Rule #7

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/Logan's POV\

Rule #7

Do not talk to a human.

Seems simple enough. Not many people can see me anyway. Not unless they can communicate with the spiritual world.

It gets lonely at times. No one seeing me. But I guess one day that all kind of changed when I met Parker. Parker's a human who talks with souls, or in his terms, ghosts. He's really shy and is afraid of the dark.

Since I knew this, I was surprised to find him wandering the streets late at night.

-the first encounter-

I sit on the swing at the playground. Being on earth for over 100 years can make things boring at times. Especially since no one can see me, a simple Soul Reaper. If I was a Grim reaper, I could live life with humans, talk to them, hang out with them, and feel the thrill of being alive again.

I look at the road. A boy was walking along the road line, shivering and hugging himself to keep warmth around him, I could hear him crying from here. It was pitch black out.

Parker Daniel Lane.

Age 16.

No father, just a mother who doesn't listen or even look at him. Afraid of the dark. Communicates with souls, and soul reapers.

I bet your wondering how I know this, soul reapers can look at a person and know everything about them, if we look at them long enough that is. We're fit to do that since day one of our job.

Anyway. Back to Parker. I get up from my swing and walk over to Parker who's now sitting on a park bench. I plop down next to him and study him. His eyes go wide with fear as he takes a look at me.

"Wh-who are you?" He started shaking violently.

"Logan Reaper." I shouldn't be doing this. This is breaking rule number seven!

"Parker Lane." He sniffled. "What are you doing here?"

"Wandering... You?" This is the first time a human actually wanted to talk to me... Even though it's breaking rule 7, I'm going to keep talking to him.

"My mom told me to stay out of the house for the next week, but I don't have anywhere to go, and it's dark out." A few more tears escaped his eyes.

I hesitantly wrapped him up in my arms and pulled him to my chest. "It's okay. You can come stay with me and my sister's. but it's no fancy place."

He looked at me. "But how do I know your not going to do bad things to me and keep me there?"

"If it would help, I can call my sister down for you to meet her. She'll tell you I'm a good guy." He bit his lip.


I pulled out my phone. Yes, soul reapers have phones.

After a couple rings my sister picked up. "Hello Logan." She answered in a bored tone.

"Hey Alia. Can you meet me at the park?"

She sighed. "Yeah. Give me a sec." We hung up. I looked at Parker and took in his looks. He had light brown hair and the brightest green eyes I had ever seen. He was wearing a dark brown/black hoodie and black skinny jeans. His worn out converse were getting a bit small for him.

"Logan? I came as quickly as I could-" Alia stopped in her tracks when she saw I cradling a human to my chest. "Logan- wh- what are you doing?"

"Parker got kicked put of his home with no where to go, I offered for him to stay with us for the time he has to be away."

"Logan. You know that's against the rules. Our 'dad' won't like this." I frowned at my sister.

"He won't even know. It's not long."

She sighed running a hand through her platinum blonde hair that went to her shoulders. "Fine. But only for awhile..."

Parker looked between us. "You guys don't look alike..."

"That's because we were all adopted by our father. Me, Alia and Cynthia." I answered him.

"Oh." He nodded.

"Well we better get going than you two." Alia started walking off.

Me and Parker followed her to my house. Right before we got to the door, I stepped I front of Alia and Parker. I eyed my sister. "All knives, butter knifes, forks, and spoons are hidden right?"

She rolled her eyes. "Duh. Do you really think I would trust Cynthia with those? She almost killed you last time. And all she had to work with was a spoon!"

Parker looked at me and Alia in shock. "How does that work?!"

"Trust me, you'll find out on a second." I sighed and walked inside. "Cynthia! Logi is home!" She always called me Logi... Don't know why though.

I heard little nine year old feet pounding down the stairs. "Logi!" She had a rag in her hand. I gulped. Who knows what she would do with it.

Cynthia ran right into my arms and tried to shove the rag down my throat but Alia took it from her. "Don't kill your only brother Cynthia." Alia huffed and walked upstairs.

"But-!" Cynthia pouted. Than she spotted Parker. Her eyes become wide saucers. She jumped out of my arms and ran off screaming, I heard the basement door slam before turning to Parker.

"She likes you."

"Screaming while running away from me means she likes me...?" His eye twitched.

"Yeah. She's sparing your life. She fears you." I chuckle.


"Come on. You can sleep in my room so that way if she tries to kill you, your screams will wake me up." I start for the stairs.

He followed after me. "When you offered me a place to stay at, I was worried, now I see why..."

"Oh don't worry. Cynthia's sort of safe..." We make it to my room. Every time I see this room I always get tears in my eyes. It has all my stuff from when I was alive, even one photo of my mom and dad and me. The bed I died in sat in the corner of my room, I know it's weird, but laying the bed every night makes me feel like I'm still with my family before I died.

"It's nice in here. Simple but nice." Parker looked around, even though there wasn't much to look at. He saw my family photo and picked it up. "Wow this looks really old. Is that you?" He pointed to me in the picture. I looked way different than I do now. My hair seemed darker and my eyes were a more intense grey. In the photo I also had dark bags under my eyes as I clung to my mother, a frown set on my paleish face.

"Yeah. And I edited the photo to look older." I sat on my bed watching Parker.

"You look different."

"I used to get sick a lot. But I'm better now." I shrugged.

He set the photo down and took a seat next to me. "So where should I sleep. I don't want to be a burden..."

"We can share my bed, it's big enough for two people, almost three."


I got up and grabbed him some clothes to sleep in, and some for myself. "I'll change in the bathroom." I went into the bathroom and got dressed.

When I came back into my room, Parker was already asleep in bed. I smiled at him than climbed in next to him. 'Goodnight Parker, mom and dad.' I smiled at my thought as I slowly fell asleep.

Rules for being a Soul Reaper (Fin)(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now