3: Midnight Snacks

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It was half past twelve in the morning when we slipped out of bed and under the invisibility cloak. Paddy and Wormtail became Animagi to be less suspicious (a concept we would usually abandon in a week or two).

We crept into the dungeon, making sure to avoid Peeves, Filch and his cat.

"Do any of you know how to make a cheesecake?"


"I know it involves cheese?" Peter said, questioningly.

"And cake." James contributed, unhelpfully.

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe Wigby'll know."

Wigby was one of the many house elves working in the kitchen. He was thousands of years old and was 'Head Dessert Maker' in the kitchens. If anyone knows, it's him.

"What-cake?" He asked.

"Cheesecake. It's a muggle dessert."

"Never heard of it. I might have a recipe book somewhere though."

He dug through the cupboards until he eventually pulled out a dusty old book. He flipped quickly through the pages until he landed on the one we were looking for.

The writing was almost illegible. Luckily Sirius had plenty of experience and managed to interpret it.

"Alright, we need cream cheese, icing sugar, butter, biscuits, vanilla and cream."

"No measurements?"

He shook his head.


It would take a million words to describe the chaos which ensued after that point (many of them being 'fuck').

"For fuck's sake, Wormy, we want the butter melted, not burnt!"

"What's the difference?!"

"No- Pads- You said that goes in after the cream."

"Who the hell cares?"

"James, we want double cream not fucking squirty cream!"

"I couldn't find any. It doesn't matter, you can barely taste it!"

"Sirius, that's too much sugar!"

We looked at the bowl of random ingredients.

"That's too much sugar, Moony."

"I fucking told you-!"

"It's fine, we'll just blow some away-"



Immediately, we were covered from head to toe in the white dust.

Needless to say, any remaining hopes of doing this alone flew away with the icing sugar.

All four of us jumped when we heard a voice behind us.

"What the fuck is going on in here?"

{-Y/N L/N-}

When I walked into the kitchens that night, I did not expect to find the Marauders stood in the middle of it.

"What are you doing?"

They huddled together, trying to hide something on the counter from me.

"You know, stealing, cheating, misbehaving, like usual." Sirius attempted to lie.

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