Chapter 2

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It's nine o' clock, by this time I'm sick with worry thoughts running through my head of pile ups on the highway, a drunk driver hitting my parents, them being robbed and murdered, kidnapped even.  I'm going crazy and I don't know what to do, tears unconsciously running down my face.  I'm a mess, I can't seem to hold back the sobs as they rip through me, I just know that something is wrong, my parents would have called, they would let me know where they are, if they could.

I make my way to the phone bent on calling the police and demanding that they find out what's going on, I've already texted my best friend Hannah and she's on her way over here, it's great that she lives in my neighborhood, it's a short walk but there's lots of street lights so it's safe.  I hear a knock at the door and my heart jumps in my throat, Oh God please let it be Hannah.  I race to the door and breathe a sigh of relief that it's her, not the police or some other person coming to tell me that my parents are dead.

I let Hannah in and we talk about whether I should call the police, her being here calms me down, she tells me maybe they're working late and their phones have died, ok that's a probability, in fact with my mom it's highly possible and my dad might be still at court, he's a lawyer you see.  Hannah and I decide to wait, give it an hour and then we'll panic.  I don't know what I'd do without Hannah banana, she's my rock, best friend a girl could have.

Me and Hannah decide to watch a movie, we're girlie girls but like funny movies as well, we decide to watch From Prada To Nada, Hannah makes some popcorn and we settle on the couch as I pop in the movie.  It's funny I must admit but it only makes my chest ache, what if that's me and my parents are dead and I'm forced to go live with the grandparents I've never seen, never even spoke to, my panic resumes.

As I'm about to scream out, because by this time not even Hannah can keep me calm I hear my name, I feel the sweet joy of relief as my mom calls out to me.  Oh thank goodness, I breathe a sigh of relief and for a moment I'm euphoric and then I get mad, how could they have me worried all this time, couldn't they even call me, message me, email even facebook geez! So many ways they could have prevented the desolation that I felt this afternoon, boy their explanation better be good.

I race to the door and the sight that greets me stops me in my tracks, my parents stand there alive and whole but they look so disoriented, tired and bemused… I guess the way you would look after days without sleep or travelling a great distance or going through a disaster.  I look at them waiting for an explanation, my mom steps up to me and envelops me in a hug…dad soon joins her I wonder what is going on and think to myself that whatever it is it’s going to be big.  Hannah leaves telling me she’ll see me tomorrow and giving me that look that says I need to spill once we’re alone. 

I know something is really wrong when not only do my parents not acknowledge Hannah but they let her just leave without offering to drop her at home of for her to stay over.  Alarm bells go off in my head and as much as I want to know what’s going on, I don’t at the same time.

We move to sit on the couch, mom and dad sit together and I sit facing them.  Dad takes a deep breath and looks at mom…. He sighs and then he says “Sammy” and stops.  It all comes out in a rush after that.  Dad tells me about the phone call he got just as he was about to leave the office, how he rushes to pick mom up and they drive to his parents (What?!?!).  Exclamation marks resound in my head his parents? But they don’t even talk…. Turns out my grandfather is sick (near death pshh) and we need to move…. At this point I jump up and look at the two…. Obviously they’re crazy, or these aren’t my parents…I shout out No way and try to dash up to my room going for the teenager effect of slamming the door and not coming out of my room until they see reason.

Then the strangest thing happens, I hear a cracking sound and what sounds like a growl (a growl?) yes that’s right a growl!  I turn around and there standing next to my mom is a wolf, right before I drop to the floor thoughts run through my head

1.     Where is my dad?

2.How is that wolf so big?

3.     I need to go to the hospital because I’m obviously crazy and the stress of the afternoon has taken it’s toll… I should be committed………….

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