Reactivation: Part 2

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Uzi: who are you

N,V: *still have their guns pointed at y/n*

Y/n: put you weapons down

V: how can we trust yo take off that hoodie then maybe

Y/n: If that is what I need to do for proof

(I put down my hoodie revealing my long red hair)

Y/n: there is that better?

Uzi: Now the mask

Y/n: Listen and trust me you don't want me to

N,V,Uzi: NOW!!

Y/n: ok fine just prepare yourself

(I take the mask off revealing my sharp teeth)

V: (*O  _  O*)

N,Uzi: Huh!?

Y/n: what!?

V: ahhh nothing

Y/n: ok anyway is this better

Uzi: yes now what are you

Y/n: I umm I am a disassembly drone

N: but you are taller than us and you have much sharper teeth

Y/n: well technically I'm a advanced disassembly drone which gives me faster speed, strength, durability and regeneration

V mind: oh my God he's so hot

Uzi: hmmm well what are you doing here

Y/n: well after the explosion that wiped out all of human life on copper-9 the blast trapped me in here I've been stuck here for awhile

N: but then how did you survive all disassembly drones need oil so we don't overheat and die

Y/n: well I survived by staying deactivated for a long time I only woke up to check if anything happened to see if I can escape

N: oh

Uzi: well your welcome to come join us so you don't have to be alone anymore

V: y-yeah come on

Y/n: Really I can

N: Yeah come on!!

Y/n: thank you

And that's the end of this chapter also by the way this takes place after episode 3 also sorry if this was short it's currently 3:13 am I need sleep for school ok bye


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