Just don't!

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# Diary entry ( 18/ 05/ 2017)

I am so happy today phi. I finally turned 13. Which means, after 2 months, I will be neeting you and staying with you. I can't wait for that day...

I asked p' Stop if I could have some money to buy a small cake, but well.....

But that's okay, at 12'o clock, I made a wish and blew the candle. I really really hope that my wish come true...
Phi!! p'Stop took me out today to meet his friends. They are so nice phi. After you left, no one ever played with me. But today, they happily agreed to play. And I learned that those little buds are called Nipples. p'Stop really liked touching them phi! Told me that I am so sensitive. I don't know what it means, but I am happy he liked me.

Though I got punished for losing all the games, I am happy that I got to play atleast phi. You should have been here.

I missed you so much today. Just 2 more months phi. Your little Raindrop is waiting for you.


#Rain pov

I woke up with a light headache and pain in my back. After I clearly came to my senses, I tensed.

Who brought me here? Why would anyone do that? Did anyone see them bringing me? Does p'Stop know? Will I get tortured again because I let someone touch me?

But, I didn't let them.... I don't even know what happened..

And p'Petch and p'Bass are my customers anyway, so I hope it will not be an issue.

" You are finally awake! " p'Phayu asked entering the room.

Not him again!!

I asked him for a pen.

Next time if you see me in that position, just let me be, please....

" What!!? Did anyone hit your brain? You want me to leave you when I see you in that condition!? No chance in hell! "

Going to hell would be better than living here with them!  I thought.

I am begging you k'Phayu, just please... Never ever interfere in my life again! Let me live peacefully! I don't need some arrogant idiots like you, ruining my relation with p'Stop! Understand?

Please p'Phayu.... Listen to me. This is the only way I can save you. If p'Stop gets to know, he will torture you, humiliate you, and will make me kill you. I already have enough guilt of killing my own father, not you too.

"Rain... I just want to help you. I am not here to ruin your life or whatever relation it is you have with Stop. I know something is so wrong in your life, especially with Stop. Let me and Sky help you. Trust us Rain. Trust your phi... "

Please p'Phayu. Don't do this. Don't give me hope. I have enough people in my life to break me.

I cried. I begged. Not once, not twice but for 6 whole years... Not a single person reached out phi. Not even the people I see everyday, not the people who I thought were friends...

I thought I got used to it, but everytime something happens, I break down yet again.

They will not leave me alone, not let me die, not let me escape... He placed a fucking tracker inside my body phi! And you think you can help me? Don't shit me!

I pushed him away.

I shared too much! Even now,  even if I can't talk, I am not able to hide anything from phi!

It's been 10 fucking years Rain... Get a grip of yourself! He is not the same p'Phayu. He is not yours! Stop it!

" H-he placed a tracker? "

Yes... After the first time I escaped.

I want to rest. Can you please leave?

After I confirmed he left, I left too.

Sky is not there, so I put a note in his chair and left for home.

I immediately looked for p'Chai. He is the only one who can help me. He can help me by sending people to look after.

After I found him, I went and kneeled, like I was trained.

" What do you need little one? "

I need your help p'Chai. Please...

" With? "

p'Petch and p'Bass... Today... They...

I looked at him hoping he would understand.

He nodded, so I continued.

Help me p'Chai... If p'Stop or even p'Gun gets to know.... They will take me to the basement again... They won't even trust me if I say I was forced.

Please phi.. Will you please help me? Don't let them come near me in college alone phi.. That is all I ask. I know they fear you. Just this one little help phi... I never questioned or rejected anything you asked for, right? Please... Protect me.... Just this once..

" You know what you are asking will put both of us at risk right?"

I nodded.

" And yet you want to continue? It is not like something different is happening to you anyway.. "

I can't stop my tears anymore...

I know it's nothing different phi. I am not scared of them using me. I am scared of p'Stop finding it. You know he would never listen to me. I just don't want to be taken to the basement phi.

" Fine. I need the payment. Now. "

I nodded and removed his belt and pulled his pants down.


# Phayu pov

He is getting tortured...

He tried to escape...

He tried to die...

He begged and still no one helped him? Why?

That fucker placed a tracker inside him!!

So, I can't just take him away....

What do I do!!!???

How will I help him?!

How will I make him talk again?

Who will help me with this?

Just.. How??

I am getting so frustrated!

Will I be able to do anything at all?

I just... I want my Raindrop happy. Even without me. Even if he doesn't love me back, I will not leave him. I will love enough for both of us.

First, I need to speak to him alone. I can't talk to him in school. If he is bloody tracking him, I may not be able to take him anywhere too.


#Third person pov

A few days later...

" So confident huh!? You sure you want to race against me?"

" Yes. Please. I want to race against you for something. I set my eyes on it the moment saw. 

If racing is the only solution, let it be then! "

" What is it that you want? "

He pointed to it.

The other scoffed.

" That worthless thing? Are you sure? "

" Yes. I want to use that thing too. Please khun! "

" Okay. "

' The next item on the betting list is.... '

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