Jonathan Dos Santos part 1

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(Jonathan's POV)

It's been almost 2 years since I saw my best friend, y/n. The last time I saw her was at our graduation. It had been the best few years of my life. Meeting and becoming friends with her was a dream come true. Everytime I called her in the morning, I enjoyed hearing her groggy voice. It was cute. Everytime that she laughed, smiled, blushed...

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a huge football had almost hit me in the face.

"What the hell bro! You were supposed to header the ball, not stand there, daydreaming about y/n!" He wriggle his eyebrows when he said y/n's name. I was at practice training with the Mexico national team. We were playing Copa America in a couple of days and needed to be on the ball on that particular day. It was our first game we were playing together.

I turned around to see Coach blowing his whistle, telling us to go over to him.

" Well done team, good training today. But Jonathan, make sure you are fully awake when one of your teammates pass the ball. It could be vital when we actually play the opposing team and could lose us points in the leaderboard. Few points may be what we need to win the Copa America Cup." This was typical of Coach. He was always rambling on about this. Though it was true the fact that I needed to pay attention too. After a huge lecture from Coach and me having to apologise, he finally dismissed us.

Just as I was about to head out for a drink with my teammates, I heard a familiar voice call my name. Only one person had called me Jon.

Sorry the chapter was so short (exams). Another part is coming up though. Who do you think its going to be? Please vote and comment. Don't be a ghost reader.

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