Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Well, well, well. Would you look at what we have here?" Kierson was all grin. He stood at his front door, arms crossed, eyebrows raised. "Atlas Langdon. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Atlas knew his clan were waiting for any word that he needed backup. But he stood alone with Brody, a sign that he was appearing to be nonchalant about the whole thing. "Kierson, I figured since you're practically in my city, I would at least come visit. See what you're up to."

Atlas looked around the clan base. It was only a little impressive, for a base that wasn't supposed to be there in the first place. "It's my understanding that you've spoken with Bloom. An interesting alliance."

Kierson's face paled at the mention of Bloom. "So what if I have?"

"I've decided that you've spent far too long here. And I think it's time you went back home. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. It's up to you."

Kierson's grin dropped immediately. "Excuse me?"

"Either I kill you and your clan, or you leave. Up to you."

Kierson barked out a laugh. "Kill me?" He shook his head in disbelief. "You think you can kill me?"

"I think you made a mistake coming here in the first place. Our clans don't get along, and it's obvious you're here to spy. Do you think I wouldn't notice that you have humans planted in my city, watching my every move? I've let them stay, of course, but that's all ending. My spymaster has taken care of every last one of them. And you're next."

Kierson took a step back. Atlas watched as the woman next to him, his mate perhaps, reached out to touch his arm reassuringly. Kierson shook her off, red hot anger passing over his face. "What the fuck? You've murdered them?"

"And their families. Can't have any traitors in my city, Kierson. You know that."

"You've murdered innocents?" Kierson's mate gasped. A hand went to her delicate throat.

"Unfortunately, your mate criminalized them. As soon as he employed their spouses, they became collateral. It's just the business." Atlas shrugged, then aimed a look at Kierson. "Doesn't feel so good now, does it? To be involved in shady business like that?"

Atlas could see the moment it happened. Kierson's eyes flashed, his body trembled, his teeth snarled at him. But he was ready, and by the time they both shifted into wolves, both shot forward with teeth ready to snap. Atlas drew blood first, his teeth latching onto the tender skin of Kierson's neck. The bite alone was enough to push the other alpha down, forcing Kierson to lay and thrash.

"Now. Back up needed now." Atlas was quick to utter down the pack link, calling forth the rest of his clan. It was foolish, really, to assume that Atlas wouldn't have his full pack at his disposal, while Kierson only had a few select wolves at the ready.

Kierson wormed his way out from underneath Atlas. He retreated a few steps, then lowered himself in a defensive stance. Atlas stood proud, watching Kierson like a hawk. The rest of his pack fanned out around him, ready to fight anyone else that wanted to join in.

Brody was still human. "Ready to leave, Kierson? Or do you still want more?"

Kierson shot forward, snapping down at Atlas, trying to find purchase. But Atlas was faster, stronger, more prepared. He leapt back, a toothy grin stretching across his muzzle, and then he launched himself at Kierson.

This spurred on other wolves. Members of Kierson's pack rushed forward, shifting and beginning to attack. But Atlas's pack was ready, meeting them all halfway. It was a bloodshed. Atlas couldn't really tell who was winning, only that Kierson was showcasing more stamina than expected. He was covered in his own blood, head to toe, and it matted in his fur. It ran down his face and into his eyes. And as grotesque as it looked, Kierson still pushed on. It was as if the blood didn't bother him, nor his wounds.

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