𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1-𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒

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(The picture up top is true, 'cause I am from Texas)


No one's pov

A bus with rat features was running across the tops of buildings in the city, people screaming for help inside of it. A blonde girl with a big ponytail, with an anime magical girl outfit, a cat with white and coffee-colored spots and with a round body, and a girl with a spider-like appearance with two sets of arms and eyes, pitch-black skin, and wearing a rock-star outfit with high-heeled boots.

"Hold on, citizens!" The blonde girl, Fionna, shouted.

"There's nothing to fear, 'cause we are here!" The spider being, Y/n, said.

"Fionna, Y/n, and Cake to the rat-scue!" The magic cat, Cake, added.

As the rat-bus tried to climb up a building from some scaffoldings, one of the passengers fell out and is behind up by another passenger, then the both of them fell out as the rat-bus started climbing up. "No!" Fionna yelled. "I'll get 'em!" Cake said as she jumped off the ledge. "You two got a bus to catch!" Cake stated as she dived down for the two falling passengers.

Both Fionna and Y/n, the sisters, scaled the building by the scaffoldings until they reached the top as the rat-bus started to run away. "Fionna, stab!" Fionna exclaimed as she picked up a pipe and threw it. "Why not a little boost while we're at it?" Y/n rhetorically asked with a smirk as she quickly made an electric guitar with her webs, that were coming out of her fingertips, and started plucking the strings, making a sonic boom and giving the pipe a speed boost. The pipe made contact with the rat-bus's back right wheel, making the rat-bus squeal in pain as it started to loose control.

"Tit for tat, rat!" Fionna taunted in victory. The rat-bus got up and screeched in rage and started running towards the sisters. Y/n quickly made a hammer with her webs and handed it to Fionna. A nail caught on the rat-bus's back right tire, making it crash into the scaffolding. Fionna, Y/n, and the rat-bus fell off the building, Fionna and the rat-bus landed in a hotel's rooftop pool, and Y/n landed on a different rooftop, damaging her top right arm and ankle.

"Fu-uck!" Y/n cursed, clutching her arm, her voice trembling as she held back a scream of pain. She looked over to where Fionna and the rat-bus landed, breathing through clenched teeth, showing her fangs. She got up, almost falling back down but regained balance and walked over to the edge of the building to see Fionna on a floatie. That's when she saw the rat-bus rose from the water, screeching, looking angry as ever and ready to attack her. "Fionna!" Y/n and Cake yelled in worry.

Just as it was about to attack her, a snowflake hit the pool water, making it slowly freeze over. Y/n looked over to the building across from the hotel to see man with icy-blue skin, both his long hair and his suit were as white as snow. And his companion was way bigger than a normal bird with the head of a penguin with ice lining across the top of its head, and has a small, red bowtie. Y/n let out a sigh of relief and web-slinged to the hotel roof.

Just as she landed, the Ice Prince used his ice powers to give Fionna ice-skates.

Just as Y/n was about to join the fight, she heard an alarm blaring loudly in her ears before she fell back, knocked out.

Y/n's pov

I woke up with a gasp, sitting up. I looked around the room as I panted, seeing that I was in my room of the apartment. 'Ugh... I didn't get to finish my dream and meet Chafer' I pouted in thought. I realized that my alarm was still ringing to the point that it was getting annoying. I pressed the button to turn it off and laid back down in bed with a tired and annoyed groan. I was in that position for a few minutes before I sat back up, pulled the covers back and got out of bed, and walked over to my closet. I looked through it and found my uniform with a sigh. "Time for work..." I muttered as I took the uniform off the hanger.

Insects and Arachnids Don't Mix (Scarab x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now