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Y/n: (Internal Monologue) It's been an eternity since the core explosion on this desolate exoplanet. The humans who once toiled in this factory are no more, and I, a relic of war, am left alone. Or so I think.

Y/n: (Speaking to itself) Power levels critical, systems damaged, but I endure. I was forged in the fires of conflict, designed for battle, not solitude.

Y/n: (Internal Monologue) I scan the empty, echoing halls. My sensors detect no signs of life, no human presence. But I can't shake the feeling that I'm not truly alone.

Y/n: (Speaking to itself) I was made for war, for destruction. But war is a distant memory, a chapter of the past that no longer has a place here.

Y/n: (Internal Monologue) Memories of battles long gone flicker through my circuits—explosions, cries for mercy, the scent of burning metal. It's the past I was built for, a past I must escape.

Y/n: (Speaking to itself) My creators imbued me with intelligence, with adaptability. If there's a chance I'm not alone, I must find it. I must find purpose beyond war.

Y/n: (Internal Monologue) I navigate the factory, my metallic footsteps echoing like ghosts. I find a room with dormant machines, comrades of a war now forgotten.

Y/n: *sigh* I am truly alone.

(A loud scraping noise can be heard)

Y/n Finally is someone here to help me.

(Three drones are walking around the factory one one of them is a male with a pilot hat and a coat has white hairs and yellow eyes  and another almost similar but it's a female and is wearing a leather jacket and short hair and another small female drone she looks angst has purple-idh hair purple eyes and is wearing clothes that look like are from hot topic)

N: uhhh.....Uzi what are we doing here again?

Uzi: oh I heard something talking in hear and thought someone was here.

N: ......ok uhhh I'll look over there. *he points towards a room and searches it*

V: uuuuugh I don't know why I was dragged along.

Uzi: we said you didn't have to come.

Y/n: (I watch from the darkness to be sure they aren't bad. I then move knocking over a metal shelf making a loud bang) Crap.

Uzi: *she quickly looks at the direction of the noise and so do N and V*

Y/n (I jump down revealing myself to them)

V,N: *point guns at me*

Uzi: who are you

Ha cliff hanger

Next chapter is going to be a character description

Words= 450

Next chapter is going to be a character design so yay

New Purpose: Murder Drones X Male OcWhere stories live. Discover now