Rafinha Alcântara

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Dedicated to photomath . Love your book btw! 👍. Keep the good work up gurl! 👏
(Y/n POV)
Today was the day. I was going to the Barcelona dance competition. Just in case you didn't know what the Barcelona dance competition was, it included different dances around the world competing for the cup. But, there was a catch. The winner had got to meet a random surprise celebrity. That would be amazing!
I sat down and stared into space, imaging myself holding that golden trophy along with dollars falling from the sky. To be honest, I really didn't care if I won or not because at the end of the day, it was taking part that really counted. But, still, I was going to try my best and hopefully just dance my way to the final. Today I was going to be performing to "All Eyes On You" by Meek Mill & Nicki Minaj ft Chris Brown. I absolutely love that song. Whenever it came on, I would start dancing along to the track, not giving a care in the world. It was as if, when that song came on, everything around me would go blank and disappear, just me and my body jumping to the lively beat. Everybody else would be nothing else but blurry. That just felt amazing. You wouldn't understand unless you actually dance as your hobby or do it for a living.
I stood behind the stage and raised my index fingers in the air and said my prayers, hoping that God would help me win this and that the celebrity is a good looking one (not a female, I hope!)
"Please welcome Miss Melissa Rodriguez to the stage."
"The trophy goes to... Miss Melissa Rodriguez." The commentator announced, the audience roaring and cheering. My friends and family at the front row were screaming my name, congratulating me. I walked over to the edge of the stage, the judges passing me the golden trophy. I can't believe I won $250,000!!!!
"Any words Miss?" He handed the microphone to me.
" I just wanted to say a huge thanks to my friends and family for supporting me and helping me reach my potential. Without the support of my relatives, I wouldn't have been able to reach this far. I also wanted to thank for the amazing audience for watching me. Thank you everyone!!" Everybody cheered my name. I waved goodbye and exited the stage. Mel and Jai squealed and showered me with positive phrases.
"Miss Melissa!" Someone yelled from behind. I turned around to see the commentator.
"I'm not sure if you remember but the surprise celebrity has arrived and is ready to see you." I gasped. I had completely forgot about that.
"If you may..." He motioned me to a different room. As I was about to enter the room, all kinds of questions were going through my mind. Who was he or she? Were they really that famous? Will they be someone I like? I opened the door and it revealed the Barcelona player, Rafinha Alcântara, hands in his pockets. He was wearing a Jack Wills v-neck t-shirt and dark blue skinny jeans which hugged his perfect body along with black and white Air Max's, leaving his gorgeous dark hair in a quiff. Well, damn! He looked good looking on TV let alone in real life. I looked up to see him scanning my body. I felt a bit insecure when he did that. He smirked.
"Well..." he stared at me up and down.
"Melissa" I put out my hand. He shook it, kindly returning the favour.
"I was expecting a aaaahh from you, you looked like the typical fan girl." He laughed. I squinted my eyes, giving him a dirty look.
"Ok maybe I'm not that well known."
"Of course I know you but I'm not one of those 'typical fan girl' that screams in your ear and jumps up and down trying to touch me." I raised one of my eyebrows,amused by his behaviour. Typical footballer. They were all like that. They all enjoyed the attention and the screaming of fans. And yet they complain about it!
I am really surprised about my behaviour. I would usually be loud in front of my friends but really shy in front of strangers. Well he wasn't really a stranger to be honest. He was a CELEBRITY after all! Hello, Melissa wake up you doofus! This is THE Rafinha from THE Barça club. He must have seen my facial expression when I was deep thinking because he smirked.
"Well, Melissa Rodriguez, do you like what you see?"
"How do you know my full name when I haven't even told you about it?" He shrugged. I will get to the bottom of this. I stared at him intently still expecting an answer. He sighed, defeated.
"Alright, alright!" He held both his hands in the air.
" I kinda researched you up on the internet because I saw one of you videos on YouTube. It's gone viral." He scratched the back of his head, his cheeks turning a dark shade of red. Wow, who'd expect that! A professional footballer watching dance videos of me, an average girl who lives in the poor suburbs of Philadelphia. I guess this was now my time to tease him about something. I covered my mouth, attempting to hide my stifles.
"What's so funny?" He asked, staring at the floor.
"Who'd have known that a football player watches hip hop dance videos!" I laughed through the sudden silence of Rafa.
"You're a very pretty girl." I blushed, my shyness kicking in.
"How would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked, moving closer to me until there was no space left between us. I continued to stare at the ground. Rafinha cupped my face and lifted my chin up so I could look him fully in the eyes. Staring into his dark eyes, this foreign feeling grew from the pit of my stomach which I didn't seem to figure out. I suddenly had the feeling to kiss him. I don't know if it was just my hormones or me but I still continued to stare into his eyes, an awkward silence in the room.
"Ye-ye-yes" I stuttered. Before I could mention anything else, I felt Rafa plump lips on mine, both of our hands on each other's necks. He deepened the kiss, his hands trailing down my back onto my ass. He bit my lip asking for entrance and I opened my mouth letting his tongue roam around mine, exchanging each other's saliva. His hands moved up and down my ass and as he did that, I felt his hard manhood on my inner thighs, making me moist below. He released me, making me feel breathless and disappointed.
"Meet me at Michelin restaurant at 8pm tonight. Don't be late." He left the room, leaving me speechless of what just had happened. It's surprising how somethings just happen in life, you know?

So sorry guys. I know I keep on complaining but now I'm going to be in Year 11, I've got my GCSEs coming up and am sad to announce that I will not be updating as much anymore. I will try and do it every now and then but it will be a while each time I update. When school finishes for me, I will be going on holiday to my hometown, Somalia. I can't wait to see my family. So I won't be update until a very long time. I also wanted to mention that requests are now officially closed.   Keep voting and commenting my loves from all around the world. ❤️❤️❤️❤️👍👍😘😘😘😘. Hope you all had a nice holiday and will have a successful year.

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