well this is something

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Y/N: So where are we going.

N: Oh, we're just trying to find some oils for a drink.Cause without oil, we overheat and will die.But since we can't really kill anymore.Worker drones, we have to rely on left over oil.

V: Yeah, even though it's not as good as fresh hot oil. Speaking of which, you think I take a bite out of your arm so I can have some oil.

N: No, v, you're not going to take off. An arm of one of our new friends.

V: Ok, geez, I'm just asking. I will tough soon enough. >:3

N: Think about it, now.It's taking too much time to find oil.How both the 3 of us split up?Maybe it'll be faster.

V: Good idea, and I'll be taking you with me. *She grabs Y/N by the wrist dragging him along*

N: Okay, just be careful. I hope she doesn't do anything to him.

[They soon arrive at a big abandoned factory]

Y/N: You really think there's gonna be oil here?

V: Yes, now stop questioning me and hurry up. *slapping him on the back of the head*

Y/N: ow....*he follows V*

[Suddenly, the door shut or at least what's left of it]

Y/N: Jesus, hey V- uh V where are you, V, hello.

[Scurrying can be heard around the place]

Y/N: ok, this is not funny anymore V.




Y/N: aahhh, FUCK!!!

V: hahaha hahaha I got you good.

[She says as she wins of the oil from her lips]


V: oh don't be a baby.

Y/N: You bit my arm. How am I not going to freak out.

V: ugh fine maybe this'll help. *She kisses him on the cheek*

Y/N: w-what....how is that supposed to help.

V: ugh whatever This is what I get for trying to help. Anyway, let's keep searching.

Y/N: How are we supposed to look around in complete darkness.

V: I don't know. Maybe look for a light switch.

Y/N: hm...okay. *he starts runn8ng his hands around feeling for light switch of some sort* I do t feel anything ye- oh wait. *he flips a switch, causing the whole place to light up*

Y/N: That's better.

V:About time.

Y/N: *enters a room* Hey V, come here. I think I found oil.

V: Really.

Y/N: Yeah, I think it's enough for us all.

V: Good, let's take it.

Y/N: My question is, why is it already stored?

V: Listen, I don't care. All I about is that I get to have oil again.

Y/N: eh, alright, I guess, hey, what does this button do. *he presses the button*
Huh, I guess nothing bummer.

[Suddenly, the wall opens up]

Y/N: What the hell.

V: Is that.

[The wall reveals a giant power core]

Y/N: Is that a power core, but it doesn't seem to power anything. *he says as he looks at its variety of buttons and switches*

V: I think it's because it hasn't been used in a while.

Y/N: I guess you right. *he leans but presses a big red button that says don't press* oh crap, well I mean since it doesn't work any more I'm sure it doesn't do anything

<System overload>

<self destruct immanent>

V: what did you do.

Y/N: it was an accident.

V: let's get out if here hurry.

Y/N: Yeah, I know. *he picks up the oil and runs*

<T-minus 10 seconds>

V: Well, be dust by the time we get out. *She extends her wings and picks up Y/N and flies off*

<T-minus 3 seconds>

*V continues to fly with Y/N and gets out before the explosion*

<bye bye>

[A giant explosion occurs]

V: *lands and drops Y/N*

Y/N: oof....you couldn't have let me down anymore nicer.

V: Whatever get up.

[They start walking back to the ship with an explosion]

V: hey were back.

Uzi: Wow, took you guys long enough.

Y/N: Yeah, we had a little detour, but 5 got oil now, so what's next.

Uzi: What's next is I'm going home cause it's almost sunrise.

N: Yeah, it's time we get rest.

Y/N: Oh ok then. Wait then where will I sle-

V: With me~. *She grabs Y/N hands and fly up to the roof of the corpse spread hangs by her tail holding onto him*

[The end]

Words: 773

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