Chapter Six

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Ruby straightened her shoulders. Raised her chin. Looked at herself in the mirror. "I can do this. I will stay here. I will not be kicked out."

She stared at her reflection. She had to admit, she looked a little timid. A little scared. She tried to force her expression to be fierce, to be angry. She wasn't about to back down, not when the envelope she held had plenty of money for rent.

Her first month at her apartment had flown by. And Ruby was going to persuade him to keep her as a tenant. She would be the best tenant there ever was, if it guaranteed her place there. "I can do this. I can face Atlas."

She marched her way down to the stairs. She wasn't even sure if Atlas would be in the landlord office that often sat empty, but rent was due. It was the first of the month. He had to be here, ready to collect his money.

Disappointment flashed on her face when she peered into the office, finding it completely empty. On the counter sat a little sign: DROP RENT IN THE MAIL SLOT.

There was a mail slot in the wall to the right of the counter, but Ruby wasn't going to drop her rent money in there. But, hope wriggled inside of her: he wasn't kicking tenants out yet. There was still time to change his mind.

"Does it ever get tiring, being where you're not wanted?" The voice behind her startled Ruby into nearly dropping her rent. When she spun, she put a hand to her heart. She hated that a part of her was thrilled to see Atlas standing there, his hair slicked back, his body covered head to toe in riding leathers. He held his helmet under his arm.

She was staring. She knew she was staring, but she couldn't help it. Heat rose to her cheeks as she ducked her head.

"I have rent money. I never got a notice about having to vacate, so I assume I'm living here another month?"

Atlas set his helmet down on the counter. He reached down, beneath the counter, and gripped a stack of papers in his hands. "You mean these notices? They're going in your mailboxes today. I guess I can just hand you yours."

Ruby lifted her chin stubbornly. "No. I have extra money. I don't mind paying a higher rent. But I need to stay here."

Atlas leafed through the stack of papers until he found her notice. He pressed it into her hand. "No can do, Sweetheart. In 30 days, you're out of here."

She eyed him angrily. She would read the notice later, in her apartment, but for right now, she settled on glaring. "I'll be homeless."

"Not my problem."

"I'll be homeless in a foreign city!"

"Again, not my problem." He tilted his head, eyeing her outfit. "Where are you going, dressed like that?" There was disgust in his tone. It made Ruby want to run back into her apartment and change into a different outfit.

"It's none of your business." She crossed her arms. "How much will the new rent be? I'm prepared to pay it."

Atlas ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "What part of no don't you people understand? How many of you are going to chase me down and yell at me? I bought this building, and it's mine to do whatever I want with. You're being evicted. End of story."

Ruby felt hopelessness grip her. She had expected the answer to be no, but even still, she felt let down. Disappointed. And the man in front of her didn't even care that he was taking a home away from dozens of people.

She spun, dropping her rent envelope in the mail slot. She tried to hide her shaking hands as she passed Atlas, keeping her head high. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry. As soon as she was in the hallway, on the other side of the office door, she shot him a nasty look. "I hate you."

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