Chapter 3

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The wolf looks at me with my Dad's piercing brown eyes, Holy Shit! that's Dad!.  I fall gracelessly to the floor.

When I come to I'm in my room and its morning the light showing through my window, I groan and roll over thinking about the weird dream that I had, imagine my Dad turning into a wolf.  I stretch and get my phone flipping through the messages, there are a million from Hannah asking for an explanation, my brain's still fuzzy with sleep so I don't know what she's talking about, crazy banana I think.

I look around my room and there at my door are suitcases, my suitcases, packed and waiting and then it all floods back, I groan deciding if I should run, take refuge at Hannah's maybe.  My mom comes into my room with a worried expression on her face, well she should be worried, her husband is a wolf...Oh God am I half wolf? Oh please let me be adopted.

My dad enters the room and they both sit down to try to explain to me what's going on and why my wolrd has turned upside down.  Dad explains that he comes from a line of wolves, my grandparents are wolves and he lived with them up till he met her in high school, he fell in love with her, my mom it seems is his mate, they're 'fated to be together'.  Needless to say his parents didnt approve and so he had to leave to be with her, she's a lowly human after all.

Problem is my grandfather is in charge of his pack, the alpha (I'm following this as I saw that cartoon Alpha and Omega), now that my grandfather is sick, practically dead really my dad has to return take care of the pack who now are willing to accept my mom (convenient huh?).  What this means for me is total chaos, I have to uproot my life, leave my friends, give up my dream of coming across prince charming in the hallway of my school, all for wolves, dogs really. FML.

Being the super efficient parents they are they've already arranged with my school and soon we're on our way to Wolf's Vale (seriously?) all I get is a phonecall to Hannah to tell her that I'm leaving, explain that the grandparents I don't even know need us and just like that we're moving, how do my parents expect anyone to buy that?

My mom tries to get me excited with words like 'roadtrip', 'new friends', 'new opportunities', seriously does she expect me to be all gung ho about this and accept the bulls**t?  I don't think so!  The trip seems to take forever and although we stop frequently along the way to sleep and eat, use the restrooms and stretch by the time I get to Wolf Vale I'm actually happy, if only to not have to get back into the car and drive.

As my dad makes his way to the house he grew up in people look at us, some nodding to my dad, others just openly curious, the stares I get aren't exactly friendly and I hope this isnt an even bigger disaster than it already is.  We pull up to an avergae sized house and we get out.

The house is really pretty and even from the outside its inviting, there are bursts of colour everywhere and the smell is heavenly.  Someone is obviously a gardener.  my dad takes our bags out of the car, how did I never realise how strong he is?  We make our way to the front door and before we can knock it's flung open and the most gorgeous creature I have ever seen walk on two legs stands in the doorway, he greets my parents and then turns his stare on me.  His lips turn into a smirk and he mouths one word 'Human' and gives me such a venemous look that I instantly flush bright red and step back under the intensity of his gaze.   Oh this is just great! 

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