Burden transfered!

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After a few days...

#Third person pov

Rain slowly walked up to his father, who just came back home, drunk.

' Papa. Rain is hungry. I haven't eaten since morning. Can Rain have some food? Please? '

His father mutters something which Rain doesn't quite understand except some words... Annoying.... Burden....Should have killed him too....

He comes closer to Rain and holds his cheeks harshly. ' Can't you live a day without eating like a pig? '

He throws some money onto his face.

' Don't bother me for the next two days. If it is not sufficient, then starve! I don't care!

And keep silent. Stop crying if you want to live, you little bitch! ' he drops the hold, goes to his room and locks the door leaving the almost crying Rain alone.

Rain just looks in the direction his father left, not understanding what to do. He collects the money from the floor and goes outside.

The minute he steps out, he gets scared. It was already 11 in the night. It was so dark and not a single person in the sight. He quickly goes back inside and locks the door.

He goes to the kitchen, drinks two glasses of water, keeps the money in his pocket and goes to the room.

He collects his blanket that is thrown on the floor and goes to the end of the room and sleeps the minute he hits the floor, due to hunger and exhaustion, though the floor is freezing since it is winter.

The next morning, Rain wakes up early, brushes and cleans himself and goes out taking the money his father gave to buy some groceries.

Though it is not much, he buys whatever he knows and starts cooking breakfast for him and his papa, remembering how his mama used to cook.

From the very young age, Rain used to sit in the kitchen, babbling nonsense while his mama cooked. Though he may seem naive to all the others, he has a very eidetic memory and he remembers most of the dishes his mama cooks.

He packs his food and covers the remaining breakfast and leaves to school.


#Rain pov

It's just been a month since his mama death, yet came to school like nothing happened.

His mother might have killed herself, not being able to bear this hyper annoying kid.

Look at him still laughing happily, not even caring that he himself being the reason his mom died!

The moment I enter the school, I heard some of the seniors talking.

I just don't want to cry and annoy my friends and classmates more than I already have. Is that also wrong?

Having a smile on my face doesn't mean I am happy!

I wai'd to them politely and walked to my classroom, ignoring their 'secret' loud talk.


Living on a loaf of bread and water for four days a week, going to school, sitting through the class, ignoring the comments , standing outside p'Phayu home everyday while returning home till my legs hurt, finishing my homework, talking to mama's picture while waiting for papa to return home, sleep. And visiting mama's grave every sunday.

This has been my daily routine for the past year.

I never had any friends. Whenever I tried to make friends or just talking to someone, they always told me that I am too talkative and hyper, that they find me annoying.

Annoying!  This word. I have been hearing this since mama died.

Papa always slapped me whenever I cried, saying that I am annoying, because I miss mama and p'Phayu. Those nights, I sleep while holding mama's chain that is around my neck or hugging the ultraman toy that p'Phayu gifted me for my 9th birthday. The only remainder of him I ever had.

Those nights were so painful. Even when I followed papa, cried and begged on my knees, he didn't stop hurting me. So, I searched for another way to make him stop. That is when I found my safe place- The corner.

So, whenever Papa gets irritated, I hide in the corner, under the table, not making a sound.


#Third person pov

For Rain's 12th birthday, his papa gave him a sweet surprise.

'From now on, you are going to live in Bangkok, in my friend's house, as his houseboy. Pack your clothes. You are leaving tomorrow. '

Rain immediately went on his knees.

" H-houseboy? What does that mean papa? Are you sending me away? A-are you leaving me too? Please papa.... Rain has been good right? Rain doesn't cry and listens to you. Please don't send Rain away.... Please papa... "

He immediately slapped him.

' Just shut your fucking mouth and stay silent!!! Don't you get tired, always babbling your mouth like this?

You don't have a choice in this! You are going to live there, do every fucking thing they ask you to do, even if it means killing yourself.

Atleast be useful for me now! And do as I say.

Now go before I beat the shit out of you! '

Rain meekly nodded and went to his safe place. Curling himself into a small ball on that floor, sobbing silently recalling all the memories of his mom and his home.

One thing he knows for sure. Once he leaves, he is not coming back. As that is the whole point his father is doing this.

Easy money and burden gone.


With one last look at his and Phayu's home, Rain left for Bangkok, carrying only some of his clothes, mama's chain and the ultraman toy, along with some books and the memories of his mama and p'Phayu.

The moment they reached the front gate, Rain immediately started tensing.

Ignoring him, he pressed the bell. A servant opened the door and showed them the room where his master is waitimg for them and left.

They knocked and entered the room they were shown.

There sat a man in his early 40's, working on some documents. He looked up to see the guests standing infront of his desk.

'Is this the boy you were telling about yesterday? '

"Yes sir. "

'On your knees, little one.'

Rain gets on his knees without looking up. He clutches his shirt, scared and confused about what is happening and what is going to happen.

"His name is Rain. He turned 12 years two months ago. As I said already, he is obedient, he can do all the house work, most importantly, he can satisfy your needs and he is a virgin as I promised. "

' That's good then. My son doesn't like a brat. And I truly hope this little one is THE ONE for him. I like him. You can leave now. The payment will be added to your account monthly. '

Rain's father beamed at this.

" Thank you sir. I am sure he will satisfy you.

Be good Rain. " He said as a warning and left the place without a second glance.


Note: Father phase is short and done.

The actual phase in Rain's life starts from here.

Warning* Not gonna gaurantee the fluff.

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