Giovani Dos Santos

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Dedicated to _FOREVER_LOVE . If you are a One Direction fan then I would check out her recently published book. I would appreciate it if you could vote and comment on her book. Love your book btw and may God bless you with lots of votes and comments. Keep it up!

"Brian meet Giovani. Giovani meet Brian." They shook each other's hand while greeting each other. I was so happy for my best friend and my husband to finally meet. I practically dragged Gio out of our house in order for this to happen. He was constantly asking me questions about him and always managed to revolve around me. But I can't really blame Gio, if I were him, I would do the same.
Gio tried to keep a straight face throughout the whole time he was talking to me. All I could see was my hubby's hands balled into a fist every time Brian touched me. I don't see why he was so angry.
"Oh my god, I'm a huge fan of LA Galaxy, especially YOU! Who'd had known that Maria Lopez would be married to a professional footballer player like Giovani Dos Santos?" He clapped his hands when he said that. Gio glanced at him as if he was a lunatic and stared right back at me rolling his eyes.

Brian was known for his femininity. But that's what I loved about him. Besides the fact that he was fun to be around, he could also be a nightmare. Whenever we would go shopping, we would receive many cold stares from old women and mothers who were buying lingerie or any of those stuff. Why? Well this was because he was either imitating celebrities whilst holding up female undergarments or in a argument with one of the shopkeepers. As a result of these situations, I always make up stupid excuses such as: "I already went with Giovani" or "I went the other day".

Giovani's POV 

Why did I have to come to this place with HIM? I always hated it when she hung with HIM. I know this was her best friend and that today was the first time she had seen him ever since I married her, but, it was still hard for me to not feel jealous or left out when she talks to a man other than me. Was this normal for me to feel this way? Do all husbands and boyfriends feel like this? As silly as this sounds, I always felt that she loved them more than she ever did with me when she hung around with Brian. From the corner of my eye, I saw Maria peering under the table so I also did. I finally realized why she did. My hands were balled in a fist and was constantly tapping my foot. I immediately stopped. Looking up, I watched Brian with interest. He seemed to touch her non-stop or always do a silly action which caused her to laugh. I couldn't remember the last time that I had made her laugh like that but this Brian seemed to do by the click of my fingers.

After a fully 30 minutes of me being non-existent to them, they finally looked up at me and started to have a "conversation" with me. Brian was the first to talk.
"So how's the fame and being in the spotlight going?" Brian asked.
"Good" I replied, not wanting to make any more conversation with him. But him being Brian, he wouldn't stop.
"I'll be right back. I need to go to the toilet".
"Ok" we both replied. I gave him a dirty look. Please hurry up Maria, I don't want to be here any more longer.
"So..." he whispered. He continued
"So how many other girls are there?"
"What?" I said confused.
"I know what you are doing especially with you being famous. I know that there is somebody else, isn't there?" he hissed. Who did he think he was strolling around thinking that I was cheating on my wife? Where is he coming up with this bullshit?
"Wipe your mouth Brian, there still a tiny bit of bullshit around your lips!" I exclaimed. He stood up.
"Who the hell do you think you are cheating on my best friend? You don't think I know people like you. Footballers say they love their wife but when they don't fulfill some of their deeds, they go and fuck some other girls." What the hell? What is wrong with this motherfucker? Suddenly more and more people began staring at us amused by this situation. A group of old women tutted and rolled their eyes and muttered "young people these days" but I didn't care about that at the moment. I had this thing to deal with. Both of my hands were balled into fists and my chest rose up and down due to my heart racing. I flipped the table aside and moved towards Brian who seemed to be surprised of my actions and began to move back with each step I took forwards.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" I smirked.


Exiting the toilet, I walked around the corner and what was round there shocked me. My eyes soaked in the view, my eyes widening as I thought of what caused this situation to occur. I ran to the scene grabbing Gio's hand which was now swollen. I turned around to see Brian on the floor, holding his head, his mouth wide open. 

"Bri-" He got stood up and ran, well more like limped his way out of the cafe.

"Gio-" He placed his index finger on my lips, held my hand and almost dragged me out of the cafe within minutes. He walked straight to the car, no noise peeping out of him, opened the door and slammed it shut as he sat down. I, on the other hand, paced my way to Gio's car, trying to reach him and sat down in the car. The rest of the journey back was silent and very awkward.

This is yet another chapter completed. I don't really think this chapter I write was good because I was rushing this. But I just wanted to wish everybody a HUGE happy new year and hope that 2016 showers us with many blessings and successes. Once again, please vote, comment and follow to receive updates of Football Imagines. Let's get this book to 10K +! I also wanted to say happy birthday to those who is celebrating new years day as well as their birthdays (one of them being my dad). Thanks for reading guys and remember, please don't be a ghost reader. If there is something you would like to recommend or say about the story, you are welcome to comment on my story. LOVE YOU ALL READERS!!!!!!!!!!

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