The Confession

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*prays* hiii I'm backkk I think? I used zhongven as motivation! Hopefully I can make 3 chapters this week, then continue my weekly upload, but hey we are now in chapter 11 yayyy!! That means this we are just 19 chapters in till this end, then we make the link click book soon and btw

(⚠️ "mentions a drug, Soo if you don't like this u-uhhh yeahh you can till the withness" 😃⚠️)

Sooo yeah!! Hope we can finish this quickly! I'm very happy about reaching 1k reads it's my first time! 💖💖💖I'm glad lots of people are willing to read my d##b shower ideas (yes this main theme is made while taking a shower) Soo I'm really really happy!!😃😃 I hope everyone will hang around till the very end! Enjoy!😎😎💖

*Venti pov:2 hours before Baal and Miko lefthe castle*

Everything hurts... I'm injured in it was my fault after all...morax is taking great responsibility of my actions...I'm gulity...I mean...I brought this upon myself yet there he is worrying about me.....and I just woke up tooI I'm appreciate it but..

"Ummm.... zhongli... Can you let my hand go????? I-i still need to recover ya know???" I say ackwardly but he is holding my hand up on his forehead with his head facing down... silently...

"" Morax says..."Mn" is just caressing my hand like it's nothing, I give off a weird laugh.

"Hahahahahahahaha haha wooooow ....pls let go Hello??? God of liyue? God of contract??? Zhongli???? MORAX! WAKE UP!" He is sleeping...I looked at him annoyed...but then as I lift my hand with his face...I see bags under his eyes...

"...silly really stayed up...just for me? What are you?? My loyal follower?....a simp...hehe that's what...i###t" I caressed his his cheek with a cheeky smile...but then he suddenly grabbed my hand and looked at me with a sharp look.

"I-i! What are you doing!?! I mean! What was I doing!?! Wait what even am I saying!?!" I blushed in embrassment and confusion... morax just closes his eyes...not even letting my hand goooo.

"....I'm not a simp venti..." He says looking at I looked at him with a giggle.

"Hehehe are you sure about that? Then let my hand go~ I'm hurt ya know? I already said that twice~" I laughed...but he clearly didn't listen as he just looks at me with his hand on mines...and my hand on his cheek.

",how are your injuries...can you tell me where hurts?" Morax asks me as I just laughed.

"Fine I will tell you..uhhh let's count...Soo I got two shoulder injuries..left and right...head back hurts ("like yours old man" talking bout zhongli ") throat hurts...but overall I'm fine? I wonder how long have I been out for actually" i gave off the question to try and learn about the current situation.

"....5hours... since you passed out, luckily that purple disrespectful kid somewhat saved you....a few hours ago too...,he is talking with Baal a few minutes ago too...I just left...them alone..." Morax was still touching my hand... seriously dude pull yourself together!

"....I mean he did look like Baal when he saved me... sayyyy I'm a game?" I teased as I pulled myself near his face, I noticed a few scales on the side of his face that it's almost not visible unless you look this close...I noticed he was Blushing...I thought he would push me away..but instead he...went closer to make me blush!?

An Adventurer Of A Thief (warning!!: zhongven,royal and bl)Where stories live. Discover now