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Lisa promised she would help Jennie to keep it a secret. They discussed for awhile and Jennie decide to tell her mom and ask for her help.

When Jennie went back, her mom was not home so she decided to calm down and rethink about what she did.

She regretted what she did. She also reliased she had been distant from Lisa and she may have hurt Lisa alot in the past.

Soon after Jennie's mom came back. She was surprised how her mom was not as drunk as she usually were. In fact she was pretty sober.

Jennie told her mom everything. After Jennie finished speaking, it was silent for a few second. Suddenly a loud 'pak' sound was heard and Jennie felt one side of her face burning.

Her mother slapped her.

Then her mother told her to scram and never come back.

Jennie was angred. Her own mother slapped her and didn't cared about the child in her belly.

She took her phone and some money than ran out of the house.

Jennie wandered around and past by a convenience store. She went in and bought a cheap bottle of water and instant noodle. She put in some hot water and waited for the noodle to be ready.

After thinking for awhile, she decided to move to another town and look for a job.

She really wanted to eat cake so she looked for a bakery that she can work at online. She found this bakery called 'The Bae's' which is one hour away from where she lives. Enough distance for her to hide from her mom and friends.

Jennie felt sorry for Lisa but she didn't want to hurt Lisa more so it's best for her to leave. She sent a message to Lisa telling her not to look for her and went to a train station.

She bought a ticket to go to Seoul where the bakery is located.

When Jennie arrived, she asked people around if they know where the bakery is.

Finally she found it and went inside. She saw Jessica standing at the counter. She immediately went to her and ask if she could work here.

Jessica decides to talk with Jennie. After talking Jessica really wanted to help Jennie, so she let her work there and even offered her to live in their house.

Jennie didn't have an accommodation which she never thought about before coming. So she accepted the offer to live in their house.

- - -

After Lisa received Jennie's message, she went to Jennie's house to look for her. But went she went in, she only saw Jennie's mother laying on the couch with a bunch of bottles on the ground.

Lisa carefully sneak around her and went upstairs, she couldn't find Jennie. She then looked for the whole house and see no signs of Jennie.

She ran out of the house and went to every place that Jennie could be. At last she went home disappointedly.

She went back to her room and sat on her bed. Did she really loose Jennie this time? She wondered.

Monday, she gain up the courage and went to look for the school's gangsters. She asked them if they know where Jennie is but they thought Jennie just came late. So they just shooked their head and continue talking ignoring her.

Lisa walked away disappointedly. She decided to respect Jennie's decision and continue living her life.

But everyday she would still hope that Jennie and her will reunite again.

And she continued living like this for 7 years.

Jenlisa's friendship.
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