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Hank Voight

"Love is nothing without action, Trust is nothing without proof, and Sorry is nothing without change"

Dammit! This case was turning out to be such a dead end.

No witnesses. No prints. No evidence. Just a dead body with three knife wounds.

Me and Al had just finished scouring the area to see if any cameras in shops had recorded the crime but no such luck.

I was frustrated and tired. Me and the whole team had been working overtime this week trying to figure out this case.

"Let's go back to the district for lunch and then we can regroup and go over theories", I told Alvin who nodded his agreement and we walked to the car together.

I checked in with Erin, Jay, and Adam who were also on the way back to the district.

I walked into the the 21st district as Al stayed behind to park the car.

It was hectic in here. Poor Trudy was trying to work fast but there were too many people who were all frustrated at the waiting time.

I went straight up to the intelligence department upstairs and went straight to my office, not talking to anyone.

I closed the door of my office and focused on going back through the case files, seeing if we missed anything or didn't make a connection to something.

I hadn't seen Addie in the way here but I hadn't looked at the break room, too focused on getting to my office.

I didn't want her to see me like this.

I was stressed, tired, and frustrated and I didn't want to accidently shout at her or take it out on her.

I had been going through the case files for about half an hour when my stomach rumbled and I decided to see if the team had ordered something.

"Boss, you're a godsend. How did we never know you're such a good cook?!", Adam shouts excitedly, munching on a chocolate chip cookie.

"What the hell are you talking about?", I say with exasperation.

How does he have so much energy after working early and finishing late?

"You made us lunch and choc chip cookies!", Adam exclaims making me even more confused.

"No I didn't. What the hell are you talking about?", I half shout, confused and tired.

"We found a container of chocolate chip cookies and two containers of some BBQ chicken salad in the break room. We assumed you made them since none of us did", Jay explains, looking just as confused as me.

"I didn't make them", I exclaim.

"Where do you even think I'd find the time to make all this if I've been working the same late night shifts as you?", I ask.

"Well, if you didn't make them, then who did?", Jay asks.

I look towards the break room where I assumed Addie would be but find it empty.

"Where's Addie?", I ask, my instincts warning me that something is wrong.

"What? She was just in the break room. She's probably outside for some fresh air or in the bathroom", Antonio says.

I walk towards the break room, finding Addie's coat and backpack on the floor.

"Why would she go outside without her coat? It's freezing", I think out loud.

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