Giovani Dos Santos Part 2

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OMG!" I screamed. Lets just say that I looked like a queen.

"So I guess you like it then by the amount of screaming which has deafened us by the way." she complained, I turned around to see both of them still putting their hands on their ears. Tonight I was going to wear a simple black dress which was laced at the back and had showed some of my cleavage along with black and white high heels. I peered at myself at the mirror and couldn't believe that I was saying this but, I looked beautiful.

"I'm ready!" I yelled almost falling off.

"Alright lets go girlies and partayy!" she shouted.

"Wow girl I guess I really did a great job!" Jade complimented. I looked back awkardly. As soon as we got out of my house, we all got into the back of a huge black limo which could fit over 10 people. I absolutely love my dad. If it wasn't for him, then we would have to call for a crabby cab which would barely fit us three in. We all wanted to make an enterance like all the other ex- classmates. We wanted to be better than them. The cab driver opened the door to let us out. After murmuring a "thanks" to him, we looked up to see my old school which looked like the Playboy Mansion. There was purple lights on either side of the place covering the school. This looked exactly like a nightclub. Around the corner, I saw about 5 young looking men smoking and dragging themselves back in. Wow, its been almost half an hour and they are getting drunk already! It must've been their first time drinking. It was like that for me. I had to get dragged out of the club by Amber and Jade, them holding either side of my body.

"Lets go in!" Jade sounded too eager today.

"Jade are you sure you didn't drink before we got here?"

"No I'm definitely sure!" We all entered at once, looking gobsmacked. Wow, the people that have planned this out had really outdone themselves! The place looked amazing. All we could hear was the booming of the music around us and see blue and purple lights flashing at our faces. I greeted some of my old classmates, even the ones that you call the "sluts". They all seemed really nice now compared to what they were before. Just as I was about to talk to another, me, Jade and Amber's favourite song came on.

"Oh my god, oh my god this is our song girls!" I screeched over the loud music. It was called Watch Me Whip by Silento. Whenever that song came on, we always started whipping and nae naeing. When we started dancing, I only just realised that everybody was clapping to the rhythm of our song, circling around all of us. I never realised we got that much attention. As soon as the song finished, I went to fetch for a drink.

"I'll be right back!"

There was only one drink left. Just as I placed my hand on the drink, another hand placed itself on top of mine. I stared at the hand wide-eyed. My eyes trailed up to see a muscular, chocolatey skinned boy who I didn't seem to recognise. I looked up to see him stare back, squinting his almond eyes at me. I recognised my other classmates except HIM. Why couldn't I recognise him?

"I guess that you can't remember me then, O'Brien?" he continued to stare at me as if he was looking through me. Nobody else called me that apart from... No it couldn't be! Oh my god! It was the school's bully, Gio Dos Santos.

" Of course I remember you, Dos Santos!" I said, giving him the death stare. He seemed very surprised that I actually remembered his name. After a full 10 minutes of deep thinking.

"I never thought that I would be recognised."

"Well I never thought that you would know who I am." Only just noticing that his hand was still on top of mine, I quickly tried to take my hand away but he just didn't seem to budge.

"Do you mind?" I murmured, hoping that he wouldn't hear. I was wrong.

"No, I think that I am perfectly enjoying all of this actually. Loved your dance by the way." A deep chuckle escaped from his lips.  I blushed. We continued to stare into each other's eyes for a while without saying anything. Well, this is awkard. I broke the silence.

"Well instead of just staring at each other, why don't we just..." I was suddenly interrupted by Gio's lips on mine. I was quite shocked of what just happened. I'd admitt that I had a crush on him all throughout high school. No, a HUGE crush on him. But of course I wasn't going to tell him that. I seemed to be enjoying this actually.

The kiss became more heated and urgent by the second.

"I know that you never thought this but I only kept on bullying you the most because I wanted to recieve your attention. Back then, I was a bit of an idiot then so I'm sorry for causing you any problems in school. But then I regret the type of friends that I hanged around with. I always thought that by bullying others, I was earning more friends."

Woah! Did not see that coming.

"I...I dont know what to say!" He placed his index finger on my lips.

"Just... dont say anything." From there, the kiss got deeper and next thing I knew was that I was laid in a huge bed which I don't remember sleeping on.

Sorry for not updating in a while. I was busy with skl and stuff. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Marc Bartra request chapter coming soon!

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