Chapter 4

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The gorgeous creature turns his attention back to my parents and smiles, he takes the bags from my dad, wow buff much? and steps back into the house motioning my parents to follow, I trail behind them not wanting to be left outside and alone, I'm new here and after everything that I've learnt recently I don't want to be anywhere alone for awhile.

We move down the corridor and enter a room that's really cosy, mismatched chairs that somehow go together are scattered around the room along with cushions, throws and vases of flowers in all colours, the natural fragrance in this room is heavenly, I sink into one of the chairs and let out a small sigh... I'm in comfort heaven.  

I hear footsteps and a couple enter, the man leans on the woman and as they enter the sexy boy rushes to their aid, he guides the man to a chair and helps him to sit, the woman follows and sits next to him, the boy moves back to lean against the wall, "Thank you Luke" I hear her murmur... hmmm Luke it suits him somehow.  My eyes flit towards him and he looks at me, I flush and look down, I'm embarassed to be caught staring but I can't help myself.

The woman clears her throat and I switch my attention to her, hello dear she says to me I'm Rosa but I'd be very happy if you could call me Nana and this is Steven your grandfather, I look at Steven and he returns the stare, we size each other up and after a while I see a faint smirk appear on his lips, I smile back, I think I might like my grandparents.

My parents and grandparents begin to talk and I doze in and out of sleep, I know I should be interested in what they have to say, but recent events are catching up to me and my tired body is yearning for rest.  Rosa notices this and she asks Luke to take me to my room, I jump up at this, I feel so uncertain around Luke, I feel so uncertain in this place and I've just arrived but I decide to make the best of it, after all nothing I can do to change present circumstances.

Luke smiles at Rosa and assures her that there's no problem and he'd take me to my room.  My dad points out my bag and Luke picks it up, he indicates that I should follow him so I do.  As soon as we're out of their sight Luke speeds up, he heads to the stairs and runs up them, he's really athletic and his body looks great when he moves like that.  

I struggle to keep up with him, we get to the top and he opens the first door on his left, he drops my bag and yanks me into the room throwing me on the bed.  I start to panic and hurry to get up but he leaps on top of me and growls.  His voice low and menacing he says "you are a human, worthless in my eyes, in front of the adults I will be civil to you and you will do the same, but we are not friends nor will we ever be, noone wants you here, as far as we're all concerned you're stupid and belong in the city you came from.  Prepare for a living nightmare human because this is only the beginning."

He gets off me and exits the room, no longer tired I lay on the bed tears streaming down my cheeks, how am I to stay here now, my parents seem happy to be here and Rosa is ecstatic, I resolve to talk to my dad the next day, see if we can work things out so we can move back, Steven doesn't seem that ill... i fall into a troubled sleep with the knowledge that I have to somehow make my parents leave this place. 

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