Dead End

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The first thing we see is a beautiful beach as seagulls squawk in the background. This beach is revealed to be a background on a computer monitor in an office setting.)

(The lights suddenly go out as a Worker Drone, Drone 029, hides under the desk. She peeks out to see the paralyzed body of a fellow drone stuck in a boot loop. She crawls slowly towards her colleague as a claw emerges from the shadows. She doesn't notice this, however, as she finally reaches her fallen friend.)

(A blue light flashes and she drags the drone by the foot. She stops to resume her hiding position, until she works up the courage to finish dragging the drone. But before she can reach it, two creatures, Sentinels, grab the drone and tear it apart, oil spilling out everywhere.)

(She quickly resumes hiding when a blue light shines before her. A Sentinel has found her location. As she tries to escape, the Sentinel flashes a beam of light into her eyes, boot looping her. The Sentinel crawls down and feasts on her..)

(All of this has been captured on a security camera.)

When we last left our heroes, they had just encountered J, Doll, and Tessa.)

N: T-Tessa...?

Tessa: (Hugs him) N! You remember– (She begins coughing.) Tall, handsome... Air's toxic... (Notices Uzi) Who is this little– (Uzi bites her finger.) Ah!

Uzi: Uzi! Why are you here, human?! (Notices J) Real tired of killing this one.

J: (Strokes her hair back) Effective drones were cloned more.

N: (Chuckling) It is you.

V: Classic J.

Y/n I have nothing to say cause I don't know you

Tessa: and who's this red head

Y/n: names y/n or E

Tessa: oh your one of the "special" disassembly drones

Y/n: yep

Tessa: anyway cyn dissap-

J: Boss ran away.

Tessa: (Annoyed) We mutually disengaged. Her last known act was siccing you lot on the human exoplanets.

N: Why?

J: That's what we're trying to figure out, bozo.

(Suddenly, Doll activates her AbsoluteSolver to snatch the bug on top of Tessa's head into her hands and takes off.)

Tessa: That's... kind of a big piece.

Y/n:  race y'all there

(Y/n flys after Doll)

N,V,J,Tessa,Uzi: HEY WAIT!!!

(J and Tessa chase Doll, firing at her, until she drops herself down a large shaft. Uzi, N, and V catch up.)

Tessa: J, relay hand, Cyn's orders.

(J brings up a screen.)

J: Step one: Clear drop zone of life and construct spire. Step two–

Tessa: Enter labs with this symbol.

(She tears down some large paper to reveal a poster behind it. Taped near the bottom:)


Tessa: Not too much to go off, but if Cyn wants these labs, we burn them down. That keybug's our way in. (She walks towards the edge of the scaffolding.) J, mind my ship.

(Tessa tosses J the keys. J glances at N and V with uncertainty.)

J: ...Of course, boss. (She flies off.)

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