The Kingdom Of liyue

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OMG. I DIDN'T KNOW PEOPLE LIKE ZHONGVEN THAT THEY EVEN ADD ME TO THIER READING LISTS LIKE IM MORE MOTIVATED NOW OMGAH 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Y'ALL THIS IS THE POWER OF MOTIVATION, one day when this book is done I shall make a blade x danheng one! Soo yeah! (Btw I'm a multi shipper which in my opinion in definition is someone who ships many ships in a variety of fandoms) ANYWAY THANK YoU AND ENJOY!! 😎😎

*3rd person pov*

The ride continues venti is casually sleeping on zhongli's lap after the soft and long cry....but zhongli thinks about what he just said to venti... "Be my temporary queen.....I will see if you can still rule a kingdom" he realizes what he did as he blushes harder but he attempts to hide the fact he just realized that he just made venti his queen, it was too sudden but it's temporary, I mean he has been single since guizhong's death, he had been completely not into anyone....but he doesn't know why he said those words? Out of pity or more? But now they head too a stop , they have arrived home.

Zhongli: venti wake up.....we are here.

Venti: *he slowly wakes up* h-huh? Oh morning.....I didn't know that mondstadt was so far from liyue.....*he yawns as he sits up* but this shirt is too big for me...

Zhongli: oh yeah I will buy you clothes then....and...give you a tour around the city...

Venti: oh really ~ is it because I'm your temporary queen?

Zhongli: *he suddenly Blushes as he covers venti's mouth* be quiet, if ningguang heard she will kill me, it was a big mistake! But I will secretly let you ok?

Well.... meanwhile with ningguang, yeah I had too ok.

Ningguang: A-ah Achoo!  Of someone talking about me?

Beidou: your probably just Cold, here *beidou gives ningguang her jacket then she kisses ningguang on the lips as ningguang Blushes* hm? Something wrong ning?

Ningguang: n-nothing!!? I'm suddenly warmer now....

Beidou: okk~ *beidou goes closer to ningguang as she hugs her*

Anyways back to the main couple, Yas the two old archons that some how some people like reading 😀😀😀😀 like it's still unbelievable, I thought this story will not be popular to anyone.

Venti: ok ok ok .... Well let's go? *Venti stands then grabs zhongli's hand as they get out of the carriage*

Zhongli: ahh! Ok slow down you know I'm quite old.. (does this boy forget we are literally a hundred years old???????)

Guards: THE KING HAS RETURNED WITH A GUEST! EVERYONE BOW AND GUARDS KNEEL! *the guards kneel and everyone gathering around bow to pay respect*

Venti: wow I didn't know your popular! Isn't weird we are holding hands in public?

Zhongli: it's fine, this is normal for guest, if we were a couplewe would do this... *Zhongli grabs venti's hand then wraps venti's arm on his as venti Blushes they continue walking*

Venti: h-hey! No need to demonstrate!

Zhongli: ha ha...I'm just teasing , what's wrong with the king to tease just a little? *Zhongli then let's venti's arm go back to his hand*

An Adventurer Of A Thief (warning!!: zhongven,royal and bl)Where stories live. Discover now