a day out?

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Y/N: So what did you guys day you were gonna do again?

Uzi: some kind of built in software is trying to wipe N and V's memories, so I'm going to see if I can stop it.

Y/N: Oh ok well I guess I'll go explore as you do all that.

Uzi: ok sure.

Y/N: Alright, bye. *he begins to walk off until something pulls him*

V: You're going to leave without saying good bye~ "She kisses him* bye bye~

Y/N: ok bye. *he continues walking off*

[Time skip]

Y/N: damn the wind must've gotten stronger, I should probably find somewhere to stop, hmmm.....um I guess there. *he walks toward a cave*

Y/N: Yeah, this is perfect. *he sits on a rock* All right, this gives me time to see if I can activate my weapons system.

[Somthing in the dark watches quietly]

Y/N: Okay, let's see, accessibility, 6, would you like to activate...uh yes, please.

<weapons system activated>

[a faint noise echoed through the cavern.]

[his sensors activated, alerting him to potential danger. Curiosity piqued, he ventured deeper into the cave, his metallic footsteps echoing against the stone walls.]

[As he delved further, the source of the noise became apparent—a group of shadowy figures huddled in the depths, their mechanical whispers betraying their presence. Atlas cautiously approached, his sensors scanning the scene.]

Y/N: What the.

[their red optics gleaming ominously in the darkness. They stood around a holographic projector, discussing nefarious plans in hushed tones.]

Y/N: *he tries to get a closer look but accidentally knocks over a rock* shit. *he quickly duck down*

???:Who goes there?

[the lead robot demanded, its voice cold and mechanical.]

Y/N: hey-hey.....uh...I mean no harm, I just wander here. I'll head out now.

[The group of robots exchanged glances, their optics narrowing with suspicion.]

???:You've seen too much.

[one of them growled, raising its arm, revealing a concealed weapon.]

Y/N: *he quickly turns his hand into a rifle* Come on now no need to get hostile .

???: It's too late now. *he lifts his gun up, shooting at Y/N*

[Y/n ducks behind a Boulder shooting back, but the mysterious robots shoot back]

Y/N: shit their are too many of them there has to be a way to take most of the out, uhh.....rocket. *his hand suddenly turns into a rocket launcher and shoots at the group, taking out two of them* Yes, that should be enough for me. Now I can take the rest on. *he continues to fire back at them*

[One of the drones throws a explosive at Y/N so he jump away and a big explosion occurs, Y/N gets up and punches one in the face and the other in the stomach sending them flying away.]

Y/N: Man, you guys suck.

[He gets hit with a pipe]

Y/N: You bitch. *he points his gun into the drones face and shoots causing his head to implode* God damn that was brutal, we'll that's the last of them, what were they doing.

<super duper evil plans to do/don't tell anyone or else/keep it a secret>

Y/N: Well, they sure did fail at doing that. Well evil plans go brrr.

[He destroys the information never to be seen, and walks back to the pod]

Y/N: wonder how the others are doing. *oof*
[He suddenly got pushed]

Y/N: He- Oh hey guys

Uzi: where did she go?

Y/N: Who?

Uzi: Doll, you know Russian girl red clothes magic powers.

Y/N: mmmm...no.

Uzi: Anyway we need to find Her to solve a mystery we've been investing.

Y/N: Well go find Her.

[He turns around just to see two people J and tessa]

Everyone: huh?

[The end]

Words: 646

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