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It's been a month since the incident. Everyone has been living peacefully since then.

But, Jimin has been planning on something.

Jeongho is already 7 years old and turning 8 soon. And there was no need for Jimin to continue hesitating if he should marry Jennie.

Jeongho needs a father and Jennie needs a husband to help her with her life.

He already knew Jennie was the one he was going to continue living with. So he decided to propose.

He has been planning on how he should propose to Jennie. He bought the ring already but he is still deciding on how he should do it.

In the end, he decided to go simple. Simple but memorable.

Jimin prepared the ring and contacted the restaurant they often went to. He reserved a table for 2 and requested the chef to prepare the dishes he asked for.

After all that, he asked Jennie out on a date tonight.

- - -

"Where are we going?" Jennie asked while they went in the car after dropping off Jeongho at Lisa's.

"To the restaurant," Jimin replied after closing the door.

"Again? But why did you ask me to dress up?" Jennie asked confused since they went to the restaurant many times but always wore casual clothes.

"I wanted to be special this time." Jimin smiled and drove off to the destination.

- - -

"Mr Park, your seat reserved is over here." a waiter from the restaurant led them towards a table after they arrived.

"Thank you," Jimin said and gestured for Jennie to sit on the opposite side.

There were already waiters starting to serve after Jennie sat down.

"But we didn't order yet," Jennie said confusedly.

"I already ordered," Jimin replied with a smile, "I wanted tonight to be perfect for you."

Jennie glanced around the restaurant, noticing the soft candlelight and the gentle hum of romantic music in the background. It was different from their usual visits.

Jimin reached across the table and took Jennie's hand in his. "Jennie, there's something I want to talk to you about."

Jennie's heart raced as she looked into Jimin's eyes.

"Through the past few months, I've realized just how much you and Jeongho mean to me. You're my family, and I want to be there for you both, always."

Jennie nodded, her eyes tearing up as she stared at Jimin already guessing what Jimin is doing.

Jimin stood up and walked over to her side of the table. He took a deep breath, then got down on one knee. Pulling out a small, velvet box from his pocket, he opened it and there was a stunning diamond ring.

"Jennie, will you marry me?" Jimin asked.

Jennie's breath caught in her throat as she looked at the ring, then back at Jimin. Tears of joy began to stream down her face. "Yes, Jimin, yes!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around him.

The restaurant erupted in applause as Jimin slipped the ring onto Jennie's finger. They kissed, sealing their promise to each other.

So my exam just finished and I decided to write one more chapter.

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