Party Party Party (Chapter 18)

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The game went according to plan. I played in the midfield, trying to keep it secure in the defence and making some great passes in the offence. Leah played as a centre back, keeping the ball out of the box, passing and scoring a banger from a corner. Viv played as the striker, scoring twice. One of them were a pass from me, which landed at her feet, and she was able to tap it in. The other from Beth who played really great as usual. She crossed it in from the side and Viv managed to get a head on it. We won 3-0, and everyone was happy after.

I went up to hug my mom. She was on the other side of the fence, and I had to stand on my toes while she bowed down to manage it. It always felt great with her there. She managed to make me feel secure and appreciated. During our chat, she constantly talked about how great I played and how good the team was. I knew that we were good. We might have a shot at winning the league this season.

We all showered together, not that we had to. We all were adults and couldn't be forced to do it. But we wanted to. The atmosphere was amazing, we sang and danced. Leah was controlling the music. She played song after song, and everyone sang along. It was only songs that we all knew, trying to keep the mood up before we were going out to party.

I posted a picture on my Instagram. Decided between a few of them and ultimately decided on 3 of them. One of the whole team before the game, one of me and my mom and finally one of me jumping on Viv after she scored.

Second game and feeling better than ever. Thank you everyone who came and supported us. And thank you mom for coming here. Can't wait to see how this season is going to turn out!!

Andra matchen och det känns bättre än någonsin. Tack till alla som kom och stöttade oss. Och tack till mamma som åkte hit. Kan inte vänta på att få se hur den här säsongen tar form!!

We love having you here <3

That pass though🔥🔥

Sparkles on fire

Having Ottilia at Arsenal is such a blessing for all of us Arsenal-fans!! <<3

At around eleven we were all very drunk. We had played a game and eaten so the drinks hit harder than they used to. Drinking was enjoyable, even though I hated it. I used to drink to shut out my feelings, it did work for as long as I was drunk. When I drank to have fun with my friends I enjoyed it more. The guilt afterwards didn't come and the drinks lulled me into happiness. I was part of the group and I loved it.

"Want to get another drink?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I turned around and there she was, Leah. She looked beautiful. Even though her hair was still wet from the shower and her clothes were really relaxed. I hadn't noticed her beauty before. "Of course." I answered her, keeping my thoughts private. They should never get out, she could never like me in that way. "May I get two margaritas?" Leah asked the bartender. She quickly made them while Leah paid for them. "How much were they? I'll venmo you." I said while I grabbed my phone. "It's okay, they are on me." Leah said while pulling me in for a hug. "It's fine, you'll pay for the next ones." Leah said while kissing me on my head. It was a small sign of affection, something that most friends did. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach, maybe I liked her.

We danced with each other the entire night. Not a single word was said, but the silence and closeness said a thousand. A slower song came on and we moved even closer. The distance between us became nonexistent, and I put my head on her shoulder. She whispered something in my ear, I couldn't make out what she said. "What did you say?" I whispered back to her. "Nothing important." She whispered in my ear. "Just relax, Sparkles," she continued, still whispering into my ear. The dancing continued. When a faster song got on, the two of us got a second round of drinks. This time, I paid. After they were finished, we went back to dancing. It was like we couldn't stay away from each other. It was strange, since we had only known each other for a few weeks.

The clock turned two, and the club forced us all out. They were closing and we were all drunk. It was fair. Everyone laughed on the way back to our apartments. Beth and Viv had walked home earlier, they wanted some alonetime and it was fair. They spent ao much time with us and had no alonetime when I lived with them. "Can I sleep at your place?" I asked her. She was walking right beside me, hand in hand. "Why?" She asked me back. "I love Viv and Beth, but they deserve some time alone. And I was thinking that we are friends now, so maybe you could help me out?" I continued talking with her. We were both talking quietly, since we weren't the only ones walking here. Most of the team where here. Everyone lived close to each other and it was normal walking together. We were girls, in the middle of a city in the night. I would have never walked home alone, I was too scared of men to do that. "Of course, Sparkles, they deserve some alonetime honestly. And the two of us can have a sleepover." She said, smiling at me. At the same time she pulled me in for a hug. Our bodies fit so perfectly against each other.

I have a game tomorrow and we are too few people. We usually are 13 players and then 2 goalkeepers, now we are 9. Since I don't play soccer that is way to few.

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