Rule #6

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/Logan's POV\

Rule #6

You deal with death, get over it.


I had just woken up. "Did I fall asleep-?" I put a hand to my head and yawned. I looked around my room and saw Parker, Alia and Cynthia were standing next to my bed. Parker looking pale and scared, Alia looking pissed and Cynthia was standing there with a spoon. I flinched. "What's going on here-?"

"Logan... You told Parker you are a soul reaper." Alia spat out.

I paled. "What? When?!"

"When you were laying here sick!" I thought for a second and slowly remembered telling Parker.

"Oh Parker. I'm sorry, I've gotten you mixed up in this now. And you've barely been here 24 hours." I ran a hand through my hair. I remembered something, tears sprang to my eyes and started falling down my face, I started shaking like an earthquake as I looked back at Alia. "Dad doesn't know... Right?"

Alia looked at me shocked. "Your crying..."

"Do you have any idea what he will do to me?!" I start sobbing, I clutch at my hair and start pulling. "He knows I'm scared of sickness! Who's not to say he will use it against me?!"

Alia took a seat next to me on my bed. She wrapped her arms around me. "Logan. He knows I'm scared of cars, and he knows Cynthia is scared of big scary men. If you go down, I'll go down with you. I've known you for 50 years. I'm not about to let you on your own, your my brother now Logan."

Cynthia dropped her spoon and crawled up next to me. "If daddy hurt me, you promised to be there for me. I'll be there if daddy hurts you."

Parker watched us. He looked at me sadly. "Is there anything I can do...?"

I looked at him. "Be my friend? My 100th birthdays coming up in a couple days. And I'll be alive again. Even though I'll still have to do my job, but I can finish school, I can make friends, I can talk and walk with people. That was all I ever wanted..."

Parker nodded. "Of course... Wait... SCHOOL! I TOTALLY MISSED A DAY! My mom is gonna kill me!" He looked at me and sighed. "Guess your not the only one with a murderous parent."

I chuckled softly and sniffled. "Yeah..."

~That night~

"How you feeling Logan?" Alia handed me a cheese sandwich and a bowl of soup. Than gave the same to Parker and Cynthia, who were sitting next to me on the front room.

"A lot better. Thanks Alia." I smiled at her.

"That's good. I'm going to go out and do my job. It's calling me." She rolled her eyes.

"Need help...?"

"No. I'll be fine. See ya guys later." Alia walked out of the house.

"So what's your 'job' anyway?"

I shrugged. "Collect dead people's souls and help them cross over." I start eating and Cynthia does the same. We're used to it by now. Parker gaped at me.


"Um yeah..."

"Can I go with you next time you help a soul cross?! That would be so cool to see!"

"I guess?" I look at him with an eyebrow raised.

~later that night~

I started to feel a pull. Like something calling me. I sat up and saw it was 1 in the morning. I looked at the sleeping Parker in my bed. "Parker... Wake up... Lets go find us a soul." I poke him. "Paaaaaarrrrkkkkkeeeeerrrrrr." I shake him.

"Mmhm." He looked up at me. "This early in the morning?"

"Yes. Now get up and get ready." I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth, no need to look like a zombie when I go see the soul, don't wanna scare em'. I walk out and see a sleepy Parker ready to go.

"Now come on you. Lets go."

"Your still I'm your pajamas..." He yawned and looked at me.

I snapped my fingers and than my cloths changed so I was wearing a black t-shirt and black skinny jeans. A small pouch was at my hips and I had two black guns. "What are you talking about?"

He gaped at me in awe. "Dude! You look awesome!"

"I know. It's just, I can be seen when I go collect the souls, I'm sort of like a ghost anyone can see and touch, but they can still hurt me. So I have to be prepared. Now lets hurry." I jog down the stairs and out the door.

Parker follows behind me as we run all the way to downtown. I stay toward the shadows as I make my way down an ally. Parker looks at me uneasily. "Logan...?"

"Yeah Parker?"

"I don't think I should go down that ally. What if-"

"Your safe as long as your with me." I reach out and touch Parker's arm. I start to drag him toward a dark part of the ally. A man stumbled out of the darkness, holding a bloody knife. He panted for air as he collapsed, he had his share of wounds.

I gestured to Parker to stay hidden in case the man got up again. I walked around the man into the darkness, where I found a second body, but this one with the soul crying over his own body.

I looked at him and my profiling mind started to work.

Landon Axel Jordan.

Age 21.

Both parents were murdered in front of him when he was 6 years old. Ever since than he had been going in and out of foster homes, he got involved with bad people and owed a lot of money. He was killed during a fight.

"Hey Landon." I knelt next to him.

He looked at me tears still streaming down his face. "Wh-who are you?"

"I'm Logan. I'm here to help you cross." I reach a hand out to Landon.

"Cross what?" He backed up.

"The other side. Your parents are waiting for you. I remember them. Nice people." I smiled.

He backed up some more making me move forward. "St-ay away."

"No. I'll drag you to the other side if you don't hurry up." I shot forward and grabbed his arm dragging him forward.

"No!" He screamed, but we were already fading out of this world. Me going to that familiar field filled with flowers and grass. I was still holding onto Landon's arm. He squirmed in my grip, but than stopped when he saw the field. "Where am I?"

"Almost to the other side. You just have to get over that river over there. You'll be with your family again..."

Landon slowly started walking toward the river. Looking back at me.

"Go on." I gave him a comforting smile. He finally made it over the river and I couldn't see him anymore.

At that I closed my eyes, and when I opened them I saw Parker looking around. "Logan? Logan? Where are you?"

"Here..." I tapped his shoulder. "We're done. We can go home." I smiled. Anther soul delivered safely to the other side.

I really think this job is getting to me though. I mean seriously. I still hate it.

So I guess rule #6 still hasn't happened.



And after anther short chapter I end it there, because I don't like to blab for to long and I also felt that this chapter sucked enough without adding more >.> so this is what you get, again sorry for the crappiness XD

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