Story outline (Introduction)

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' I said stop crying and stay silent if you want to live, you little bitch !! '

The 10 year old boy closed his mouth with his hands and moved to the corner of the room.


' Can't you stop talking and be silent for once !?? '

The 12 year old silently nodded and went back to his corner place in the classroom.


' Shut up! Stay silent and take whatever the hell I give you!' the hand made its way to the now bare chest.

Stop started laughing listening to the small whimpers coming from the 17 year old while still playing and pinching the boy's nipples.

The boy scurred down to the corner. To his safe place.


The 19 year old boy was pushed to the corner. Immediately he curled around himself trying to make himself small, shivering at the sound of the whip on the floor.

His safe place is now gone!
His eyes searched around but he couldn't find any.

He wanted to beg. He wanted to shout.

Yet not a single word came out of his mouth.

He brought his hands together, almost hitting his head to the floor, begging to let go. But Stop never had any plan to do so any sooner.


' Rain.... My baby...... Talk to phi na. I miss you so much sweet boy. I miss your voice, your enthusiasm, your continous rambling, your cuteness. I miss everything.

Even if you don't love me back, it is okay.  I will continue to love enough for both of us.

I miss the old Rain so much baby.  And I am worried about your health. It is not good for you to continuously suppress it.

Please listen to phi and come to hospital with me na. We might find a solution for this. You won't be alone. I promise you. I love you Lee Varain.'


Rain- Forced by his father to get engaged to 'Stop'.

Forced by both family and friends to stop talking and being hyper too much.

Forced by 'Stop' every single day and getting tortured physically and mentally.

Waking up. Cleaning and cooking. Going to University. Getting bullied mostly by Stop and Gun's gang. Going to library to do some assignments. Returning home. Waiting for his boyfriend/ fiancee to return home. Getting fucked when his fiancee is in a good mood. Getting tortured when something goes awry in uni or races. Crying to sleep.

This is his daily routine.

Will anything change when his childhood friend, his crush, Phayu returns back to Bangkok?

If it does, will it be for the good or bad?


Most of the people wanted happy ending for this story.

I have a vague idea about the ending.

Please wait and see how it turns out😊.

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