Rule #10

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/Logan's POV\

Rule #10

Keep all secrets hidden.

Keeping the fact that I'm a soul reaper from Parker was really hard. He was always curious on why I acted differently than normal 21st century kids. I always just said that I'm home schooled.

On the first full day of Parker being at our house, I woke up to him still sleeping. He looked so tired, I couldn't bring myself to wake him up. So I slipped out of bed and walked to the bathroom and got ready for the day, but stayed in my pajamas.

Than I crept past Parker and down the stairs. Cynthia was sitting on the couch watching the tv with dad. I froze. "Ah... Hi Arthur..." I shuffled awkwardly.

"Logan Alden Reaper." He tsked. He looked at me. "Having a human over and not telling me?"

"I'm sorry. I just- couldn't let this one slide! He looked so sad. And it broke my heart-"

"You've broken a rule Logan. And in danger of breaking the other 17. I'm going to have to punish you." He stood up. My body shook with fear, my palms stared to sweat. "But seeing as your going on 100 in a few days- i'll go easy on you."

He placed a hand on my head and I flinched. After a few seconds my energy started to drain. My knees buckled and I fell to the floor coughing. Tears stung my eyes.

"Log-" Parker was at the top of the stairs, when he saw me he ran down the steps toward me. "Logan!"

"Parker. Nice to meet you." Arthur completely ignored me and tuned to face Parker.

He eyed Arthur. "Wh-who are you-?" Parker wrapped an arm around my waist and helped me stand.

"Logan's dad. Arthur. You can let Logan lay there for a bit. He'll crawl to his room eventually. That's if he Cynthia doesn't kill him first."

"Um..." He bit his lip looking at me. "I'd be more comfortable taking him to him room... I think he has a fever." Parker turned toward the stairs and helped me up and into bed.

"You didn't have to do that..." My eyelids felt heavy and I didn't feel well at all.

"You told me you got sick easy. I'm worried. Your one of my first few friends. I don't wanna lose you this close to meeting you..."

I coughed than sighed. "Some rest will do me some good. Go hang out with Alia, she loves talking to people. And please. Stay away from Arthur..."

Parker nodded slowly. "Alright." He walked out of the room as I fell asleep.

/Parker's POV\

I chewed on my pointer finger nail as I walked down the stairs. Logan was sick, and I didn't want to leave him. I looked around the front room, I saw Alia and Cynthia sitting on the couch in silence. Cynthia scared me, but right now, something in me made me feel bad for her, she looked so sad.

"Arthur went out. He won't be back for a few days." Alia looked at me. "How's Logan?"

"Sleeping... He doesn't look to good." I bit my nails again.

"He'll get better. I know it..." Alia picked up Cynthia and stood up. "I'm gonna make breakfast. Cynthia is gonna help me, since she's calm for once. Just make yourself comfortable." Alia walked into the kitchen.

I sat on the couch and looked around, twiddling my thumbs. It was quiet, except for the sounds of the two girls in the kitchen. I couldn't take it. I got up and went back to Logan's room.

Logan was still laying down in his bed, he was asleep. I sat next to his bed on the desk chair. Almost as if sensing I was there, Logan opened his eyes. "Mum-?" He frowned and blinked a few times.

"No it's me, Parker."

"Parker?..." He definitely had a fever, his face was flushed and his breathing was slow and slightly raspy.

"Ya. I didn't want to leave you alone. Your sick an all..." I bit my lip.

"I'll be fine..." He looked at the ceiling. "Parker-?"


"I'm scared." I could see a little tear slip his eye.

I looked at him. "What's the matter? Why are you scared?"

He looked at me. "Last time I was like this. In my bed. Looking at the ceiling, I was getting over a coma. And my mums bright green eyes were the last thing I saw."

I looked at Logan again in confusion. "What do you mean? Last thing you saw?"

Logan started shaking. "If I tell you, bad things will happen." He coughed a few times.

"It can't be that bad..." I put a hand on his arm and watched him with a frown.

"You won't believe me." He looked at the wall.


"I died in 1906. December 25, Christmas day, due to pneumonia."

I stared at Logan. "Bu- I can touch you, I can see you and hear you. Your here. There's no way you died in 1906."

"I'm a soul reaper..."

/Logan's POV\

I broke rule #10. And rule #7...

I hope I'm making the right decision...


Hey :3 I'm putting this here to say I hope this is good, oh and no updates for a few days I might post two chapters e.e depends on what I'm doing later XD

Anyway :3 thanks for reading XD

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