Chapter Twenty-Two

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They were holed up in the library again. Ruby was reading a book on werewolf customs. Thomas was in the chair across from her, reading something else. They weren't talking, but the silence between them was comfortable.

She was reading up on werewolf pack dynamics. There was the obvious leader of the pack, the Alpha. Their second in command, the Beta. She read a little bit about the Omegas. It wasn't entirely new to her; at one point, she had been a teenage girl who read everything and anything involving supernatural teen heartthrobs.

But, the role of the Luna, it didn't sit right with her. Not a position she would want, Ruby decided. There was something a little irritating about being seen as the mother of grown men who didn't want to cook their own meals.

Madison was great, Ruby liked her, but she wanted more for Madison. Ruby's own heart lurched, knowing just how much Madison missed her friends. About how Madison spoke about the full moons, and having the night off to be with her friends. To be a normal girl, once a month.

Ruby wished Madison could have that every day. But it was clear in the history books: Lunas served one role, it seemed. House mother.

It was a good thing she wasn't married to Kierson, then.

Ruby turned the page. There was information on full moons, on how shifting worked. Ruby gobbled it up as if she were reading one of her fantasy novels. She had to admit, if she hadn't been kidnapped, she may have enjoyed this life. May have enjoyed hanging around with werewolves.

"You're awfully engrossed in that book," Thomas interrupted the silence with a tease. "Anything good?"

Ruby held up the book. "I'm learning about full moons. Of course it's good." She lowered the book, looking closer at Thomas. "Does shifting hurt?"

Thomas shut his own book and shook his head, leaning closer to Ruby. "No. It's second nature, at this point."

"Do you like sharing your mind with a wolf?"

Thomas grinned. "Sometimes he's annoying, but usually yes. I never have to doubt a decision when he's there. It's a bond like no other."

Ruby nodded, wrapping her head around it. "Have you always been Kierson's Beta?"

If the question threw Thomas off guard, he didn't react. "Kierson has been Alpha longer than I've been Beta. I'm younger, so there was someone else before me. But, like all positions of power, I fought and won this role."

"You had to fight?"

"In wolf form. It's tradition. Anyone could fight me right now if they felt they could do a better job. Hell, anyone could fight Kierson for his role as Alpha. It's how it works with us."

"Do you have to defend your job often?" That would be such a headache, Ruby thought to herself. She would hate that.

"Naw. People like my charm." He flashed another grin her way.

"So, be honest. Do you really think Atlas is killing people?"

Thomas was quiet for a moment, considering his words. Considering her. "Atlas is definitely killing people, but it's no secret that he kills the rogues who find themselves in his city. He's not quite so bloodthirsty, not like Kierson believes."

"And rogues. What are they?"

"Wolves without a pack. Typically, these individuals are looking for trouble. They don't like to conform to a pack mentality, or they were banished from their old pack. They don't like to play with others. Having rogues sniffing around is usually a bad sign."

Ruby nodded, as if all of this made sense to her. Newsflash, none of it did. She pressed her hands under her thighs, thinking about the crime of being a rogue wolf. "How do you know the territories? What if a rogue stumbles into the city by accident?"

Thomas shook his head. "No such thing. Our wolves always know territory lines."

"What if a rogue just wants to join a new clan? Can rogues do that? Or do you have to stay in your birth clan?"

"We can sniff out intentions pretty quickly. We'd know if a rogue simply wanted to join the family. It's not common. Most wolves want to be with their family, not traveling across the country to find someone else. Unless they're looking for power, which is also a red flag."

She felt like an elementary student trying to learn history. "So, is that why Atlas kills so many? They're looking to join his pack for power?"

The easy going expression slid off of Thomas's face. "It's no secret Atlas and his clan are incredibly powerful. Many want to be in his presence alone, just to see if they could kill him. Harvest his power for themselves. But Atlas knows how to take care of himself."

It almost sounded like a compliment. Before she could ask another question, Thomas stood up. He was looking at her strangely, like he was realizing something about her. "Do you hate it here? With us?"

Ruby's mouth dried up. She didn't want to lie, but if anyone realized just how close she was to running five miles, they would stop her. Lock her away again.

She forced a smile. "You guys are not as bad as I first thought. It feels... easy here, now. I can relax."

Something relaxed in Thomas. "Kierson isn't bad. He didn't have to let you live, Ruby, but he did. He's training you and treating you like, well, sort of like a daughter. He cares about your well being."

She didn't believe that for a single moment. Kierson did not care about her well being.

"A daughter?" Her hand found her throat and she felt her heart kick up a notch.

"He doesn't train anyone else here, Ruby. Nevermind a human. He's taking his time with you. Teaching you how to protect yourself against the creatures that walk this world. I do think he sees you as a daughter of sorts."

Ruby could have gone her entire life without knowing this. Because it painted Kierson as a good person when he was not. Not at all. If he cared about her, he wouldn't keep her trapped there. He wouldn't beat her up. She wouldn't need Thomas interfering with their trainings. But, she smiled instead.

"Sometimes, I wish I was like you guys. I wish I wasn't human."

Thomas gave her a sweet, patient smile. "I don't know, I like you the way you are. Human and all. There's nothing weak about you, Ruby. When I saw you in that cell..." Thomas trailed off to swallow the lump in his throat. "I saw a survivor in there. Someone willing to fight for their life. You aren't weak."

The words made her chest warm, and not for the first time, she wished she liked Thomas the way he was beginning to like her. She wanted, so desperately, to return the feelings instead of being held captive by what she felt for Atlas Langdon.

A stupid, stupid crush. An infatuation with an irritating man.

"Shall we get dinner?" She said, standing as well, placing the book down. "Madison was making a roast."

Ruby knew just how easy it would be to stay. To be meek. To leave her old life behind.

But she was ready. She was almost there, almost at five miles, and she would escape. She would be the survivor Thomas thought her to be. She wouldn't be the weak human Kierson had assumed she was.

A few more days. A few more days, and I'll be gone.

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