Chapter Five

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Ruby felt like dead weight on her feet. She had picked up a double shift, and the way her body ached, she knew she would feel it in the morning.

"Only a few more hours until close," Chelsea reminded her in a chipper tone. It was a packed house, and Ruby was sure Chelsea was enjoying the tips. She carried a tray of drinks to a table nearby, and Ruby watched for a moment, catching a breath.

"I'm giving you table 3," the hostess said to Ruby. "I'm apologizing in advance."

Ruby shot a look at table 3. It was a group of rowdy college boys, all cheering about something on the television. Ruby rolled her shoulders, plastered on a smile, and approached the table. She had worked enough shifts now that she felt comfortable at the restaurant, but having five pairs of eyes staring at her made nerves erupt in her chest. "How is everyone tonight?"

The boy closest to her grinned and he reached out, running a hand down her arm. It sent goosebumps racing down her skin, and Ruby stood there for a moment, letting it happen, but feeling a sense of ick well up inside of her.

If she wasn't on the clock, she would rip her arm away from him. Because she needed his tip, she gave him a smile, just shy of flirty. She leaned into his touch.

"What's a girl like you doing here in a place like this?" The guy said, running his eyes down her body. One of his friends elbowed him, but he laughed it off, his eyes swallowing her whole. He was the type of boy who would have talked down to her in a college class, the type of boy who would have snapped her bra strap in middle school.

She placed her hand on the back of his chair, almost touching his back. The wink she gave him made the corners of his mouth tip up. "It's a secret. Maybe one day, I'll tell you."

The boy brought his face a little bit closer to hers, enough for Ruby to smell the booze on his breath. She wanted to recoil, and her eyes looked up for a moment to try and find Chelsea on the floor, hoping to catch her gaze and send an SOS.

"How about you tell it to me tonight at my place?"

"Take your hands off of her." The voice that came from behind Ruby has her stiffening. She squeezed her eyes shut and thought to herself, not now, not now.

Because of course Atlas would catch her in an awkward situation. In an unprofessional situation.

The customer, who was still holding her arm, tightened his grip. "Excuse me?"

Ruby smiled apologetically to the boy, her head twisting back to look at Atlas. His glare was furious, even more than it usually was when she was in his presence. He didn't meet her gaze; his entire focus remained on the customer.

"You heard me." Atlas didn't take a step closer, but his words were threat enough. The boy let her go, causing Ruby to stumble back a step. She fought the urge to rub her arm where he had been holding her. Instead, she turned to fully face Atlas.

"It's fine," she said to him. "Go back to your table, Atlas."

He finally looked at her, his glower eating her whole. He was pissed, that much she could gleam. She could practically see him vibrate with anger as he stood there, overcrowding her space. He looked as if he himself would grab her and drag her out of there.

"You shouldn't be flirting with the customers. It's deplorable." Was all he said to her. He stepped around her, closer to the table of boys. He flattened his hands on the table, leaning forward. "And you shouldn't be touching the employees here. If the only women you can find to flirt with are being paid to interact with you, then you should reevaluate your personality and lack of charm."

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