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(Y/n is just sitting outside of the ship until Uzi arrives)

Uzi: oh hey Y/n

Y/n: sup Uzi

Uzi: is uhh N here

Y/n yeah he's inside the ship

Uzi: thanks

Y/n: no problem

(Uzi enters the ship)

Uzi: hey N

N: hey Uzi what are you doing here

Uzi: nothing just checking up on you

(Back outside the ship Y/n is still sitting until he sees  a disassembly drone ships fall 2 fail to land and ended up blowing up but one manages to land perfectly)

Y/n: what the fu-

(Just then the ship door opens and out comes a person with a tag that says "certified technician Tessa")

  I did this just let you guys know that the whole Tessa and J things is still happening


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