𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 3- 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕮𝖆𝖙 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕹𝖊𝖜 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉𝖘

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When it was time to leave work, I got a text from Fionna saying that Cake disappeared somewhere and needed help. So, being the big sister I am, I decided to help her, and Scanlon and Preston also decided to help.

The sun was setting, and we had no luck finding her. Fionna was calling for her as me and Scanlon searched the bushes by the park's fountain. Meanwhile, Marshall, Ellis, and Preston were sitting by the fountain, drinking a bottle of wine.

"Thanks to you three geniuses, the three of us have been searching for hours." Fionna stated as she took the bottle out of Marshall's hand and took a giant swig of it. "She can't have gone far with those stubby little legs." Ellis said. "Yeah, she'll turn up." Marshall added. "Exactly! It's not like she would just abandon you, Ella." Preston. "Her name is Fionna, Preston." Scanlon stated. "Oh, sorry." He apologized.

"I know this sounds nuts, but I swear I saw her jump into a sparkly blue... portal. In an ice-cream cart." Fionna said, holding the bottle close. "You are right. That does sound nuts." Marshall said.

"Nah, man. Don't doubt yourself. Listen to your guts!" Ellis exclaimed before messing around with his winter jacket. "Look for the blue portaaalll." He said in a hushed tone. Ellis then fell asleep, Marshall followed, and Preston did the same, making me groan in annoyance.

"Scanlon, can you take Preston home? Please?" I asked. "Are you sure?" He questioned as he walked over and hoisted Preston over his shoulder. "Yeah, sorry that you had to spend the afternoon like this." I said. "Hey, if it's with you, then it is okay. See you at work!" He said before he walked out of the park. "See you at work!" I waved.


It was now nighttime, and me and Fionna were setting up hand drawn 'Have you seen this portal?' posters. I can tell Fionna was getting very tired. I heard Fionna mutter something before leaning forward against the lamp post and sleeping. "Okay, little sis, time to head home!" I said. As I was about to pick her up, someone walked past us and was going to unlock the door to a bakery. "Gary?" Fionna muttered, to which he let out a yelp, dropping his bag.

"Cheese doodles, Fionna! You scared me half to death! Oh, hey Y/n." Gary said before he noticed my presence as he went to pick up his groceries. "Hey." I greeted back. "What are you doing?" Fionna asked in her tired voice. "Just, uh, gotta get that morning dough started." He nervously said.

"Also! Have you seen Cake? She ran away." I asked. "Possibly in this portal." Fionna mumbled, pointing to the badly drawn portal on the paper she put on the pole. "Oh, no. I'm sorry, Fionna. Is there anything I can do?" Gary asked, feeling pity for my little sister.

"A frozen-triple shot latte would be nice." She said, attempting to get rid of her tiredness from her eyes. "Absolutely! Come in. Come in." He ushered, opening the door. "Is there anything that you would like, Y/n?" He asked. "A simple f/f ice cream would be nice" I said as me and Fionna walked in.

Me and Fionna walked up to the counter. We both put down our luggage, and Fionna slammed her head against the tabletop. "Maybe you should take a nap." Gary suggested. "Nah. I'm good." Fionna groaned. In a few seconds, Gary put what Fionna asked for in her hand and gave me my ice cream. "Thanks."

"I'm gonna get started, and then we'll scour the city!" Gary declared as he walked into the back of the bakery, and Fionna started to drink her latte. As i started to consume my cold, sugary treat, I felt an aching pain in my head. "Brain freeze!" I shouted. Then Fionna let out a pained scream. "Gary! Too much ice!" She exclaimed.

I looked down at my ice cream and saw light blue sparkles emit from it. 'Huh?' I thought in confusion. I then saw a blue glow coming from the freezer, and Fionna saw it, too. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" I asked. "You mean the freezer glowing? Then yes." She muttered. The both of us walked over to it, almost like we were in a trance. I opened the door and a portal started growing from it. "Cake?" Fionna questioned before she poked it. I quickly grabbed her as she was sucked it, which unfortunately took me as well.

Insects and Arachnids Don't Mix (Scarab x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now