9. Home coming

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"So if them busting in to your tent was how you meet The Ancient One how did you become a vampire?" I asked as we waked up the stairs. "Will when they busted in head first I thought they where a smart animal like a dog because they where trying to use there hands to escape but still a animal. I saw they had broken my tent, one of the small bones used as a pole for stability was stabbing in to their chest. So I cautiously went over to put it out of its misery. As I was about to, They pull it out and chased after me. I ran out of the tent in hopes of getting help fighting what I still thought was an animal only to my horror find the camp in chaos everyone was either dead or severely injured. So I tried to scare them off by screaming and running at them. They were not scared in fact they laughed at me which meant they underestimated me caused them to get stabbed showering me in their blood then they bit me in half and ran off in to the woods. Me and several of my clans men were surprised to be waking up. We found everyone who survived as the sun was setting. After that it took us who should've of died a few years to figure out what happened to us it did not help that at the same time Witches and Were started showing up even among those of us who where not turned." said Gor all the way up the stairs. "Will that was not what I was expecting." I stated. "Then what where you expecting Frank?" Gor asked. "I don't know maybe for him to act like the devil trying to offer you vampirism in return for servitude or something like that." I replied as we reached the entryway landing. "Thats not how they work like I told you they want us human born all to die so they can in there own words cleanse Ailthar (Al-th-ar) of filth" as he was saying this I gave him a weird look "Ailthar is what their people called earth." said Gor. "Now get your ass on the boat or does Andrea have to go and get Christine." I immediately ran upstairs cracking the steps on my way to my room. Once I had everything we brought I then immediately booked it to the boat braking the stairs further with one chest in each arm and a screaming kid on my shoulders. "SLOW DOWN I'M GOING TO FaLL SLOW DOWN!" screamed Yi directly in my ear as I ran up the gangplank. "Good you made it." said Andrea right before the ship started its journey which only took 6 days and 5 hours from Greenland to England. We docked in Bristol then we walked out of town. I ducked behind a tree removed my clothes then shifted. I handed my clothes to Yi to hold. "Andrea do you want to race back to Preston?" I asked. "Sure but who is going to carry Yi and all this luggage?" asked Andrea. "What says anyone has to carry Yi. haven't you been working on your changing do you think you could do a deer?" I asked. Yi then nodded and began to bubble then his limbs got long, his head begin to lengthen after several horrifying minute Yi was a red deer. "That was way more graphic then I thought it would be." I stated. "I saw people die to the bubonic plague but damn that was ever so slightly less horrifying not by much though." said Andrea. "O you both are going to be mean then 321 bye." said Yi right before he start running. Oh shit. Hhuu. you get back here." I said as I lifted one of the chest on to my back and ran after him. " hhuu that is cheating." said Andrea as she lifted the chest and began to chase after us. 4 hours in to our race I am in the lead with Yi right behind me and Andrea in the back. Our race had caused a slight stampede and made 3 new vary small streams that is when we saw Preston in the distance. Over the next 30 minutes we slowed down to a normal fast walk and I shifted back while retrieving my clothes from Yi. He had to morph back into human so he could hand me my clothes. "Wait Yi how where you wearing your clothes while being a deer?" asked Andrea. "Ya how are your clothes not destroyed and how where you still caring my clothes?" I asked. "Uuummmmm the best way to put it is like having something in your mouth with out swallowing it except I can talk and it is literally under my skin." said Yi. "Ok weird and how do you know that?" asked Andrea as we neared Preston. "Will you guys have to remember I still know everything they know before I was separated and assimilating into societies is something they do a lot but more importantly I win." said Yi as he sprinted past me and in to Preston. "That that was a good race now lets go surprise mom shall we." I said slightly mad but trying to hide it as I grabbed Yi's hand. We then jogged back to Far Tower on the main road it took us an hour and half to get there. On our way through town we sneak past Mrs. Pond, the Baker's, Murray Med, Mayor Oliver Cobbler, Mr. Med separately from Murray, Mrs. and Mr. Tailor together sadly right as we where nearing home. "Frank you need to hurry up and get inside will talk later about what happened before you left." said Father Alexander as he shooed us away not noticing Yi or Andrea right behind me. Once we got home I grabbed Yi and jumped on to the roof then entered through the window it stayed loose after the first time I entered through it Andrea followed us shortly after. "Did you hear a window open?" Asked Eli a little scared. "No but I will go and check." said Christine as she started to head up stairs. "Thank you mommy." Eli replied. "your welcome sweety." said Christine right before she saw me. When she did she hit me with a stool. "Aaww it's me honey." I said mid beating. "Gggg yes I gggg know gggg it is ggg you Frank." Grunted out Christine as she continued to beat me with a now broken stool. "If you know it's me then why?" I whimpered out. "Gggg because you gggg in a month never ggg sent a letter to let ggg us know you where gggg alive." said Christine as she continued the beating me with what now could be considered scrape wood only good for a fire. "Mom you ok did you find any thang?" asked Eli from down stairs. "Yes Im ok it was just a spider a vary big spider." said Christine right a she stoped beating me. "Hi mom." said Yi timidly. Christine immediately bear hugged him. "O my darling boy how I have missed you. What brings you back?" she asked. "Will this knucklehead finally realise that being here would keep you all more safe then him leaving so I decided to bring him back without tell you to surprise you." said Andrea while I pulled my self back together on the floor literally. "O my bad I didn't even realise you where there." said Christine before squeezing Andrea as tight as she can. "Wwhhyy wwaass I tthhee oonnllyy oonnee ttoo ggeett tthhee sstoollll." I groaned out. "Because Yi is a child and Andrea was sending me letters letting me know what you where up to." said Christine as she stoped hugging Andrea. "Now i need you to once you have pulled your self together fully go down the stairs hug our son and explain how your back." 13 minutes later I made my way down the stairs. "Dad you're back! How? Why?" asked Eli. I then explain every thing including when I overreacted and left. "So you leaving put us in more danger then when you where here and before you left you didn't think you could defeat it." said Eil "Yes basically. How did you get so smart?" I asked. "Ingolf sends me books and Henry helps me read them will not as much any more he says I can do it my self now." said Eli beaming with pride. "Hu cool what books did he send you?" I asked he then held up a hand made book titled Every Thing I Know To Be True From Vesalius's De humani corporis Written by Ingolf Hallr. Eli told me it's about human anatomy. He all so had a book written by Gor it was about long dead animals he had to fight. "Ok Dad you've had enough time with Eli. Want see the new trick I learned?" asked Yi as he jumped in. "Sure show me what you got." said Eli. they then went in the back. "Glad to see they are still thick as thieves." I said. "Yes it is good they are still friends. Uumm So what is it like when Yi changes?" asked Christine. "AAAAA does that hurt?" screamed by Eli from the back room. I then gave her a cheeky smile. "So when he changes his body bloats, stretches and bends itself in to the proper shape as his skin morphs to its proper colour all this happens with out a single sound of pain." I said. "So vary little like you." said Christine. "Yes vary little the only things we share is the stretching of our limbs and our torso also that it does not hurt for ether of us." I said. "Andrea are you leaving soon or are you going to stay the night?" asked Christine. Andrea was looking at the kids and did not respond. "AANndrea!" I screamed. "Wwwwhat?" Andrea asked. "Will I was going to ask what are your plans but now I want to know way you where spacing out just now?" asked Christine. "I was just watching them play. " said Andrea while pointing at Eli and Yi as Yi chased eli while looking like a fox. And that got me wandering if my kid would have played like this?" Andrea relied. "You had a kid?" I and Christine asked at the same time. "Yes and no. I was pregnant several centuries ago, sadly they did not make it all the way, in fact they almost killed me, luckily Gor happened to be near by and he saved me you can probably guess how." said Andrea still watching the kids as tears start down her face. " "O please till me your husband helped you through that?" asked Christine. "Sadly no He and all the other men in my village said that it was my fault that my child died. They thought that I must have cheated or that I must have not wanted the child or a million anther things but the main point for them is IT MUST BE MY FAuLT NOT HIS NEVER HIS OR EVEN HEAVEN FOREBET A COMPLETE AND TOTAL ACCIDENT! " screamed Andrea through tears then Eli immediately ran in and hugged her. "Its ok Aunty Andrya." he said as he squeezed her leg. "Thank you Eli I know its ok but it still hurts sometimes when I think about it even though it happened hundreds of years in the past it still feels like yesterday. Um hh Christine to answer your question from earlier I will be staying for a few weeks " said Andrea as she cleared away tears and started laughing at how absurd she was being for crying over a 633 year old tragedy." 

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