London Boy (Chapter 32)

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"I'm sorry. I...I just can't do this now. I think we should wait." I blurted out, my cheeks growing red from embarrassment. "It's nothing against you. You have been wonderful. I just want to take it slow." I explained. My voice was higher than usual, and I could feel my eyes watering. It was embarrassing.

"Did I do something wrong?" Leah asked. Her eyes were filled with tears, and it made me feel so bad. Without thinking I pulled her in for a hug, trying to comfort her, and myself in the only way I thought was possible. "You did nothing wrong. I have just rushed into all my past relationships, and it never ended great. With you I want to take it slower, if you want to of course." I whispered against her neck.

"I agree, we should take it slow, see where it leads us." Leah answered, her voice more confident than before. Still, it gave me comfort. We stood like that for several minutes before we had to return to our respective apartment. 

I removed my makeup quickly, put on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie and got into my bed. The cats occupied half of it, and I had to slowly but surely slide into it. Their soft purring made me fall into a sleep without nightmares. Or that part maybe had something to do with a certain blonde. 

My alarm rang at the same time as usual, signaling that I had to get up or else I would be late to practice. The cats bolted towards my bed as usually. Running in circles around my legs until I arrived in the kitchen and gave them food. The two of them were so spoiled, having everything they wanted. They had expensive food, clothes, toys and places to hide. I thought of them like children, I always made sure they were well cared for. When I was away, I always forced friends and family to care for them. Some may call me crazy, I always responded that I just loved the two cats unconditionally.

I made breakfast quickly, throwing together some oatmeal and topping it with peanut butter, apples and cinnamon. I ate that with my phone in my hand. But before I could start eating I saw so many messages from mine, Nathalie's and Filippa's group chat.

How did the date go?

You need to update us

Are you there Otto?

Should I call the police?

You should not call the police. I'm alive and well

And the date went really well. We ate dinner at this beautiful Italian restaurant and talked the entire night. We also kind of kissed. Then I asked to take everything slow. I really don't know what she thinks about that, but I hope its fine.

Instead of waiting for their responses I checked my Instagram and TikTok. I got tagged in so many videos. Almost all of them were edits of me on and off the pitch. That was the part of the job I hated. Never being able to have any kind of private life. Luckily no one seemed to have noticed me and Leah yesterday. If they had, we would probably be the talk of the fans. Our relationship and them speculating whether we were together or not. 

 I drove to training alone. Having the music on high volume and singing alone to every song. Of course, I yelled at every incompetent driver. Like the ones who used their phone at a red-light and then stayed for long even after it turned green. I probably was less competent than other, failing in every round-about and driving slower and more carful than others. 

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