Chapter 5

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I slowly come awake the next morning, the sunlight is streaming in through the window, I feel relaxed and at peace, I sit up in bed and open the window, letting the covers fall off my body as I turn so I can rest my head on the window pane, I'm glad the bed is next to the window, I would love to do this every morning.  It's so pretty, the forest outside is light and shadows, everything so crisp and clear, bursts of colour from the garden and beyond and the sweet smell of the flowers mingles with the clean woodsy scent of the forest.  Even the air here smells better, everything is so untouched, one word comes to mind: gorgeous.

As that word enters my head I gasp because in my mind I've associated Luke with that word.  My head droops on the pane and I sigh, tears trickle down my cheeks as the events of the previous night enter my mind.  Lost in the idyllic time of new wakefulness and early morning sunshine and entranced by the beauty outside I had forgotten my dilemma, but it all comes rushing back at once and I cant stop the sobs.  It's so unfair, how can he be so cruel, he doesn't know me, never even met me before and he hates me, all because of what I am.

I'm normal, I'm human, it's him who is not natural, he's supernatural, I should be upset.  I'm the one who had to move, leave my friends behind, school, normalcy.  I've entered an unfamiliar world far away from home and all for the grandfather I never knew, so my parents can make peace and my Dad can be where he grew up, I reflect on how happy my Dad is, even my mom is happy and it's because of their relationship that there was the rift.  Rosa and Steven seem ok, in fact my grandmother is everything I think a grandma should be, she exudes comfort, its amazing that in my brief encounter with them I can feel that.  Steven seems strong and forthright, honourable I think, I guess you would have to be to be an alpha. 

I don't know much of this world, only what my parents explained on the way here, Steven is in charge of the weres who live here, all the families look up to him because he is the alpha, my Dad is next in line and would have been alpha already if my parents hadn't moved away, seems my parents met in high school, back then the wolves were allowed to go to school with the humans, but after what happened with my dad Steven has made it a pack rule that there should be no interaction with humans at school so they all attend their own school.  I guess thats a good thing because obviously me being human I won't have to go to their school, I'll get to go to the human school.  I feel a bit of relief but I still want to talk to my Dad, maybe see if we can go back.

As that thought enters my head there's a knock at the door and my mom sticks her head in.  "Good you're awake Sammy" she enters the room and comes over to my bed and sits, my mom hugs me and I hug her back, she inhales and pulls back looking at me with a wide smile on her face.  I'm so happy you're awake Sammy, we've been up for hours, your Dad went for a run earlier and I went with him, I guess that explains why she's in exercise clothes, I couldn't keep up of course, she laughs at this, I look at my mom and she's actually glowing, she's always been happy but now she's glowing, she continues on talking telling me how happy my dad is and how well he and his parents are getting along it's only been a day and night how well can they be getting along?

Mom says Steven took them to meet the pack and everyone was really welcoming, I guess they don't mind her being human or maybe it's just Luke who has a problem,apparently there's going to be a ceremony to hand over alpha status to Dad, boy things are really progressing quickly, how am I supposed to convince Dad to go back home now, I need to move quickly, I cut across mom telling her I'm hungry and wanna shower before I go down she smiles and gets up telling me to go ahead.  Mom hugs me again before she leaves and walks out the door smiling, I get my clothes and make my way to the bathroom, thank God I have my own bathroom I never had to share at home so this is great.  After brushing my teeth and showering I slip on my underwear and shorts and pull a short sleeved top on as well, I look at myself in the mirror and smile, well atleast I look good.  I make my way downstairs and follow the voices I hear, hopefully I get to the kitchen  because I'm hungry and since I was so tired yesterday I have no idea where anything is.

I walk passing rooms as I make my way towards the voices, the house is so pretty, it's huge and so clean, I have to remember not to leave any stuff lying around, I don't want to make a bad impression on my grandparents, I have enough to deal with in Luke.  I enter a large room and realise it's the kitchen, like every other part of the house this is huge, it's well laid out and the sunlight streams through the huge glass windows making everything look larger.  The island in the middle of the kitchen is laden with food I can smell bacon and my stomach rumbles, I love bacon, adjoining the room there's another with huge tables and chairs there are rumbles of conversation coming from there so I assume everyone is eating in there, there are alot more voices than just my parents and grandparents so I decide to just make a plate and go back to my room or outside to eat. I'm not up to meeting anyone right now.

I get a plate from the stack next to the food and begin to dish out eggs and bacon and toast, I eat alot, I'm a growing teen after all and I get alot of exercise through volleyball, as I'm finished and I turn to leave Rosa walks in.  She spots me and smiles.  Samantha how lovely you look, come in and eat with the rest, everyone is still here.  I smile and try to explain to Rosa that I was just going outside to eat, she doesn't hear me though and propels me towards the other room, I enter and my eyes land on Luke, he has a menacing expression on his face as he looks at me.  I stop and return his stare.  At this moment I feel exactly how a deer must feel as it sees a hunter and senses impending doom.  I sense movement to my left and I hear my Dad say "Sammy you're up, come sit and eat".  He pulls me into a hug and guides me to the table to take a seat next to him, unfortunately the seat is exactly opposite Luke.

I look up and I notice everyone is staring at me, there are alot of people here, apart from my grandparents and parents there are two adult couples and three teens and a little girl apart from Luke.  Steven smiles at me as I mumble good morning, he stands and introduces me to them with such pride in his voice.  Wow Steven really likes me.  The couple are Steven's beta Eric and his wife Valerie and their son Scott and his wife Emily, apparently Scott is going to be my dad's beta, Eric is still Steven's beta as dad never assumed the position but that's all going to change tonight.  The teens are their kids Jason and Zach are twins and the oldest followed by Jessica who is unbelievably beautiful and Sienna who is three and really pretty, she looks like a fairy child.  I smile at Sienna and she tells me I'm really pretty, i look up as Luke snorts and .I find him smirking at me.

I quickly look down and start eating as conversation picks up around the table, Sienna shoots shy smiles as me and I return them, Jessica asks me about the city and we start to talk as teenage girls do when they meet someone who is genuine and can be a true friend, as i tell her about the city and my friends and school I start to relax, that is until I hear Rosa asking luke to show me around after breakfast.  I look up and he's smiling at Rosa and telling her he will.  I gasp and he turns toward me and directs a hateful glare at me.  I sigh and continue eating, maybe Jessica can take me instead, I turn to her to ask and as I utter the words I hear a low growl, I look up and Luke is looking at me intensely.  Steven hears me ask Jessica and tells me it's better if the pack sees Luke and I together from the beginning, I look to Luke confused and he has that hateful glare on his face again.  

Ok I don't know what is going on but someone needs to explain to me, I look at mom and she gives me a small smile telling me she'll explain.  I've lost my appetite so I get up to leave, Luke gets up too and comes around the table grabbing my arm.  he leads me out the room and makes his way to the door, I try to resist but he's so strong.  I dig in my heels and he lets out a low growl, I'm shocked and my shock allows him to pull me outside.  He makes his way to the gazebo that's set at the edge of the garden and flings open the door, he throws me on the couch, this boy really likes to throw people around.  We need to talk he tells me.... ok I guess this can't be good, but hopefully I'll have some answers.

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