Family line

352 11 0

TW: Abuse

After you got the letter you put it in your drawer and went to sleep but little did you know, your mother was watching you.

You woke up to see your phone vibrate


It seems like the groupchat is full of life

       🤑😜The three gangstaass✌️💲(Reo put
it if you couldn't tell)



Nagi: Oh I got the same letter

They got in too?! You felt like your life 
for once is starting to get better.

You started to reply but you halted as you felt your mothers footsteps coming.

You quickly hid your phone.

And there she is with..

'Is that my letter?' You thought feeling your eyes widen as it was torn up.

"[Name] when you first said that you want to become the best striker, I ignored it thinking you were young and naive but now"

she had a murderous glim in her eyes. She's worse than before.

She continues "You even want to join my brothers stupid programma" she says with venomous in her tone

You felt too scared to move, your mother is now so different from before.
Scarier then ever.
You even dismissed the fact about Ego being your blood related uncle.

"I wanted to train you so you could become a professional football player, just like your dad I guess you have to learn it the hard way"

'What a weird way to learn someone a hard lesson' you thought randomly

You backed away trembling, she grabbed your loose hair and slammed your head at the wall, you felt bruises forming up.

After that your mother brings up her hand and you knew what's going to happen, with her sharp ring on her middle finger she slapped your cheep hard.

You felt blood forming.

'after I thought that I could live a normal life this happened' you thought in your miserable state.

She slapped you over and over again.

You were almost knocked out you could feel it. But this isn't the end of it.

She glares at you with hatred
"Why are you..."

You've had enough of it, you wanted to get away from this,
12 years have you endured it. And no one even noticed.
"Go to hell psycho go to therapy"

With that words your mother screamed
And grabbed your neck
She started to choke you.

After that you heard the sound of police sirens

Then you were knocked out.

Ego Jinpachi sat in the police office.

Right now his sister is finally getting what she deserves. Going to jail, well he didn't mind if she died. If anything she was more evil than him.

It went all according his plan.

"So what we're getting is that your sister is a criminal we've been looking for 20 years?!"

Ah, yeah there it is. His sister is a criminal. That's probably the reason he ended up like this..

Jinpachi himself doesn't know why or how she became a criminal, she didn't express herself very well.

She's only angry and would throw her angry out at him when they were young.

So when he found out that she's also abusing his niece. He set his plan in action.
To finally capture the wanted criminal for 20 years.

"It seems like that's the case" Jinpachi said

The officer looked at him with a stern look.
"And we're getting that she was abusing her own daughter for 12 years? No one even noticed?"

Ego sighed "Yeah my niece can pretty much hide her own feelings, no wonder she's blood related to me" Ego said while thinking
"even I didn't know she was abused when I first met her"

Ego jinpachi stood up " if that's all I will be going now, after all I have to visit a niece of mine who almost died"


The ringing beeping filled your ears and it annoyed you. You were awake for 5 hours now. You can't do anything.

Only lie in this depressing bed.
'Like eh hello iknow I almost died but hey I'm alive'

And plus you're phone is still at home.
What were you supposed to do without your phone??!!!
You're skipping through channels from your TV while sighing.

Suddenly came Ego jinpachi, who you recently learned is your uncle.

"Damn you didn't even knock, have you not learned manners at this age?"

"Shut up you brat"



Ego held a shiny object but when it came into view you squealed with happiness.

"My phone!! I missed you so much" you hugged your phone close to you while Ego stared weirdly at you.

"Anyways have you decided about going to blue lock?" Ego asked a ridiculous question

"Pfft is that even a question ofcourse I'm coming" you were excited about it the first time your uncle mentioned it.

"Good, oh your friends are at the waiting room, I was told that two friends of yours were waiting for you"

Your shocked did they get the news?
"Let them in"

"Fine I'll tell the nurse to let them in, I have important things to attend to"
"And for now you're living in blue lock"


"OHMYGODDD YOU'RE ALIVE" reo screamed at you while hugging your side.
Nagi is more collective about it "you're okay reo thought you died"

You deadpanned at him "No shit sherlock look how he's clinging at my side" you pointed at the still crying reo.

After reo calmed down. He took a chair and nagi did the same.

"What happened why were you here in the first place if you don't mind me asking?"

And so you told them everything. It's alright to just let everything go. And finally live your life how you wanted.

Reo is back to crying, even nagi looked like he was ready to cry but held in.

"I- I didn't know you were going though that much" reo said between sobs

"You never gave anything away and was always happy when you were with us" nagi said. were always like that you could express your emotions very well. That no one noticed. But deep down you wanted someone to know.

"Well that's who I am, sooo what about blue lock?"

They were chatting, laughing, eating[reo snuck some food in] watching movies.

You're happy with friends like them.
You hope you'll find more friends like reo and nagi.

And now they were saying their goodbyes and promised that they will see each other in blue lock.

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