Social Services

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Adeline Rae

"Learning to be alone and enjoying it, is the most empowering gift you can give yourself" - Steven Aitchison

The sun blazing in my eyes because there were no curtains on the window to prevent it, caused me to wake up with a tension headache forming that I could feel.

I looked at the tiny digital clock on the bedside table which read 8:45am. No! No! No! I was late for school. I was supposed to be in school at 8:35 and it was already 10 minutes past. I frowned as I grabbed my phone, remebering how I had disabled the alarm when it had rang twice, too exhausted to even think about getting out of bed.

I had to go to school though, if not i would spend the whole day self walloping which wouldn't do my headache any favours. I slowly rose out of bed, feeling every muscle strain and ache. I was already late so there was no need to be time conscious now.

After getting out of the bathtub filled with warm water, the warn water doing wonders on my achy muscles, I dried myself off, and chose a long sleeved, black turtleneck top and some slightly baggy, light blue jeans to wear. After getting dressed, I headed back to the bathroom, and opened my makeup drawer which basically consisted of only cheap foundation, concealer, and lip gloss, all of which were useful to conceal a bruised face. I took my time applying my makeup, careful not to get any on the small cut on my forehead, which still looked an angry red. I grabbed a band aid from the first aid kit, and carefully applied it to the cut on my forehead, just above my eyebrow.

Satisfied that I looked presentable, I grabbed my school backpack, and a black hoodie to keep me warm, and walked down the stairs, noticing the smashed beer bottle in the kitchen, that looked as though someone had threw it at the wall, sitting on the couch. I ignored the mess, and put on my white trainers, before leaving the house.

The walk from my house to Willow High school took at least 20 minutes, but with my bruised body, achy muscles, and headache, the walk felt much longer. I finally arrived at the entrance of Willow high, and walked through to the secretary, signing myself in, and explaining why I was late.

After biding goodbye to the secretary, I headed for my 3rd class of the day, since i had already missed the previous two due to being late, and it was Chemistry, my least favourite subject. I was in an AP class for Chemistry because even though I hated it, I was a perfectionist who had an obsession with excelling at anything to do with academics, even though I found studying and concentrating really hard sometimes.

I think excelling at my academics provides me with a sense of security because if I do really well at school, I can maybe skip a year, and therefore go to university a year earlier, and by extension leave my so called home with Greg a year earlier, which is very important to me. Chemistry seemed to go by quicker today, no idea why, and it was already time for my AP English Literature class, which was one of my favourites. I made my way to the class, sitting down in my usual seat, 2nd row from the back, and started getting my books out when the school principal, a middle aged man, named Mr. Matthews came in, his warm hazel brown eyes searching the room until they landed on me. "Adeline, can I speak to you outside of the classroom please?" he asked, and although posed as a question I knew the only option was for me to say yes, so I said exactly that, and grabbed my backpack following him out the door, curious to see what this was about.

"Adeline there's a lady in my office who wishes to speak to you, follow me please", Mr Matthews said, and I followed behind him when he stooped behind an oak door, opening the door for me and motioning for me to go in first, and I politely obliged, saying a quick "thank you".

The lady sitting in the visitors chair of Mr Matthews' office, was one I had never met before, but before I could voice my question, she quickly stood up, introducing herself before I could say anything. "Hello, my name is Julia, and I'm from social services. Why don't you come and take a seat and we can talk for a bit" the lady, Julia, asked with a fake smile on her face.

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