Chapter 1

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I'm just your ordinary 16 year old just waiting on life to happen, it seems that 18 won't get here fast enough I know I'll be 17 soon but 18 is that magical portal to the beginning of my life, the time where i graduate into adulthood and start to live my life, I can't wait it seems so far away.  

My name's Samantha Thomas but I'm know as Sammy to everyone, the name suits me I think.  I'm average height...ok I'm kinda short at 5 ft 3 inches I have a good body due to me playing volleyball and I'm pretty or so I'm told.  I get good grades, I'm a model daughter, no drugs, hardly any drinking and limited partying, I'm just waiting for life to start because no matter what I do something seems to be missing and I don't know what it is........... maybe 18 will open that door.

I'll still be at school but I'll be an adult, free to live on my terms, to make things happen........I can't wait.  My mom doesn't understand, she tells me that life will unfold as time goes by, to be patient and things will fall into place.  My dad doesn't want his little girl to grow up.  I want my prince charming and my exciting life with a great career and a perfect house.  Don't get me wrong I love my parents and enjoy being their daughter.

We live in a great house, my mom and dad have good jobs and make good money, I don't have to worry about anything.  My life is great but I can't wait for that moment when I meet him and I know everything will happen as it's supposed to he'll see me and to him I'll be the most beautiful girl and he'll be my perfect mate.  I really can't wait.

Six months later

An ordinary day in my life, well it started that way. I get home after a gruelling day at school, being 17 and a senior is hard work and find an empty house, as strange as that is there's no one home, my parents are usually here by this time.  It's late afternoon as I stayed back to practice for volleyball.

I decide to go upstairs and take a shower and a nap, my parents will wake me for dinner when they get home.  I wake up a couple hours later to a dark night.... the house is silent, I get up and make my way downstairs.  My parents are nowhere to be seen.

I try to call their phones after checking mine to see if I've missed their call and if they've left me a message but no luck.  I sit at the counter wondering who I should call, my parents have no siblings and my grandparents, my dads parents don't live close by, besides I don't see them much as they don't get along with my parents and my mom's parents aren't alive anymore.  

I start to get concerned but I decide not to panic so I sit and I wait staring out at the full moon and wondering where they are.......

A/N This is my first attempt at getting an idea out....let me know what you think.

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