Something unusual happened.

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There is nothing but quiteness, as the man walks in the room. The said man walks in confidently after paying the agents with everything he had. Normally he wouldn't do this, he wouldn't dare to give up his money for no reason at all. However this is another case.

Right now Hirotoshi Buratsuta walks in a prison, looking for a certain horrendous woman. The place is so weirdly quiet, it makes him wonder that the prisoners in here are going through hell, not like he cares though. If anything they deserve it.

As he walks he didn't notice the prisoners in there looking deadly sick, with their eyes all bugged out and saliva streaming out of their mouths, not breathing at all. Even if he did notice them he would still continue, his main objective stays.

After 10 minutes more of walking he finally reached the door and knocked. There was no agent there, not at all. So he just knocked and waited with his papers in his hands. Not long after the door slowly opens up, revealing a pale looking woman in her late-forties.

The woman looked tiredly at him ''What do you want?'' She looked irritated.

He only smirks ''Well..well is that any way to talk to the person who's going to get you out of this hellhole?'' Y\m eyes slowly widened at what he said, his words slowly progressing.

''You're going to get me out?'' she asks one word in slowmotion.

He chuckled under his breath ''Yes of course that's no problem from me..but on one condition we have the same reason don't you think? You don't want your daughter in blue lock and i don't want a girl that's related to ego jinpachi in blue lock i despise him for many reasons. And in exchange of that you'll turtore your daughter however you like'' he makes a deal.

When he mentioned 'your daughter' y\m gaze sharpened. Oh her hate for her only child is way too strong, if only her brother hadn't interfered back then. Her daughter would've been gone forever. Then y\m would've been happy and not suffering like this.

''Don't ever call that creature my daughter! But..i think i'll have to accept your offer do you have any plans?'' she slowly stood up and walked out of the cell.

''Oh i have a lot of plans'' They walked together out of the prison. And discussed their plans.

'This is going to be interesting'  Buratsuta smirked.


You grabbed the ball and slowly slid it towards the back of your heel. Nobody noticing how it went that fast, and then you shot it with all your might.

And goal team c wins!

So here you are on the field, playing once again. But this time you are on team C, unfortunately Reo isn't here with you and nagi but that doesn't matter for now. At least you've got to play with nagi. And to be honest he's got a good development from the first day you saw him playing football.

You high-fived nagi he reluctantly did so. It was 5-3 against team B. What a coincidence you've got to play with them again. You seriously wanted to get away from that cheating-looking guy that kept flirting with you. What was his name again...uh who cares?

This was the one last match, after this match you're sure reo will be playing and you were looking towards that but as of right now you want some sleep. Well first shower and then sleep. Sleeping without showering doesn't sit right with you. Unlike the white haired guy who sat there listening to his opponents compliments on how good he did. You side-eyed him. However you've got no energy to say something back so you went back to your own room and get ready to shower.

After showering you went back to where the guys were watching the matches, you were told to come here after you're done with playing your match. Maybe you could fall asleep. When you walked in you quickly dismissed the fact because there's no way you could fall asleep in a rowdy noise na-uh.

''Hey guys—uh where's Isagi?'' You approached chigiri and Bachira, and noticed that their best friend isn't with them, usually he is always with them.

Bachira happily waved ''Heyy~ [Name] chan you did good back then! Also Isagi is fast asleep'' He nodded towards where he is sleeping. 'God i would kill to have bachira's cheerful personality'

''Ah must be nice sleeping while everyone is way too loud''

Chigiri smirked ''And...why do you care? You've got a little crush or something?''

''Huh?! No way i was just asking'' You quickly looked away from their gazes, heat rushing towards your cheeks at the mention of that. You could hear Bachira and chigiri snickering.

You ignored them and changed the subject ''So this is the last match huh? I'm curious what we'll do after this''

They both hummed, like they're curious as well.

''oh look, there they are!'' bachira pointed at the screen that's displaying them.

''Looks like they're starting'' chigiri says.

Everyone is now quiet looking who's going to play against who.


As they were playing you kept cheering for nagi and reo. Well mostly Reo, you knew how much he wanted to prove himself to nagi. That's the thing with you, you can sense regarding their expression or behavior what's up with them.

''Yes come on reo! Score the goal!! Don't mind rin and shitdou just do it!'' you kept shouting along with the other guys. However as you were glued to the screen, you didn't notice that your phone kept ringing. the room was too loud, and you couldn't hear it obviously.

The match went by fast, you saw how rin scored the last goal. Moreover reo did his best, he really was awesome with copying play techniques. When the rowdy noise dimmed, you saw that your phone kept ringing.

''do something about your phone'' Raichi screamed at you.

''Okay geez no need to scream'' 

Huh that's weird, the nummer isn't saved..?

You quickly went out of the room and answered the phone, it could be from anyone, maybe it's a mistake nummer or something you were curious.

''Hello, my dear~''

That voice...You froze. Your body froze, everything froze in you. You forgot to breathe. Your hands kept shaking. That's not possible why is she calling me?

''Oh? Why are you not talking? Are you that happy to hear from me...that you can't form words?'' she kept teasing you. You were sure of it, that horror voice is your mother's voice. The mother that kept abusing you, for no reason. The mother that tried to kill you right before you were sent to blue lock. And also the mother that made you suicidal at a young age.

You took a shaky breath and finally managed to talk ''Why are you calling me? I thought that you were in prison and as much as i knew, there weren't any phone's in that place'' You whispered so that no one could hear you.

You could hear her menacingly chuckle, the chuckle soon turned into a villain laughing [your mother is not so much different from a villain] ''Well well guess what, i've just been offered a deal, and that man took me out of the prison, how lucky am i!! hehehee'' she is still the same. You knew it, as much as you wanted your own mother to be sane after her years in prison that's really impossible.

You wanted her to treat you like all the other mothers did to their kids. You wanted to get praised, if you did something good. You wanted to let her know that. But this woman isn't your mother. That's a beast. She is crazy really crazy. And now you just found out that she is out of the prison, very free. How could the guardians let that happen?

''How did you even get out? That's impossible'' You felt nauseous, you wanted to end this call quickly.

''Ah easy it's money!~'' she happily sung about money. Now you did end the call out of frustration.

Money seriously?! They all bought the money and let the most abusive woman on earth let out of the prison? How could they.

You slid down the wall, and held your head in frustration. You wanted to cry, to yell, to punch someone. Just do something. But you're in blue lock. You can't show your feelings in here. And Ego will later announce something.

''[Name]?'' It's isagi's voice. Did he hear that? You're too emotional to think further.

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