Only girl? like hell

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It's been one week since the incident and you're finally out of the hospital.

Ego said he's supposed to pick you up at 2  o' clock. After saying goodbye to the nurses that treated you, you went outside.

The moment you took a step outside you took a deep breath. Oh how you missed the fresh air.
After awhile you noticed a limousine, and a woman came out of it.
She came towards you.

"Hello I'm Anri teieri, Ego san had things to do so he told me to pick you up" she told you with a heartwarming smile.

Of-fucking-course ego didn't have time to pick you up, he's busy with blue lock. But..this woman must me from blue lock too, as you saw that the limousine was waiting for you two to get in.

After you introduced yourself the two of you got in and you finally asked your question

"So Anri san are you from blue lock too?"

"Why yes I'm the manager of blue lock"

Ah that explains it.

Anri teieri smiled. When jinpachi ego told her to pick up his niece she wondered why? But refrained from asking, after seeing his expression. So she will be the only girl to enter blue lock will she be alright with that?

"And you will be joining the blue lock too are you excited about it?"

"Yes I'm excited about what kind of people I will meet and about the expectations of football, I only played football at home so it makes me excited to think about it"

Anri questioned herself does [Name] know that she's the only girl in blue lock or not?

They arrived at Blue lock and it looked like a goddamn mansion. That was your first thought anyway.

Anri told you what each room was for. And you were already confused where the first room was.

In the laundry room you found so many jumpsuits 'is this really a football camp? Because I wouldn't wear something so uncomfortable in football'
You thought as dread sets you in noway in hell am I going to wear this.

Anri noticed your discomfort as you looked at the jumpsuits
"Ah don't worry I made a special one for you that's way more comfortable than this"

You sighed in relief but felt bad for the ones that had to wear this.

"Ohh can I see it?? Pleasee"

Anri san chuckled "you have to wait till tomorrow"

Oh right. It's tomorrow already how time flies.

After this they were heading to ego's room, and damn is it a mess.
You already knew that he's weird and messy. But this is on a different level. He looked like a psychopath! With all the camera's facing him.

"Good afternoon ego san I brought your niece as you told me"

But you were still disgusted as you looked at his room.

"Oh good there is a guest room next to my room [Name] you can sleep there today" Ego said while slurping his noodles.

You dismissed that "Ego..I need to be honest with you, you look like a real psychopath"

"Iknow, now go. You need to be prepared for tomorrow"
After settling in the bed, you took out your phone and saw the missed messages from a certain group. You smiled.

🤑😜The three gangstaass✌️💲

Reo: hey guysss excited for tomorrow??😁
Nagi: eh not really.
Reo: Oh come on! Atleast try to be excited
Reo: Oh [name] should be checked out of the hospital today.
Nagi: yes finally.
                                                        You: Oh hey guyss I didn't know you missed me so muchh 🫠

Reo: heyy you're backk

Nagi: hi [name]

                                                         You: Yes I'm back can't wait till tomorrow

Reo: finally someone that's excited about blue lock *cough* *cough* looks pointedly at nagi seishiro
                                                         You: pls😭😭😭

Nagi: Oh why're you crying did something happen again?

                                                       You: uh no nvm

Reo: I tried explaining it to him one day and I'm never doing it again. Good choice of words [name]
                                                      You: iknow

Nagi: what?

You laughed but then heard footsteps coming   is someone coming?                         
                                                      You: anyways I have to go now I'll see you tomorrow

Reo: yea byeee!

Nagi: bye   

And you were right someone knocked on your door. "[Name] chan I prepared dinner for you i will be waiting for you there"

You didn't expect that when your mother didn't work she would always yell at you to cook because she was too 'busy' and you weren't.

You shook your negative thoughts "thanks Anri san I will be down there in a sec"

The only room that's easy to find is the cafeteria room because of the smell.

Once you entered the cafeteria your eyes landed on the dinner anri san prepared

"Wow it looks delicious, anri san is there anything you aren't good at?" You told her

"Hm good question"

And the dinner was good as it looks, while looking at the cafeteria you noticed how empty it is. You bet that tomorrow there will be a lot of food that anri san doesn't have to cook.

You're the first one here and that's no surprise, after all you're living here now.

You were wearing an oversized hoodie that you always wore to cover up your bruises.

"Do I really have to wait until they come?" You told ego with a blank look on your face.

"It's way better than being late"
"I live here how can I possibly be late?"

Ego sighed brats these days.

"I will check on my microphone if it still works, and you stay here"

After he went away you just stood there irritated. 5 minutes later you heard voices coming. And finally they're here.

But.. it was only guys..what the hell.

Soon the whole place was full. And you were looking for reo and nagi.

At last you found the tall white haired boy, if he wasn't so tall you couldn't have found them

"Hey guys!"

Reo and nagi looked up



It was bothering you ever since the stadium was filled, you finally asked

"Why the hell am I the only girl here?!" You told them frustrated, as you pulled your hood over your head.

"Uhm I thought you already knew?" Reo told you

"Yeah I thought so too" nagi said.

You gripped the end of your hoodie in frustration.

that ego he freaking knew it.

He didn't even mention it in the letter that I was the only girl.

I'm going to have a little conversation with him.

You glared hard at your so called uncle.

Oh he's going to get it...

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