Team A vs Team C

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When Isagi entered blue lock, he felt his adrenaline rush from excitement, but also he felt kind of nervous but that's normal right? It happens to everyone once or twice a day. However he is the best at noticing someone's behaviour, for example Rin Itoshi is arrogant and keeps mostly to himself. Rin is arrogant, but that's because he is strong, he trained since he was young isagi guessed. And that's why he is arrogant with football, he knows he is the best, that's why he is that way.

But [name] is confident in herself, at least that's what isagi thought. She knows where she stands, whenever she scores a goal she pumps her fists in the air and shouts a quick ''Yeah!'' That's what isagi saw, when he supposedly watched the matches of [name] and her team. And he admits she's good, in fact he knows that she must've trained very hard. But there is something he can't point out. Just before the matches, after Ego Jinpachi announced the teams. And Nanase, Hiyori, isagi himself and [name] were formed. She was being anxious as if she never made friends before.

She fiddled with her fingers looking everywhere but at the group communicating with each other. Then that's when he figured it out 'so even the most social person can have some anxious side huh?'

He understand that he'd been there before he's anxious almost all of his life, making friends was too hard for him so he sticked out with only two friends. So that's when he helped her whispering to his now-teammates ''There is someone else too her name is—'' But he was interrupted when nanase shouted out ''OH! You're [Name]! I also heard a lot about you. It was said that you are very strong at football, well this is blue lock—'' then he blabbered on and on to be honest Isagi shut him up in his mind, but was relieved when he saw [name] blending in immediately. Thank god for nanase.

And now here they are in a match against Team B. After the cringey pick up line that guy that tried to hit on [name] everyone went back to their own position. Honestly Isagi can't wait to beat this team. Something—unusal happened in his stomach, maybe it's excitement or he's just nervous. But for some reason he just wants that ball thrown on that annoying pick up line guy face. Is that too much to ask for? He didn't even know his name.

''Let's begin!! 5-on-5, first to five goals wins! The gk will be a blue lock man as always!! The first match of the third selection's last stage. 'tryouts' ! A vs B!!''

With this match, i will prove my worth!


That's the first time hearing that the hollograms you trained with are called 'gk' but there's no time to question it any further. The match is beginning.

Kick off!

''I'm un-stoppable~'' Shidou sings loud enough for you to hear from behind. Right now you were staying behind, to guard the goal. Sure you knew the 'gk' are good enough to know when the ball will come, but just to be sure you stayed there.

The number 4 otoya eita[he said his name after introducing himself it was kind of funny] blocked shidou's attack fast enough, that nobody saw him. Even shidou didn't see it coming.

Shidou is now surrounded by two guys Otoya eita and some other guy. However isagi was also nearby so Shidou passed the ball to Isagi. As Isagi driblled past them he saw the opportunity to pass it to Rin. As they passed back and forth, chigiri came to stop a halt on Isagi's passing.

You were sharp as ever as you saw the ball coming to the opposite team, for now you were going to run and leave the 'gp' behind, so you ran up tot he ball and prepared your leg to counter it, however you didn't notice that someone else was running to the ball. As you two countered the football, shidou's right leg to the ball land and your left leg to the ball, you felt shidou's leg coming to your head as you fell down. Well at least the ball was scored.

1-0 team A.

''What the hell was that?!'' Isagi muttered in shock to Bachira, as they saw [name] arguing with Shidou about how he almost 'killed her' with his monster leg. And shidou saying something like 'It's your fault for being in the way' then [name] punched him in the face and walked away.

Hiyori is in the same state as Isagi is in ''Doesn't that hurt? If anything i don't think she could even stand..'' But she could, just a minute ago she slowly stood up, as if there's nothing to worry about.

''Well she is strong alright!'' Nanase added while smiling. The opposite team was also in shock, they were wondering if she could even play. And chigiri much to his dismay had flashbacks for what happened in his past life, it's almost the same. But that's not the case for [name] she is alright.


That was so goddamn embarassing, why would this happen? If only you saw shidou coming near the ball this wouldn't have happened. And his leg felt as hard as steel. Why did his leg hurt so much? But this was nothing compared to what your mother put you through. This is literally nothing , your leg only cracked a little and you could feel bruises forming up.

So you pushed all your thoughts aside and continued with the match.


The number 3 from the opposite team has the ball, Isagi tried to pick the ball up without him noticing but without much luck. And as things were getting intese you tried to pick up the pace running along rin, much to his dismay.

The guy is pretty good he managed to steer the ball away from isagi and Shidou and scored a goal, now it's 1-1.

Alright, this is getting interesting, you chuckled while stretching your arms. Rin as usual looked at you weirdly, and you ignored it. That's basically how your 'friendship' works. At least you call it friendship, rin calls it 'Lukewarm acquantaince'

Now it's the time to use your full strength.

You managed to not stay behind, you couldn't stay behind after all. It's pretty pathetic of you to think that you had to stay behind. The hologram thingy will do the work even though your kind of suspicous of them, considering your time with them.

Rin has the ball now, he passed it to shitdou. That's what you'll call him from now on 'shitdou'. Shitdou looked pretty pleased with himself after he passed the ball to isagi saying something like 'let's try the same thing as before isagi-chan'

That didn't go as planned as he saw karasu coming. His hand? He's using his body to block isagi's attack huh. Karasu is good, however you were more perceptive about it.So when you ran with all your might, to pick the ball up from karasu, they didn't saw it coming. More like the face on karasu's face was way too funny.

That didn't turn out well, as all the guys were surrounding you, you then saw a glimpse of rin from the side of your eye. You took that chance to pass while everyone is focused on stealing the ball.


Long story short the match ended with a 5-4 for team A. It was pretty funny to see shidou and rin arguing, over a goal. Isagi managed to calm them down even for a little bit, but you still laughed at the way they fought. Even though shitdou and rin doesn't have a great relationship they still managed to win. With you scoring a goal. And isagi, rin and shitdou too. It was amazing how excited you felt. You've never felt this way before blue lock. And you wanted to feel it again.









: damn we're already at chapter 23. last thing we know we will be in chapter 50...that's going to be a long road.









Till next week!!

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