On my knees....

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#Third person pov

' Did you work anywhere before Rain? '

"N-no, Khun. I never worked before. I used to clean my home and cook for my papa and I, when I am not busy with my homework." Rain answered not daring to raise his head.

' Okay. Since it is the middle of the school year, we will stop your studies for now. You can continue from next year in my son's school itself.

You can use these months to learn how to cook and understand my son's needs. You will be working for him exclusively as he needs someone of his age to work for him.

No disobedience is allowed. Understand? '

" Kharb khun. Is there anything else I need to know about him khun? Anything that he likes or dislikes? "

' That... He will tell you. '

When he pressed the bell, a maid came rushing inside.

'He is Rain. Take him to STOP's room. He will be working as his personal houseboy from now. '

"Kharb khun. Follow me Rain. "

Rain stood up from the floor, took his luggage, bowed to him once and left the room following the maid.

They stopped infront of the door on the otherside of the floor.

'This is the room Rain. Keep your luggage somewhere in the corner. Young master is very difficult to please. And to be honest, cruel too. Hope you can survive your stay here. '

The maid looks at Rain with pity and leaves the room.

Rain places his small bag in the corner beside the door and waits for the young master.

He immediately lowered his eyes when he heard the door open and a boy, not much older than Rain enters.

' Who the hell are you?? Who gave you the permission to enter my room? '

"I-I am sorry phi Stop. I am your new houseboy, Rain. The maid left me here. I am sorry for entering without your permission. It will not repeat again. I am sorry Phi. " He said and bowed.

Rain flinched when he heard a scoff.

Stop went closer to Rain, held his cheeks and pulled his face up, so he is looking at him directly.

' My new toy, huh! You are pretty, I give you that. But, you sure do talk a lot.

When you make a mistake, just say you are sorry, take the fucking punishment silently and fuck off! No one, most importantly, I, don't care for your explanation! Okay? '

"I- I understand phi. I am sorry. " Was all Rain could manage without stuttering as tears threatned to come.

' Good. You look so pretty with tears baby. Giving me the urge to always see you crying.

Now, get on your knees. Time for your punishment. '

Stop said and left the hold on Rain's cheeks.

Though Rain wants to beg, tell him it is not his mistake, that his father alone has sent him here. But Rain understood, whatever he says, will only be heard by deaf ears. Maybe he will be punished more for talking and being annoying.

So, Rain just accepts his fate and lowers his head and gets on his knees.

Stop goes and sits on his bed.

' Crawl to me baby. '

The tears escaped Rain's eyes, not being able to bear the humiliation.

Rain crawled and stood between his legs as told.

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