked Alexander. "Sure but where should I remove my clothes?" I asked. "O yay just go out to the hall down towards the door take a right then go up the stairs my room will be at the end of the corridor." said Alexander. I did exactly as he said and I found a room bear of all worldly joy just a straw filled brick for a bed. I then removed my clothes carefully folded them and shifted. As I grow taller I started to realize that the ceilings up here where not vary high that lead me in to having to crawl down stairs with my clothes in my mouth. The second i was fully on the ground floor I stood fully up and walked to Alexander's office. " Henry Henry Henry how do I describe what is going on while Frank is back in town and it terns out he is no longer human luckily he does not seam to be evil." said Alexander. "Where is he right now? "asked Henry. "He went upstairs. He apparently has the ability to become a crocodile man so he went up there to remove his clothes to show me this crocodile form." said Alexander. "When will he be back?" asked Henry right before I knocked on the office door. "I think that's him now. Come in!" said Alexander then I walked in up right while handing my folded clothes. "Wow big, so big! and hairy?" said Henry confused. "Well I believe you now." said Alexander. "Wait Frank can Eli do this will he be able to do this." I shrugged not know if he will be. "Well ok, Frank you can turn back if you want." said Alexander. Immediately after he finished I ran up stairs and in to his room having to duck once up there then I shifted back to human got dressed quickly then ran back down the stairs. "How can we know you are really our Frank?" asked Henry. "Will you could ask me something only Frank would know." I said. "Good idea but what to ask?" Quested Henry. "When did we meet?" Henry asked. "We first met here in the church on Sunday roughly in 1544 when you were like seven." I said after five minutes of pretending to think knowing that to be the exact day I met Henry. Alexander then shuffled through the pile of papers on his desk. "Where did I put it?" said Alexander. "What are you looking for?" asked Henry while trying to remember if we met when he was seven. "I am looking for your transfer papers that say when you got here. Uh here they are. Mmm yes you did get here in 1544 at the age of seven." said Alexander. "So that proves I am who i say I am. Right?" I said. "Yes it does prove you are who you say you are." Alexander stated. "Now I would just like to verify you abilities so I will go through the list Father Alexander told me" said Henry while holding a actual list. I agreed and we began going through them. "First enhanced smell." He stated. Sniff Sniff "You ate potage and bread yesterday for breakfast." I said "Yes, you right next enhanced strength" He stated "Strength oh that can actually help me show off another one at the some time." I said before riping off my finger. " O my! Wait is your finger floating back to your hand?" asked Henry while he tried not to faint. "Yes I thought this would go faster if I showed you two abilities at once straight and healing." I replied. "O ok good thinking." said Henry from the floor as he turned a little green. "Next sight I don't know how you'll show this." said Henry. I walked around in his office and I looked up. "You have not dusted that bell in what 25 years." I said intently looking at the half hour steeple bel that hanged high above Alexander's desk. "Wow yes, it has been about 25 years sense I clean it. Very impressive." said Alexander "While that should be it right?" asked Henry. "Just my enhanced speed and memory left. But those are hard to show." I said. After that I just stayed in side till the next town meeting. 3 weeks later. "Thank you all for coming to the town meeting please set down we have many things to attend to." said Mayor Oliver Cobbler. "First up Frank is back." said Alexander as I come out of a closet. " Why have you brought this vile monster into a house of God!" yelled Mrs. Tanner. "Mrs. Tanner Frank is not a vile monster he is the same little boy we all saw grow up and you used to play hide and seek with." said Alexander "Now I understand that you all have concerns relating to what happened last time I was here but I would like to point out just like Father Alexander said I am still the same Frank you have all known since birth." I said. "Yay but the coin went through your hand how do you explain that?" asked Mr. Smith sounding scared. "truthfully I don't know why the coin went through my hand. I do know though that holy water, crucifixes and being on hallowed ground does not hurt me there for I can assure you I do not work for the devil." I said pointing at my self. "Just because you are not working for the devil and you may not be evil that does not mean that we should trust you this experience obviously has changed you for ever." said Mr. Shepherd. "Yes being what I am has changed me I can see more, smell more, feel more and generally do more now then I ever could before. That does not make this a bad thang it does not make me untrustworthy it makes me capable of defending us from everything else in the dark that wants to hurt us." I said. "Really you think we would believe your bean pole ass can fight and kill the monsters that lurk in the dark?" asked Mr. Shepherd dismissively. "Yes I do believe I can keep us all safe how will I do that like thissss." I said while shifting. "AAAAAAAAAA" THUD! " wow wow Mr. Shepherd are you ok. You hit your head on the ground." said Neeile the town doctor after Mr. shepherd got so scared he past out. "Aaaawww did you see the crocodile man too.?" "Yes that was Frank." Neelie Replied. "What!!!" screamed Mr. Shepherd before siting bolt upright seeing me and passing out again. THUD! "Frank, turn back or leave." said Neeile confidently. I tried to gesture that I need some clothes. "Someone go and ask Christine to bring Frank some clothes." said Henry pointing at the rags that where my clothes. Murray ran to my home and was back twenty five minutes later. She handed me the clothes I vary carefully cared them up stairs where I dashed into the mayor's office. I then got dressed and come back. So what other evil powers do you have." said Mrs. Tanner.

"Well like I have stated hundreds of times now not evil neither are my abilities my full list of abilities are enhanced speed, enhanced sense smell, enhanced sight, enhanced strength, enhanced healing that is what makes me look younger and as you all saw I can turn into a hairy crocodile man." I said. "Ok fine I will recede that you may not be in league with the devil but what says Eli is not." She replied. "And what are you trying to imply with that!" I growled out as my eyes subconsciously shifted. "All I am saying is that Elie's birth was a overly bloody one yet Christin lives." said Mrs. Tanner smugly. " How would you know that?" I asked slowly while looking for Murray. "It wasn't me." she said once I found her in the crowded. "Why?" I asked to the only ether person there besides Christin and Murray my mother in-law Mary Tailor. "Why? Why because Frank back then all I know was my daughter repeatedly dead of blood loss, then it would all go back in so yay I told my only living friend what was going on." said Mrs. Tailor almost screaming. "Hhhh fine yay my wife almost died giving birth to my youngest son Eli and yes only my weird abilities helped her survive it." I stated after standing there for several minutes listening to there heartbeats "Next I'm guessing you want to know if Eli has any abilities and frankly I don't know if he has or ever will have abilities." I said "So if you where not born this way how did you get your abilities?" asked Henry curiously. "So Stein is a witch he killed my with lightning and he brought me back that is why I am the way I am now." I stated. "Stein is a witch?" asked Mrs. Tanner. "He can control lightning?" asked Mr. Shepherd. "He killed and brought you back?" asked Henry. "Yes Stein is a witch. he can manipulate lightning. Yes, that does mean that he killed all those people with his storms and yes he killed me then bright me back why to make something like me. But he was not able to control me like he wanted to and no I will not till you any more of how he did this to me." I rambled out getting a little annoyed having to repeat myself self so many times in one day. "Ok thank you Frank does anyone have any more questions for him or can we move on to there business?" asked Mayor Cobbler. " I have one more question. Frank does Yi have any abilities?" asked Murray Med actually curious. I mimicked breathing in to calm my nerves because I was not angry with Murray. "Will Murray Yi is completely normal but she does know how unique I am." I lied as to not freak anyone with how terrifying Yi can truly be.

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