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You walked to the room where they held your dad's cold body. There were two Police agents with you, you didn't know what to do or to say, you could only stare motionless. The two agents were talking in hushed tones so you wouldn't hear them but you still caught them.

''Is it okay for a three year old kid to see her dead father's body?!''

''It's not..but she has to know it she kept screaming 'papa where is papa! I want him now!' And the chief police also agreed to let her see her father's body even though it'll be very traumatising for her to see''

''Yeah but still...''

He wanted to say something but realised, they already arrived at the morgue. They kept looking for your father's body. You only looked down till they finally read his name

''Mick moon yeah that's his name'' He grabbed it from under and let it roll. Then took a deep breath

''Okay are you ready [Name]?'' He flashed you a pitiful look. It's going to hurt looking at the father you idolized for a long time. You hesitantly nodded.

He took the cover from mick moon's face away, then you finally saw his face. His face that always encouraged you to do what you wanted to do. His face that always joked around. Mick moon your father that always supported you no matter what. Three years of living and you knew all of that, most kids your age never understands you. So they never bothered playing with you. But your father always played with you, not because he was your father but he was also your best friend.. You could understand him, and he could understand you.

But now your father is gone. He killed himself. So now you're the only one that understands yourself.

You slowly head toward your father's body. You could feel yourself shaking, your motionless stare replacing with a disbelief look. 'It's real he really is gone'

You touched your father's face with your tiny hands, like he might've touched your face when you were born. You could feel tears forming in your eyes. This isn't fair. Why was this happening to you? Why? You just lost someone important to you. The one person that truly understood you.

''Why! Why did you have to die papa! Am i that bad to be around that you killed yourself why..'' The two agents could see her crying hugging her dead father's side with sympathy in their eyes. Why had this had to happen to a little child?

But then they saw her trembling, shaking, sweating. 'This is a panick attack i knew it we shouldn't have brought her here' the agent thought to himself, but then he looked around to find his co-worker helping the little kid, to get away from the disturbing sight.

''NO DON'T TOUCH ME I WANT TO BE WITH MY PA-'' then he injected her with a sleeping dose and she drifted off.

''She'll never be able to forget this''


''The deadline for voting has passed..''

You woke up to the annoying voice of Ego Jinpachi. This is the first time you were glad that he woke you up. The nightmares were getting worse, you didn't even know that happened when you were dreaming that. Had that really happened?

Your eyes were still getting adjusted while ego continued talking ''Please wear your uniforms and promptly gather up...but before that i need to discuss something with [name] so you guys can already pick out your uniforms but don't be late'' He said with a glare. You only looked at him with a deadpan expression ' gee can't you atleast say this to me beforehand?'

And also why the hell does he need you there for? You just woke up with a not so great dream if you do say so yourself. Can't you have a break goddamnit?! Okay nevermind it's not a 'not so great dream' it was a mf nicghtmare. But oh well.

You sighed and laid back for a couple of seconds. You could veel everyone's stare at you, but you just wanted to prepare yourself until...

''[NAME] GET BACK HERE NOW!'' you heard ego scream at you. You huffed out a sigh for the second time and got out of bed, everyone just stared in shock.

''What just happened?'' Tokimitsu asked himself

''Seems like she's getting scolded?'' Bachira guessed, he did seem worried about you.

''I hope nothing bad happens to her'' Isagi mumbles to himself.

You heard all of them, but choose to ignore on your way out you saw rin and he looked as if he wanted to say something.

''Yes?'' You ask in irritation, your patience is wearing thin. You needed to get out now.

''Don't you dare lose now..'' he said in a quiet tone. Oh? First time you ever heard him say that.

You quirked an eyebrow ''Who says i'm going to lose now?  anyways i'm going now he must be pretty pissed of now cya guys later!'' You waved to the guys. They said their byes and goodlucks.

As you walked away from them you chuckled to yourself. Why are they so dramatic? It's not like you'll actually lose..right? Ego probably just wanted to talk to you about something..yeah that's it.

You're not going to lose now. Not now. It's impossible to lose now.


''You're not needed here in blue lock'' was the first words that came out of ego jinpachi's words, as you walked in.

Your eyes widened, is this another dream if it is then you wanted to get out of here right now. But as much as you wanted this to be a dream you knew it was real, from the way the room smells. But you didn't understand why are you not needed here..?

''I-i don't understand, why now all of a sudden?'' you ask in bewilderment

From the corner of your eye you saw anri looking down as if she's ashamed. But your whole attention was on your uncle ego jinpachi.

He slurped his ramen in irritation ''I said what i said what more do i have to say get out of here, you don't want me to make you''

You just stood there frozen. Your whole dream was destroyed in a manner of seconds, but then ego clicked something on his phone. Then looked at anri, she nodded and hurried off.

''Or atleast that's what the elders wanted me to say..You know the elders aren't too proud that a girl like you is attending blue lock, More likely a niece of mine''

Your heart calmed down as he said this ''Why did you have to scare me like that! Say it like a normal human being''

''I had to do it to prepare myself for the worse anyways, i made some deals with one of the elders. For the last stage of the third selection i'll be making you go with two teams, you don't got to choose i will.''

Better than being disqualified.

You didn't got more room to talk as ego looked at his watch and shoved you away ''Get out now, and pick out your uniform, like i said tot he other guys do not be late''

''I can't be more later than i already am tho''

You've got to take a note for yourself. If you start the day with having nigtmares nothing will ever turn out right.

Your originally choice was team c. Not because nagi played in there, but also because you wanted to fully know how his strength now works. He truly improved himself at blue lock.

But now ego has to choose which team you'll play at. Wait you meant two teams. So it's like bachira huh?

You felt excitement pumping in your body system. All your shock from before were placed with excitement.

Who knows what will happen now?

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