5. Eli

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In late spring of 1558 2 weeks after the wedding Ingold, Andra and Gor all when back to there fortress. "Why are you leaving?" I asked whining a little. "We are leaving because you need to not be distracted by us and enjoy the time you have with your family." said Gor. "Yay get in there and see if you can make she squeeaalll!" screamed Ingolf before he was tackled to the ground by both Andrea and Gor. "Hhh sorry for that Frank. Goodbye see you in a awhile." said Andrea as Gor carried Ingolf in to the carriage. After they left we did our matrimonial duties for 5 months before something took root in that time we learned that my saliva can help heal others. We figured it out after I was to excited in the beginning and broke Christine's hip. I kissed her while trying to figure out what to do and it weirdly healed what I now know to be a lateral compression type 3 pelvic fracture or in layman's terms her hip broken in to at least 5 pieces. 5 months later we founded out she was pregnant when the baby kicked and almost knocked Christine off balance. Over the next 10 weeks I saw her get bigger and bigger with every stretch mark I got more scared. I was not scared of being a Dad but I was scared of doing it with out her. I was scared of her dying. I was scared of being the reason. "Hay Dad is the baby in there." asked Yi telepathically while I was having a mini freak out. "O yay Yi the baby is in there." I said. "Are they nice?" Asked Yi. "I don't know? I hope they will be." I said. " I hop so to." said Yi while goofily smiling. Then I felt Stein approach. "Why is she so fat? This is why women are disgusting and lesser then men." stated Stein. "So you are not always there. Good to know you where not watching us." I said. "What do you mean? No no that's not possible! Your undead that should not be. Mmmm ummm no your not undead you never made it to the other side did you your your UNDYING?" screamed Stein. "What are you talking about you crazy spectral bastard are you now dumb along with being out of your mind. I did die left my body and everything." I replied back angrily. "Yes left you body but never crossed over into what lies beyond. I hear it is a lovely city of diamond towers where it never rains of course thats probably what is above never heard of what is below." said Stein. "Don't worry you'll find out one day." I said flatly then I ignored Stein. Over the last 13 weeks of the pregnancy I tried to make Christine comfortable fearing the worst. "So are you comfy." I asked as I flushed a pillow. "Yes love I have enough pillows don't worry we will both be fine." said Christine lovingly while being surrounded by pillows in bed. Then the day came and I run from the house looking for Murray Med the midwife. I found her with my nose at her home. " Murray, Murray it's Frank Boucher you need to came now Christine has started!" I screamed while pounding on the door. Then I heard the clatter of utensils heading dishes right before Murray burst through the door and screamed for me to guide her. I then in a panic not thinking to hide certain things picked her up and ran at high speed leaving pot holes all the way home. "Wow that was weird" said Murray. "Murray Christine!" I said a little angry. "O yes where is she?" Murray asked. "She is upstairs along with her mother" I stated. She then run up the stairs with her bag of supplies. Yi and I waited downstairs for the full 18 hours delivery. Dad and Mr.Tailor occasionally stopped by but did not stay longer the 30 minutes. They did not like the screaming and crying. After the 18 hour I saw an angelic women walk throw the wall and up the stairs she was caring a glowing baby. On he way out she stoped and said hi Frank that one is going to be a hand full I then heard the cry of a baby. "They are here!" screamed Yi in my head. "Ow yes they are." I said. When I looked back the angelic lady was gone. My son was born March 1559. We then heard some one coming down the stairs it was Murray. She was wide eyed and pristinely clean disregarding the sweet. " So how did it go?" I asked scared. "They both are doing will, sleeping right now. Frank what is up with you and Christine?" asked Murray. "What do you mean?" I asked back. "Several times Christine had bleed out covering the floor and turning gray then all the blood would flow back in to her. She then would regain consciousness and continue to push that happened at least seven times. Then when he finally came out, congrats by the way you have a son anyway when he finally came out he had no blood on him just a little poo on him so what happened with you and Christine?" asked Murray again sounding vary flustered and scared. "Well nothing happened to Christine. I on the other hand have been changed by some experiences with Stein he did something out of this world to me." I said. "O ok well ummm you can go see your son now just try not to wake them i'm going home." said Murray before she ran home. I then ran up the stairs when I reached the landing I saw Christine and my son sleeping peacefully in the birthing chair. suddenly two shoes hit me upside the head causing me to fall all the way down the stairs. " WHAT DID YOU DO WITH HIM!" screamed Mrs.Tailor as she hits me with her shoe and clutched her crucifix. I lay at the base of the stairs taking her abuse. " it is me Mrs.Tailor it is Frank." I whimpered trying to hold back my croc in my rage. " If you are Frank then prove it." said Mrs.Tailor while holding her shoe above me. "How should I prove it? Ummm when I was 7 you and Mom would knitting while singing in front of the fire place" I said as tears slowly went down my face. "O my it is you. Wait then how do you explain what happened up there? She bleed all over the floor yet is now sleeping soundly upstairs with my grandson." said Mrs.Tailor. "Yay that so you know Stein" she nodes "He did an experiment on me it makes it to where most of me comes back when removed. I think it went to her because she was caring my blood." I said. "Huh so your unkillable. Wait is that also why you do not seam to have aged in three years. Does this mean he will be a baby for ever?" rambled Mrs.Tailor. "I do not know if he will but I hop not." I said before wishing my mother inlaw a good night and starting to head back up the stairs for bed. The next day I wake up seeing my son on the bed next to me asleep. I carefully got off the bed to look for Christine. I found her down stairs with Dad they where discussing what happened yesterday. "So you where not the one crying?" Asked Dad. " yay I was not the one crying I think it was Murray but I was some of the screams." said Christine. "That makes sense we did freak her out along with your mother." I said as I walked down the stairs. "Also are you ok did it freak you out?" I asked in Christine's ear. "It did freak me out a lot but that is what I must deal with to have you in my life. Now what should we name our son?" asked Christine. "How about Theodore." suggest Dad. "I don't know Mr. Boucher Theodore does not sound right." She replied. "Yay Da I agree it sound not quite right." I stated. "What about Leon." suggested Chistine. "Still a little off." I said. "How does Eli sound?" I asked. "That sounds good." said Christine. "It works I guess." said Dad bitterly. "Why are you being so sour that we did not choose Theodore?" I asked. "Because it is a gift that he is here." said Dad. "Yes he is." said Christine. "Yes yes he is." I said. "Sadly he may have never survived if I was not what I am." I said discreetly to Dad as to not hurt Christine more then I believed I was at the time. 3 hours later Christine and I went over to the tailor shop to proper introduce Eli. "His so cute with his blue eyes." said Mr. Tailor. "Yes he is so cute." said Mrs. Tailor shakily as she relived Eli's weird birth. "Mary why are quivering my love?" asked Mr.Tailor. "There there was a a incident at his his bbbbbirth." said Mrs.Tailor wide eyed. "What do you mean a incident at the birth?" asked Mr.Tailor confused looking at every one else for answers. "I think I know what incident Mom is referring to. So this may sound weird Dad but I bleed out about seven times while giving birth each time after a few minutes it would then go back in." said Christin. "That is the incident Mrs.Taylor is traumatised by but this is why Christine is alive." I then explained everything about the experiments and my abilities in excruciating detail. "So you can change in to a crocodile creature." I nodded "can I see what it looks like?" asked Mr.Tailor. "Sure but don't freak out." I said then waited two minutes till I got up went behind the curtain in the main room removed my clothes and shifted. " Wow does that hurt?" Asked Mr.Tailor as I walked out. Mrs.Tailor started screamed her head off with her eyes closed when she saw me. Her screams started to crack the mirrors throughout the house "Hisss hisss Aww aww stop SCREAMING" I screamed because Mrs.Tailor screaming caused me to forcefully shifted back in to human form then I started writhing on the floor in pane. I just writhed there trying not to hurt any one. "Mom stop you're hurting them." yelled Christine a she held out Eli who was Screaming and ears where bleeding. Mrs.Tailor did not hear her daughter. "MARY YOU NEED TO STOP SCREAMING YOUR HURTING Eli." yelled Mr.Tailor as he shock her. "WHAT WHat what do you mean I'm hurt him." said Mrs.Tailor right as she opened her eyes to see me on the ground naked writhing in pain with a pool of blood making its way back in to my ears and she saw Eli's ears also bleeding as he screamed with intermittent vomiting. "MOM why did you scram so loudly?" asked Christine as her ears rang. "Aww are you ok Frank?" asked Mr.Tailor as he shock his head trying to stop the ringing in his ears. "Yay I'll be fine in a minute." I said covering my self with my hands as I hobbled to get my clothes. 4 minutes later once we all had recovered from Mary's screaming. "Mom why did you scream so loud and long when you saw Frank's other form?" asked Christine again since now her mom can now hear her. "What do you mean darling does that not freak you out at lest a little?" asked Mrs.Tailor concerned. "No, not really, him having it makes me feal safe and in fact it is kind of cute, cuddly even." said Christine as she squeezed my arm. "Oh ok, I will try to not freak out in the future sorry Frank." said Mrs.Tailor capitulating to make Christine happy. " Ok, thank you, Mary, my love now is there anything else we should know?" asked Mr.Tailor. "Mmm You know how Frank found Yi in the woods." "Yes why?" asked Mr.Tailor. "While that was after he tried to kill me in the form of a demon deer." I said. "What do you mean a dddemon deer?" asked Mrs.Tailor. " Will he could change his shape in to anything he has eaten weirdly after trying to eat me he got stuck in a human form." I said nonchalantly. After that Mrs. and Mr.Tailor leaned close to each other muttered for six minutes. "Frank you know we love you even with the hang ups some of us have concerning the new things about you but we must strangely ask you to get both of your children get baptised immediately." said Mr.Tailor. "Ok I will go get Yi meet you at the church in ten minutes" I said before kissing Christine's cheek then I ran out of the shop at the speed of a normal human. Five minutes later as I, Yi and Dad where running to the church "Why must I be covered in this stagnant water?" asked Yi telepathically. "It is part of a cleansing ritual that Christine's parents want you and Eli to do." I said telepathically. "O I get to be near Eli ok I will do but only to protect him." said Yi. "He agreed to do it but only to protect Eli." I said to Dad sarcastically. "While at lest he actually loves his brother instead of being jealous." said Dad. "why should I be jealous?" asked Yi telepathically. "You have no reason to be jealous of Eli." I said out loud while glaring at Dad as we ran. We made it to the church in 4 minutes. "Yay you have finally arrived to clean your children of the original sin and any others Yi may have poicked up before you meet." said Alexander. "Yes let us clean them of all sin you have blessed the water recently right?" asked Mrs.Tailor. "Yes I bless the water every hour on the hour Mrs.Tailor." said Alexander then he beckoned Yi first senses he was older as Alexander deeped Yi Mrs.Tailor and I where both surprised that nothing happened. Once Yi was done he did Eli again there was nothing no fire, no sizzling , no screaming and nether of them ever cried once. "Father Alexander is this Baptismal font silver lined?" I asked. "No why would it be?" asked Alexander. "I heard it works against witches and evil spirits." I said. With the baptism over we all left the church. "How how how are they not unholy how can that be." muttered Mrs.Tailor to herself as we walked. "Mrs.Tailor did you ever think that what we are is natural so God does not care that we exist. Remember we have increased hearing." I said as I taped my ears. She looked embarrass. "Mom what does Frank mean by God does not care?" asked Christine then I and Mrs.Tailor estranged several looks. " Ok ok stop! Dear I was taking to my self about how I was surprised nothing happened with the baptism." said Mrs.Tailor. "What where you expecting to happen with my children when they touched the holy water!" yield Christine as we walks back home some people did look but they thought she had hysteria after child birth. "Wweell ffirst Cchhristine your eyes are ffff flickering ggrreen sseecond I tthought that the holy water would burn them, make them scream and over all confirm that they were evil. That did not happen so I was trying to figure out why. Frank suggested that it did not hurt them because they are neutral so God does not care that they exist." answered Mrs.Tailor sounding a little scared. "O,k I will escaped that all of this is starting to scare you but please stop trying to kill my children. Wait did you say my eyes are flickering green?" asked Christine. "They where flickering green but have stoped now." I said. "Why where they flickering?" Asked Christine. "I don't really know but I think something from Eli ended up in you giving you some of our abilities for what I hope is a short amount of time." I said. "Oh ok, I should probably be vary careful right?" ask Christine. "Well you will be more durable for some time but if you do die you will be stuck like you are for ever." I said. "Christine before you go in side I just wanted to make sure you know earlier with the holy water I was trying to protect you from what looked like evil to me at the time." Mrs.Tailor said as we approached the Boucher shop. I know you believed you where protecting me but you where not in fact on some deep hard to explain level I know Frank could never hurt his family." said Christine before she took Eli from Mr.Tailor then she walked into the house. "Bye have a good day." I said right before I followed Christine in to the house. "She was trying to keep you safe from something she has never seen." I said while tidying up the shop. "Yes but she could try to see it the way Dad does. Just rolling with it and having some fun with." said Christine from up stairs while drying off the boys and changing there outfits. "Your dad has always been more willing to have fun as will as liking big animals and your mom is more fact oriented with no facts she gets really over protective." I stated. "That does not excuse her reaction." said Christine. "I am not saying it does I am just saying it explains them." I state. "Does Grandma hate us?" Asked Yi telepathically. "NO Grandma does not hate either of you." I accidentally said out loud. "What did Yi say?" Asked Christine as she came down the stairs. "He asked if Grandma hates him and Eli which I said that of course she does not." I said as I took Yi in to my arms. "Yay Yi she does not hate you guys she is concerned for your safety." said Christine before she kissed both boys on the forehead. We worked for 6 hours selling, processing and preserving meats. We then had a loveley salted venison and vegetable soup for lunch. "Hay Christine I am going to take a quick walk." I said after I helped her clean the dishes. I then walked to see Mr. and Mrs.Tailor. "Hello Mr.Tailor its me Frank I need to discuss something with both of you." I said through the front door. "O come in Frank we where just finishing lunch." said Mr.Tailor. "What is it that we need to discuss?" coldly asked Mrs.Tailor from the table. "Well Mrs.Tailor im not sure if you remember when I talked you about Yi's abilities?" I asked. "Yes what about his abilities?" asked Mrs.Tailor. "Ok so you know he used to change his physical form" they both nod. "Will his mental status did not decrease, he understands everything we say and everything we do. He thinks you hate him and Eli because of the holy water." I said as tears started down my face. "But I was how could he but protection expel evil but." rambled Mrs.Tailor confused. " thank you Frank for bringing this to our attention we need some time to think this through. " said Mr.Tailor as he lead me to the door. I then walked home but as I went through the door. "How did she take it." asked Chistine. "What do you mean how did she take it?" I asked. "Frank I know you want to see my parents and till them how what mom said affected Yi. so how did they take it." said Christine. "O will your mom was crushed when I told her that Yi thinks she hates him." I said. "Good to know that she still has a heart." said Christine. "Of course your mother has a heart otherwise how could you be so loving it's just she feels like I should have never married you once I knew of my affliction." I said. "O that would not have worked." I looked confused to her saying that. "What Frank did you not know that I was the one who suggested to my Dad to get marred to you and that I would only stop trying if you had told me that you truly did not love me." said Christine. We kissed then worked the rest of the day while consciously avoiding any subject of conversation pertaining to her parents. The next day right after breakfast there was a knock at the door when we opened it we saw Mrs.Tailor. "Hi before you close the door in my face I come here to say I am sorry about the holy water and I come to reassure Yi that I do not hate him." said Mrs.Tailor. "Oh ok, give me a minute." I stated. 5 mints later. "Ok till him how you feel." I said while holding Yi out towards Mrs.Tailor as he drooling. "Are you sure that he can understands us?" asked Mrs.Tailor. "Yes He can understand us." I said still holding him out towards her. "How can you be sure." said Mrs.Tailor. "How can we prove to her that I can speak?" asked Yi telepathically. "Maybe you could bite her like you did me but smaller." I said telepathically. "No if I did that even if it was small my spit would multiply in her body uncontrollably consuming her at least that's what happened before I meet you." said Yi. "That would not be good how about we till her you can speak in my head then we have her take you up stairs and till you something I don't know about Christine. " I said. "That sounds good." said Yi "I am sure because he talks to me in my head I know it sound crazy but to prove it take Yi go up stairs and whisper something in to his ear I don't know about Christine then I will till her what he tills me which should prove that he is aware." I said. " Ok I will give it a try but this is completely insane that you think he talks in your head." said Mrs.Tailor then she went up the stairs with Yi. 10 minutes later. "Grandma says that Mom has a hand made doll of you in her child hood bed room." said Yi telepathically. "Mm hhh mm he says you made and have a doll of me in your child hood room." I said trying not to laugh. " MOM what the! Why did you till him that!" hollered Christine at her Mother. "What it worked he can talk in your head." Said Mrs.Tailor as she was coming down the stairs. "Yes as I said he can talk to me and I can talk to him. Now Christine you have a doll of me." I said. "Frank I can explain why I have a doll of you. I made the doll around when we first meet I made it because when I look at you I no longer want wild barry pie just you so instead of staring at your face all the time I would look at his." rambled Christine while blushing. "Lovely moment Dad but I do believe I still require a proper apology." said Yi telepathically. "Yes your right Yi. Mrs.Tailor you still need to properly apologies to Yi for making him think you hate him." I said to Mrs.Tailor. "Yes I am sorry that my actions made you fill like I hate you I do not hate you I love you and your brother with all my heart."said Mrs.Tailor partially through tears then she gave the boys both a hug and shortly after that she left. 9 months Eli and Yi both started to walk small stipes at first then eventually they where walking every where.

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