5: Quidditch and Muggle Life

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{-Y/N L/N-}

I'd been back at Hogwarts for less than a week, and if there was one thing I was looking forward to more than seeing Remus, it was Quidditch.

Living with my Dad in a muggle town was nice, but nothing I did there could compare to the rush I
felt when flying on a broom.

Although, when I was home, there would be occasions when I went shopping or out to dinner with my family, and I saw Remus.

It would always be strange, seeing him in his baggy brown jumpers and jeans instead of his Gryffindor robes. His scarred face was always easy to spot in a crowd of plastic-faced muggles. His dirty blonde hair was usually gelled or brushed, which was rare to see at Hogwarts.

But not even Quidditch beats seeing his hazel eyes light up when we lock eyes from opposite sides of a restaurant.

I remembered just after we broke up after our fourth year, when we started getting really close. I'd been doing the big shop with my dad when I heard a familiar voice making a sarcastic comment on the next aisle.

I ignored it at first, thinking I'd imagined it.

"Y/n? Can you go get some crisps, and I'll grab what we need for the jam tarts."


I'd slid across the wet floors and turned the corner, catching sight of him.
The moment I saw the familiar scars across his face I knew it was him. He was wearing a white t-shirt, a brown cardigan and some baggy blue jeans. He was scanning the shelves. He looked up at me briefly, before doing a double take.

"Y/n?" I'd heard him say.

"Remus!" I exclaimed. I ran slightly, before sliding on the floor the rest of the way. I crashed into him, the pair of us narrowly avoided falling over.

I'd pushed my hair out of my face. "Hi!"

He laughed. "Hi! God, it feels like ages since I've seen you!"

"It's only been two weeks."

"Well, Sirius and James have been sending me non-stop letters. And Peter lives really nearby. So, what are you doing here?"

"Shopping, clearly." We laughed. "Yeah, I'm making jam tarts with my dad and he only likes the specific type of jam they sell here. And our usual shop ran out of Quavers." I'd grabbed a nearby bag from the shelf.

"Oh, right. Yeah, I'm just grabbing some sweets." He'd raised his basket. "My cousins are visiting tomorrow."

"Oh, cool."

I'd heard someone call my friend's name.

"I better go."

"Oh, one sec, I've just had an idea!" I dug through my pockets and retrieved a pen. I'd grabbed his arm, rolled up his sleeve and scribbled my address and home phone number.

"There. I expect a letter or a phone call as soon as you can."

He smirked at me, biting his lip. "I will."

"Bye!" I turned and slid on the floors. Later that night--

"Y/n L/n?" Amos Diggory called my name, bringing me to the present.

I shook the memory from my head. "Yeah?"

He laughed, shaking his head. "C'mon, daydreamer, it's your turn. Or do are you auditioning for a spectator?"

Oh yeah, Quidditch.

"Sorry." I mounted my broom.

I flew up into the air and saw Lily, Alice, Xen, Peter and Remus in the stands. To save time, every house was having their tryouts at once, so Tonks, Regulus, James and Sirius were all in the air too.

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