Chapter 8

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I get to Dad's office and push the door open, I've never felt like I ever disturbed him so I enter, I pause, maybe I should have knocked, sitting opposite Dad is Luke, you may wonder how I know it's Luke cause his back is facing me, I know cause even the boy's back is sexy, if only he wasn't mean he'd be the perfect package, tall, hot, sexy,built...geez there aren't enough adjectives.

Dad looks up at me and smiles..."Come in Sammy, sit next to luke let's talk".  Luke's staying Daddy I ask, I try not to sound upset by this, Dad smiles and nods so I take a seat.  Gosh the boy smells good too, edible, I flush at this thought, since when do I have lustful thoughts?  And about the meanie too.  Stop It Sammy I chastise myself.

I look up to see Dad and Luke looking at me, Dad looks confused, Luke is smirking at me, Oh God, can werewolves read minds?  I'll have to remember to ask Rosa, nah maybe Steven, Rosa would want to know why I wanted to know that and knowing me I'd blurt it out and I don't want anyone to know about Luke and I, not that there is a Luke and I.

"You ok Sammy?" Dad asks, I smile and nod at him and he proceeds to talk to Luke and I. " You know you need to restart school Sammy and it's a good thing school here starts next week, so you won't be missing anything"  Hmmm that's strange normal school started two weeks ago, I guess they do things differently here.  

"So what school am I going to Dad?, I mean I know it's the school in town but I don't know the name, we haven't really been outside of the pack area since we got here."  Luke snorts at this and I turn to look at him, staring head on, I've decided not to give him anymore power, stop crumbling everytime he's mean to me.  The plan was to avoid him, but it seems that's an impossibility so the next best thing to do is pretend that he doesn't affect me, hopefully eventually he actually won't.  I'm sure it's the big change that has me unsure where he is concerned, a girl is bound to be a little off after a big upset, especially like the one I had... werewolves, who knew?

Dad clears his throat and smiles at me "You're going to school with Luke Sammy"  FML, come on, can't I get a break here?  I smile at Dad, I don't want to appear selfish, after what Luke told me in the gazebo I've tried to not be selfish and honestly he was right, my parents are happier here than I've ever seen them and I don't want to be the one to mess with that.  "Why would I go to the wolf school Dad?, I'm human, besides isn't Luke too old to go to high school?" I smile as I say this, I've always been able to sway Dad with my smiles.

" About that Sammy, we're not sure that you are, I mean weres don't shift till they are 18 and until then we won't know ".  I go blank, literally all thoughts escape my mind, I'm trying to process what Dad is saying and I simply can't, I'm not even aware that my mouth is open till the idiot (Luke) starts laughing.  "Close your mouth Sam", well all thoughts haven't left my brain cause I process that he does have a great voice, ok I guess my brain is only able to process idiocity.

"What do you mean Dad?"  

"We're not sure if you'll shift Sammy and it's better to learn and be prepared in case you do, even if you don't you do have were genes and learning about your heritage is a good thing, it won't hurt, then there's always the possibility that you could find a mate who's a were even if you aren't a shifter and your knowledge would help too.  I know my princess can't wait to meet her prince, not that I'm looking forward to that"  Dad grumbles that last part but I'm still shocked that I have to actually go to school with Luke.

"So why is Luke here Daddy, you could have told me this on my own, I didn't need a witness", if luke wasn't here I could try to sway Dad,but because he's sitting there with a smirk on his face, a stupid hot face I try to be as accepting as I can, I don't want to be called a selfish bitch again, not that I should care what he thinks, but weirdly I do.  And because he's here Daddy is gonna think that I'm ok and I'm gonna lose my chance to convince Dad that I should go to the normal school.  Stupid Luke!

"Luke's here because he's agreed to help you at school, show you the ropes and take care of you at school"  Luke is smiling by now Oh great now I have to be around the jerk.  Dad tells us that's all he wanted to say and we get up to leave, he even says thank you to luke!.  We get into the corridor and Luke closes the door, I turn to leave and feel an arm wrap around my waist.  Luke pulls me against his chest, his very hard chest and bends to whisper in my ear, as I feel his breath on my neck I shiver and a swarm of butterflies wake up in my stomach and start fluttering.  "No avoiding me now Sam, how are you goin to deal with that?"  I exhale slowly not even able to respond to him, and then I feel his tongue on my neck and he licks me, and let me tell you those butterflies  are now a whirlwind, and then he's gone.  I slump against the wall as I'm not sure I can stand on my own, Luke saunters out of the house, whistling would you believe.  I let out a long slow breath, I can't believe he licked me and what's even worse I can't believe I liked it..... what now?..........

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